St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology(SANCET) Welcomes You!!!


An Eco Club, short for Ecology Club, is a student-led initiative that focuses on promoting environmental awareness, sustainability, and conservation within a community. These clubs play a vital role in engaging and educating individuals about the importance of environmental issues and encouraging collective action to protect our planet. The primary goal of an Eco Club is to create a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment. Eco Clubs serve as a beacon of hope, showcasing the power of collective action and individual commitment towards creating a greener and more sustainable future.


S.No. NAME Designation
1 Mr.A.sundara Pandiyan AP/EEE
2 Mr.Manikavasagam AP/CSE

In our college premises we have different type of garden namely 1. butterfly’s park 2. Herbal garden 3. kitchen garden 4. Avian park 5. Green canopy 6. Archard.
BUTTERFLIES PARK: Nestled amidst the lush greenery of a tranquil landscape, the Butterfly Park is a haven where nature's vibrant and delicate wonders take center stage. Upon entering the Butterfly Park, a sense of serenity envelops the soul. Meandering pathways wind through lush gardens, each carefully cultivated to provide the perfect habitat for a diverse array of butterfly species. The air is filled with the delicate fragrance of blooming flowers, a fragrance that acts as an open invitation to the butterflies, attracting them to the park in a harmonious ballet between flora and our campus nearly 20 types species of Butterflies are present..

HERBAL GARDEN: The herbal garden is a symphony of life, where a diverse array of plants with medicinal, culinary, and aromatic qualities coexist in perfect harmony. As visitors’ step through its gates, they are immediately enveloped in an aromatic embrace, carried on the gentle breeze that carries whispers of lavender, rosemary, mint, and an array of other fragrant herbs. Each plant tells a story – of ancient remedies, culinary traditions, and the interconnectedness of humans and the natural world. These gardens are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Some gardens embrace themes, such as medieval, native, or cottage gardens, adding an element of cultural context to the natural beauty.

KITCHEN GARDEN: kitchen garden, also known as a vegetable garden or potager, is a space dedicated to growing a variety of edible plants, herbs, and vegetables right at your doorstep. It serves as a practical and rewarding endeavor that allows individuals to cultivate their own fresh produce for culinary use. The concept of a kitchen garden has been embraced for centuries, dating back to ancient civilizations where people grew their own food for sustenance.

Creating a kitchen garden involves careful planning and consideration of factors such as sunlight, soil quality, water availability, and the types of plants you wish to cultivate. Here are some key aspects to consider when starting your own kitchen garden:

AVIAN PARK: The park's main highlight is its diverse collection of avian species. From vibrant parrots and elegant peacocks to elusive owls and majestic eagles, Avian Park is home to a wide array of feathered inhabitants. Visitors to Avian Park are greeted by a symphony of bird songs that echo through the air, creating a serene ambiance that immediately puts one at ease. The park's pathways wind through carefully designed enclosures, allowing visitors to observe the birds up close while respecting their need for space and privacy. Informative signage and guided tours offer valuable insights into the behaviors, habitats, and conservation efforts associated with each bird species, making the experience both enjoyable and educational.

GREEN CANOPY: A "green canopy" typically refers to a lush covering of vegetation, such as trees and foliage, that creates a natural and vibrant overhead canopy in an outdoor environment. It symbolizes the harmony between nature and human-made environments. It is a representation of the positive impact that green spaces can have on both the ecological health and the well-being of communities. As societies continue to address environmental challenges, the preservation and expansion of green canopies will remain a crucial objective.

ARCHARD: Archards are cultivated spaces that provide a wide variety of fruits for consumption and commerce. They also hold cultural, environmental, and recreational significance, enriching both local communities and the broader agricultural landscape.

OXYGEN LEVEL IN THE CAMPUS: There are some plants which are being considered highly efficient in oxygen releasing and carbon dioxide assimilating (Carbon sinks) which in turn reflected the quality of the green campus. If more oxygen is made available in the campus naturally, the stakeholders may be free from various cardiovascular and pulmonary problems and breathing troubles. Sansevieria zeylanica (commonly known as snake plant or the mother-in-law's tongue plant) is unique for oxygen release during night time and it is able to purify the atmospheric air in terms of removal of toxic gases. Although options are available to enhance the level of oxygen by reducing CO2 with the aid of oxygenators and air purifiers, there are certain alternatives to improve the air quality which is beneficial for both body and mind. Green campus audit at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technologycampus revealed that the capus is well distributed with more oxygen releasing and CO2 assimilating plants such as Money plant, Neem tree, Tamarind tree, arali, and Pongam trees. There are 6 plant species which are able create an eco-friendly atmosphere in terms of reducing erosion, moderating the climate, improving air quality and supporting wildlife besides they are economically important and valued for different medicinal aspects. The ornamental plants such as Java Plum / Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Yellow Trumpetbush / Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans) are made available. In addition, medicinal plant such as Tinospora cordifolia and Medicinal garden is also available in the campus.

S.No. Plant Name(Tamil) Plant Name(English) Scientific Name Grouping / Nature Characteristic features of the plant
1. Kuppaimeni Copper leaf Acalypha wilkesiabna Dicots O2 releasing Plant
2. Kattralai Aloe Vera Aloe barbadensis miller Dicots O2 releasing Plant
3. Vembu Neem Azadirachta indica Dicots O2 releasing Plant
4. Kaatu panai Areca Palm Dypsis lutescens Monocots O2 releasing Plant
5. Neenda maravagai Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina Dicots O2 releasing Plant
6. Vetchi Chinese ixora Ixora chinensis Monocots O2 releasing Plant
7. Sinduram Sxarlet jungle flame Ixora coccinea Monocots O2 releasing Plant
8. Thulasi Tulsi Ocimum tenuiflorum Dicots O2 releasing Plant
9. Puli Tamarind Tamarindus indica Dicots O2 releasing Plant
10. Money Plant Money Plant Epipremnum aureum Monocots O2 releasing Plant

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