St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology(SANCET) Welcomes You!!!

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2009 to offer 4 year B.E (CSE) programme. Currently, Rev. Sr.Punitha Jilt, HOD and 13 faculty members are striving hard to mould the students to develop their Computing Skills in all aspects. The department focuses on Academic Excellence and 100% Placements as its two parameters to be achieved in the near future. The faculty members foster and encourage the students to excel in both practical and theoretical knowledge and skills and promote a strong entrepreneurial culture among the students and motivate them to create entrepreneurial ventures.

Our Vision

The vision of the Department is to offer up-to-date flexible programme which will allow the graduates to be competitive in the job market and to produce well-prepared computing professionals.

Our Mission

The mission of the Computer Science and Engineering Course is to educate the students in the principles and practices of Computer Science, preparing them for a lifetime of learning and careers in software design and development, computing systems technology and research.


  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


  1. To analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science and Engineering
  2. To apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for scientific and business applications
  3. To adapt to emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor, HoD
Qualification: M.Tech
Experience: 6 years, 8 months, 27 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: Data Science

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech
Experience: 12 years, 9 months, 0 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: Computer network, Grid and Cloud computing

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E
Experience: 13 years, 9 months, 2 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: NETWORKING

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E
Experience: 1 years, 7 months, 27 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: Machine Learning

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 0 years, 7 months, 19 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: COMPUTER SCIENCE

User Pic
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 0 years, 7 months, 19 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: MACHINE LEARNING

User Pic
Name: Mrs. K. DEVIKA
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 0 years, 7 months, 12 days (in St. Anne's CET)
Specialisation: Cloud computing

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Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 0 years, 3 months, 15 days (in St. Anne's CET)

Non-Teaching Staff

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Designation: System Administrator
Experience: 15 years, 10 months, 23 days (in SANCET)

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Name: Mrs. R. JEEVA
Designation: Lab_Assistant
Experience: 2 years, 4 months, 9 days (in SANCET)

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Name: Mr. M. PAZHANI
Designation: Attendar
Experience: 11 years, 9 months, 25 days (in SANCET)


S.No. Batch Photo Register No Name Placed Company Name Company Type Salary(Per Annum)
1 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104015 RANJITHKUMAR R On-Campus PLANNING TIGER GLOBAL SERVICES Core 1,80,000 PA
2 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104008 KARTHICK K On-Campus PLANNING TIGER GLOBAL SERVICES Core 1,80,000 PA
3 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104004 CHANDRU S On-Campus PLANNING TIGER GLOBAL SERVICES Core 1,80,000 PA
4 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104302 SIVAPRAGASAM B On-Campus THINK AND SYNC Core 1,80,000 PA
5 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104020 SUBASRI N On-Campus THINK AND SYNC Core 1,80,000 PA
6 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104011 PAVITHRA B On-Campus THINK AND SYNC Non-Core 1,80,000 PA
7 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104002 ARCHANA A On-Campus THINK AND SYNC Non-Core 1,80,000 PA
8 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104005 DHIVAGAR B On-Campus Ethnus Pvt Ltd Non-Core 2,70,000
9 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104020 RAJESH K On-Campus Ethnus Pvt Ltd Non-Core 2,70,000
10 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104023 SANTHOSH R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
11 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104013 LOGANATHAN S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
12 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104017 PRINCY DIANA A On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
13 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104003 BATRICSON L On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
14 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104030 VASANTH P A On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
15 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104001 ANDRO JERRY J On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
16 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104002 BAKKIYALAKSHMI K On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
17 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104006 ESWARAMOORTHY P On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
18 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104007 GILBART N On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
19 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104008 GURUMOORTHY S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
20 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104011 KOWSALYA R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
21 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104015 MANOJKUMAR M On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
22 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104019 PURUSHOTHAMAN R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
23 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104021 SALETH REENA M On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
24 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104024 SATHIYA G On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
25 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104026 SRIRAM S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
26 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104028 SYEDTHAMEEM S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
27 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104029 TAMILOLI K On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
28 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104031 YOGESH P A On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
29 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104025 SIRANJEEVI K On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
30 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104018 PRIYA ANTONY A On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
31 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104012 KRISHNAVENI R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
32 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104022 SAMSHATH BEGAM D On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
33 User Pic 2019-2023 422119104009 KARTHIKA E On-Campus Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd Non-Core 1,40,000
34 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104010 LABILAN M On-Campus INFINITY DIGITAL ART MEDIA SOLUTIONS Non-Core 100000
35 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104018 SENTHAMIZHSELVI P On-Campus INFINITY DIGITAL ART MEDIA SOLUTIONS Non-Core 100000
36 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104024 VIMALA ROSHINI. R On-Campus INFINITY DIGITAL ART MEDIA SOLUTIONS Non-Core 100000
37 User Pic 2018-2022 422118104010 LABILAN M On-Campus PLANNING TIGER GLOBAL SERVICES Core 1,80,000 PA

This lab contains various compiler writing tools of LEX, YAAC can be used to implement the different phases of compiler. It gives an idea about control and data flow analysis of Programming Languages and how to implement the simple optimization techniques.

The Computer Graphics Lab provides the students a broad knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of Computer Graphics and the need of developing graphics applications. It focuses on to create 3D graphical scenes and animations, to implement image manipulation and enhancement. Byusing this lab effectively, the students can able to acquire the knowledge and skillsof color generation, representation and transformation of graphical images and pictures and algorithmic development of graphic primitives. This will promote them to be good Graphics Designers.

There is another lab named Database Management System available in the Department. It is spacious and well equipped with the latest Machines. A DBMS is Computer Application software that provides a way to create, store, modify and manage the data. Database Management and Administration is ahighly demanding area and always it provides a lot of career related opportunities to the students. SQL, Oracle and DB2 are the software used here to train the students.

Operating systems Lab focuses on Unix Operating system. Students can learn shell programming and can access programming language using system calls. This lab helps them to understand about CPU scheduling, process creation and inter process communication. The students can also analyze the various memory management schemes.

The Network and Internet Programming lab has a cluster of workstations running dual boot Operating system of Windows XP and UNIX for the exclusive use of students. The software installed in this lab are J2SDK, J2E,JAVA, Net beans, Apache Tomcat, JAVA, Oracle 9i and Network simulators NS2. The Networks lab enables and enriches the students’ to get technical knowledge in computer communication and implementation of various protocols, routing algorithms and simulation.

This lab serves as a guide for learning and implementing the data structure in an object oriented programming language. It basically deals with memory management and various other operations on data with algorithm analysis and design. The aim of the course is to teach students the abstract data types and dynamic data structures.

This lab aims at providing students the knowledge about the Office Suite and Red Hat Linux Operating System Environment. The students are experts in preparing documentation, presentation and worksheets by using this Lab.

S.No Description of Event
S.No Description of Event

Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a online quiz on “NSS Day” during 24th september 2021 to 30th september 2021, organized by the NSS of Ramco institute of technology, Rajapalayam.


Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Machine learning techniques using python”. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology, 25th september 2021.


Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Overview of securities market and career growth”, held on 18th september 2021, oragnized by the BSEinvestors protection fund as an investor awarness initiative.


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students on the project titled "Human identification system using GAIT" in the year of 2020


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students on the project titled " Design and development of evoting web applications" in the year of 2021


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the Webinar on " Emerging trends in Career Technology" Organized by JAGANNATH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ON 27 TH AND 28 TH SEPTEMBER 2021.


Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended FDP on “Internet Programming”. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology , Rajapalayam.2022


Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended National Level FDP on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security”, MALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Secunderabad,2021


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Workshop on “Ethical Hacking using Python” at Pantech, on 25 th April 2021 .


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one week NITTTR Online Training Programme on “Data Interpretation and Visualization Using R ”, from 31 st Jan to 04 th Feb2022.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a The Guinness world record Event-Online programming lesson in 24 hours, “Building a Face Recognition App using python” in the NEAT,AICTE& GUVIon 24 th April 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one week AICTE Faculty Development on “Deep learning for Computer Vision” at KIET Group of Institutions, from 26 th to 30 th July 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one week AICTE Faculty Development on “Research Trends in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing” at The Northcap University College, from 19 th to 23 th July 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented webinar on “LaTeX” organized by St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 30 th April 2021


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students for the project on “Automated software Testing using Genetic algorithm ” during the semester Jan- Apr 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students for the project on “A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Air Quality in India” during the semester Jan- Apr 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a International Webinar on “Deep Learning” at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti, on 17 th December 2020.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two day Faculty Development Programme, “Machine Learning Techniques” at Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai in the on 11th to 12th December 2020.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two day Faculty Development Programme, “Cloud Technologies” at Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai in the on 18th to 19th December 2020.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended level 1 module, three day National level workshop on “Cloud computing technologies” at Multicloud4u Academy with Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering and Technology, from 9th to 11th June 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a three day National Level Workshop, “Cloud Computing Technologies” at Annai Velankanni college of Engineering, on 09th to 11th June 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two week AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Identification of Cyber criminal suspects using Data Analytical Techniques and R-studio software” at Francis Xavier Engineering college, from 14th to 27th June 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Webinar on “Innovation and Start-up Ecosystem” at Christ college of engineering and technology, Pondicherry, from 5 th June 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended The Guinness world record Event-Online programming lesson in 24 hours, “Building a Face Recognition App using python” in the NEAT,AICTE & GUVI on 24th to 25th April 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Automated Software Testing using Genetic Algorithm” in International Conference on Research and Developments in science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti, 5th March 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “A Machine Learning Approach To Predict Air Quality in India” in International Conference on Research and Developments in science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti, 5 th March 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “An Exploration of Year Prediction Using Large Scale Data” in the International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology (IJSART), Vol 7, issue 5 in May 2021.


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “Music Information Retrieval Utilizing Large Scale Data” in the International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Vol 3, issue 4 on April 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented webinar on “Word Press” organized by St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technolgy on 27 th April 2021


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students for the project on “Fake Detection in Social Media” during the semester Jan- Apr 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the final year students for the project on “Integration of A Chatbot with Education for The Smart Learning” during the semester Jan- Apr 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Webinar on “Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skill” at Gujranwala Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Technology, on 12 th January 2022.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper, “A Multitasking Agricultural Robot using Internet of Things and Raspberry Pi” in the International Conference on ICRDSET held at St.Anne’s CET, Panruti on 5 th March 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper, “Integration of A Chatbot with Education for The Smart Learning” in the International Conference on ICRDSET held at St.Anne’s CET, Panruti on 5 th March 2021.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “Review on teacher’s leadership” in the International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol. 6, Issue.6, 2020


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “Review on gamification on learning and teaching” in the International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol. 6, Issue.6, 2020.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “Investigation on Phosphors for white Light Emitting Diode applications” in the International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Vol. 2, Issue.12, 2020.


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper, “Review on impact of webinars in higher education and professional training” in the ISAR International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology, Vol. 5, Issue.6, 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Delivered a Motivational talk about “Life Skills” for First year students of St. Anne’s CET on 30 september 2021.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students Ranjith Kumar R, Pradeep A and Ajith Kumar S for the project on “Tracing website attackers in TOR using Log files” during the semester Feb - Apr 2021.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students Sangeetha R, Aswini K and Kanniyammal E, for the project on “Secure scheme for medical image storage in Cloud” during the semester Feb - Apr 2021.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended the FDP on Foundation Program on ICT for Education in Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College, Coimbatore from 28 th to 31 st Jan 2021.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Secure Scheme for Medical Image Storage in Cloud”, in International Conference on Research and Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technlogy, Panruti.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “A Measurement Analysis of Website Attackers using Onionbots”, in International Conference on Research and Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technlogy, Panruti.


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated and Presented a Paper titled “A Mesh Networking Based Solution on Power Management” in E Conference organized by IARA on February 2021.


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated and Presented a Paper titled “Innovative Human Identification System using Multiple Biometrics” in E Conference SIEST’20 organized by “Jagannath Institute of Technology” on September 2020.


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated and Presented a Paper titled “Gait Based Identification System” in E Conference NCRTCI’21 organized by Bharath Institute of Education and Research on February 2021


Staff Name: P.SARAVANA BHAVA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

‘Innovative Human Identification System using Multiple Biometrics’ in IJIRCCE, Volume 9, issue 3, March, 2021


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented Workshop on “Ui Path Tool for Beginners” to all students of CSE department.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the project in the name of "Easy Vision using Android Application"


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Farmer Trade using Android Application


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized seminar on “digital Marketing” for all the CSE students


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “machine Learning Techniques using Python” by KCET,Cuddalore


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Easy Vision using Android Application”, in International Conference on Research and Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St.Annes College of Engineering and Technlogy, Panruti


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Farmer Trade using Android Application”, in International Conference on Research and Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St.Annes College of Engineering and Technlogy, Panruti


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented webinar on “Time management” to the I year students .


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented seminar on “ Stress Management” to all students of CSEdepartment.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented webinar on “Art of writing Journal Paper” to all students of CSE department.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Guided the students of Final year CSE to do project titled “Transmission of Dynamic data” in the academic year April/May 2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Guided the students of Final year CSE to do project titled “Integrity and privacy preserving of data for secure cloud storage using Third Party Auditor” in the academic year April/May 2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on R Language” organized by Saividya Institute of Tech., Chennai on 18 th June 2021


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Block Chain Technology” organized by SSN College of Engg., Chennai on 17 th May 2021


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “AI and Machine Learning” organized by St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore on 17 th May 2021


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended the FDP on Foundation Program on ICT for Education in Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College, Coimbatore from 28 th   to 31 st  Jan 2021.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended online FDP on “Data Structures” organized by Veltech Institution,Chennai conducted by Anna University.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Integrity and privacy preserving of data for secure cloud storage using Third Party Auditor”, in International Conference on Research and Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRDSET – 2021 in held St.Annes College of Engineering and Technlogy, Panruti


Staff Name: P.NIVETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended FDP on ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME in University College of Engineering,Villupuram, Jan 2021.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar "Enterprise application and cloud paltform" at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 04.12.2020



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Engineering to Industry” at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 28.11.2020



Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Engineering to Industry” at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 28.11.2020



Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Britta Devi presented a paper titled “Trend in Technology and Engineering ”in International Conference on April 2018



Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

National Conference on "Smart Solutions for Research in Energy, Agriculture and Challenges in Health Informatics " on March 2018


Staff Name: V.BRITTADEVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Brittadevi.V, "A Smart Agriculture Assisting Robot  using Internet of Things” IJTET, ISSN:2349-9303, Volume no.28, Issue no.01, April 2018. 




Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled Online voting system with OTP(API) verification  in International Conference at Idhaya Engineering College for women,Chinnasalem 0n 21.02.2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented webinar on How to handle Google Meet,Google classroom &Guidelines to Online Examinations organized by St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technolgy on 04.11.2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Enterprise application in Cloud plotform” at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 04.12.2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Engineering to Industry” at St.Anne’s College of Engg. and Technology on 28.11.2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Programme on Emerging Research Areas in Engineering organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Chennai from 5 th June to 9 th June, 2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Industry led training on Amazon web services organized by R.M.K. Engineering College,Chennai on 04 th & 05 th of June,2020


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on Impact of Radio organized by DR.M.G.R. Educational research Institute,Chennai on 03.06.20


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended FDP on CS8391 –Data Structures organized by Vellammal Engineering College,Chennai from 25.05.20 to 29.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on Cyber Security-Assessment for Institutional strategic Decisions organized by A.V.C. College of Engineering,Mayiladudurai on 22.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended Training programme on research methodology organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai from 12 th October to 16 th October 2020.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on Research Methodology organized by Loyola College (Autonomous),Chennai on 12th & 13th June 2020


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on COVID 19 Infodemic And Communication Challenges organized by KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 23.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on Are You IOT Ready? Join Configuration of Smart Home using CISCO Packet Tracer organized by Jain Faculty of Engineering and Technology on 23.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on Recent Communication Tools and its Application organized by St.Martin’s Engineering College,Secunderabad from 19.05.20 to 23.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on R Programming organized by Indo Global Group of Colleges, New Chandigarh from 24.04.20 to 01.05.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on Recent Trends in Biomedical Engineering-Research Perspective organized by Dr.N.G.P.Institute of Technology from 26.04.20 to 30.04.20


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended 2 day workshop on Video Content Creation at IQAC Marian College,Kuttikkanam on 15 th April 2020 to 17 th April 2020


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented webinar on Art of writing research paper at St.Annes College of Engineering and Technology on 19.09.2020


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended workshop on cloud computing at IITM Research park , Chennai on 26.01.2020


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in Webinar on ‘Virtual reality’ held on 20th May,2020 organized by St.Annes College of Engineering and Technology College of Engineering, Panruti.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in Webinar on ‘Future of Communication Engineering’ held on 20th May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in Webinar on ‘Industry 4,0’ held on 19th May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in 5 days Faculty Development Programme on “Theory of Computation” organised by Vellammamal engineering college in Association with Computeer Society of India from 18.5.20220 to 22.05.2020


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in Webinar on ‘Block Chain Basics’ held on 18th  May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in Webinar on ‘Demysify the Cloud’ held on 15th  May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

 Participated in Webinar on ‘Cyber Security’ held on 15th  May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:
Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “LaTex” jointly organized by MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research Barshi & Spoken Tutorial Project,IIT, Bombay from 14th -17th May 2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:
Participated Webinar on ‘Virtual reality’ held on 14th May,2020 hosted by SRM College of Engineering and Technology, in association with Pantech.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:
Participated Webinar on ‘AI & Machine Learning’ held on 14th May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated Webinar on ‘Image Processing using Python’ held on 12th May,2020 hosted by Zion College of Engineering and Technology, in association with Pantech.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated Webinar on ‘Energy Auditing & career Oppurtunities’ held on 12th May,2020 organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended the First Leadership Talk Webinar with the prof. D.P. Singh, Chairman UGC broadcasted on 9th May 2020 by MHRD’s Innovation Cell.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in the 2 days Faculty Development Program on Effective Project Proposal Writing organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Computer Society of India conducted on 8th and 9th May 2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in the Webinar ‘Internet of Things’ on 4th May 2020 hosted by IETE (Mumbai) in association with Pantech.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended the India First Leadership Talk Webinar broadcasted on 2nd May 2020 by MHRD’s Innovation Cell.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in the webinar on the “The Art of Writing Research Papers’ organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 29th April,2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Participated in the Python 3.4.3 training organized at Vellalar College for Women in January 2020 semester offered by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

·       Guided the students P. Anandharaj, D. Karthikeyan and  D. Logeshwaran for the project on “Secure Authentication System In ATM Terminal Using Machine Learning Algorithm ”  during the semester Jan-Apr 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

·       Participated in the Python 3.4.3 and LaTeX training organized at Vellalar ·       Participated in the Python 3.4.3 and LaTeX training organized at Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous) in January 2020 semester, in association with the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.





Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated 5 Days Online Faculty Development Program on R Programming organised by Indo Global Group of Colleges, New Chandigarh in association with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial from 27th April to 1st May 2020


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

·   Participated in the two days Faculty Development Program on Effective Project Proposal Writing organized by Department of CSE, Velammal Engineering College in association with Computer Society of India, from 8.05.2020 to 9.05.2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the webinar on “ Post Covid-19: Opportunities for Engineers” organised by Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering ,Chennai on 2nd May 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the webinar on “ Simulation Tools for Innovative research” organised by Department of CSE in association with Computer Society of India, Velammal Engineering College, on May 5th 2020


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the webinar on “Effective Conduct of Online Classes” organised by Department of EEE, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on May 8th 2020


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the IIC Online Sessions conducted by Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD's Innovation Cell, New Delhi to promote Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship, and Start-ups among HEIs from 28th April to 22nd May 2020 during COVID-19 nationwide lockdown


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Python Programming” National level quiz organized by Sigma Group of Institution


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Knowledge based computer professional-1” National level online quiz conducted by Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology on 21st November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Cyber Security” Online Quiz organized by Karaikal polytechnic College on 20th November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Online Learning Techniques” Quiz organized by NSS Training College Ottapalayam on 4th Dec 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Gender Sensitization & Legal Awareness Quiz” organized by National Commission of women, My Gov.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Covid-19 Awareness Program” organized by Viswakarma Institute of information technology.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Course Completion on Disaster Risk management from District Collector, Cuddalore.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in Three DaysWorkshop on “Printed Circuit Board Design and Fabrication process” Organized by MRK Institute of Technology on 14th march 2013 to 16th March 2015.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in One DayWorkshop on “Online Entrepreneurship” Organized by MRK Institute of Technology on 7th April 2015.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online Course Completion Certificate on "Computer Network" from Advanced Institute of Technology and Management on November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online Course Completion Certificate on Artificial Intelligence - Certificate from Accenture. Dated 21st November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Enterprise Application and Cloud platform” Webinar organized by R & D Dept, St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 4th Dec 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Safety against COVID 19 awareness program” Webinar organized by All India Institute of Public and Physical health Sciences” (AIIPPHS) on 29th Nov 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Engineering to Industry” Webinar organized by R & D Dept, St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 28th November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Role of Human Resource and Organizational Behavior” Webinar Organized by Institute of professional Excellence on 25th Nov 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Applied Behavioral Analysis" Webinar organized by PowerUp Your Instructions on 19th November 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“5 Invalueable Laws of Growth” International Webinar Organized by Institute of Global Professionals on 24th Oct 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 “Public Relations during covid-19” One Day National webinar organized by Mandsaur University on 17th Oct 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“General Awareness to the Educators and Institution” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 13th October 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Python” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 10th October 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Computing and Signal Processing in IOT Applications” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 9th October 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Optical wireless communication” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 3rd October 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Learning path to data science” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 26th September 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Cognitive Radio-Wireless Sensor Networks” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 19th September 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Personality Development and Winning Attitude” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 18th September 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“National education Policy” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 13th September 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Latest trends in Nanotechnology” organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 10th September 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Cyber virus that took his path with Corona virus” Webinar organized by IFERP (Institute for Engineering research and Publication) on 15th August 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Oracle Database” Webinar organized by Dept of IT, Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering on 5th June 2020.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Blockchain and Bitcoins” Webinar organized by Dept of CSE, Francis Xavier Engineering College on 3rd June 2020.       


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two Days International Conference on Trends in Engineering and Technology and Presented Paper titled “Improving Online Security BT Using cryptographic algorithms for Efficient Storage of Password” Organized by Tamizhan College of Engineering and technology on 19th and 20th February 2015.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two Days International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computing Technology and Presented Paper titled “High Dimensional Data Handling Technique Using Overlapping Slicing Method for Privacy preserving” Organized by The Indian Engineering College on 7th and 8th March 2014.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two Days International Conference on Advance research and Innovation in Engineering, Science, technology and Management Organized by ARS College of Engineering on 4th and 5th April 2015.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two Days International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computing Technology and Presented Paper titled “End to End Security in WSN using Differentiated key management” Organized by The Indian Engineering College on 7th and 8th March 2014.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended One Day International Conference on Emerging Technology and Presented Paper titled “Protecting Host Based Intrusion Detection Using NICE” Organized by Paavai Engineering College on 2nd March 2014.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 2nd National Conference on Computing techniques and Presented Paper titled “Enhanced mining of high dimensional data using clustering-based feature subset selection algorithm”, National Conference Organized by University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 31st March 2015.


Staff Name: P.CHARLES , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published One International Journal in International journal of Technology and Engineering System (IJTES- ISSN Number: 0976-1345). Published On 2015.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Enterprise application in Cloud plotform” at St.Anne’s College of  Engg and Technology on 04.12.2020


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Engineering to Industry” at St.Anne’s College of  Engg and Technology on 28.11.2020


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Engineering to Industry” at St.Anne’s College of  Engg and Technology on 28.11.2020


Staff Name: E.INDHUMA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a webinar on “Enterprise application in Cloud plotform” at St.Anne’s College of  Engg and Technology on 04.12.2020


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the project in the name of  “ A Secure Multi Cloud Storage System For Storing And Sharing Bigdata Using Charon”


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the project in the name of  “ Mobile Camera-Based Assistive TextAnd Product Label Reading UsingAndroid For Blind Persons”


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended aOne Day online FDP on “IoT based Cloud Integration using REST and MQTT”at  Anna University,Villupuram Campus.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended  Five Days online Faculty Development Program on “Theory of computations ” at  Vellammal engineering college.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in Two Days online Faculty Development Program on “Effective proposal writing”at  Vellammal engineering college.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended  Five Days online Faculty Development Program on “R Programming”at  Indo Global college.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two Day online Webinar on “Puzzle solving with Python”at  Johnson Institute of Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day workshop on “MS-PACKAGES” at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 16.10.2020



Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the project in the name of  An Aadhar Based Electronic Voting System Using Blockchain”


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the project in the name of  “Detection of financial Fraud based on E-Commerce”


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised four day workshop on Advanced Java Programming  atSt.Anne’s College ofEngg and Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Faculty Development Program on "RESEARCH, FUNDING & IPR"  jointly organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, IQAC AND R & D Cell, K. C. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH, THANE (EAST) in association withunder the banner of IETE and Institution's Innovation Cell (IIC).


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Three days Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning using PYTHON” from 13.5.2020 to 15.5.2020, organized by (IQAC ),S.I.A College of Higher Education,Maharashtra


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Three days Faculty Development Programme on “Art of writing Research Articles and Funding Proposals” from 21.5.2020 to 23.5.2020, organized by IEEE student Branch 10831,  ManakulaVinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

One day OFDP on Bharat Operating System Service (BOSS) Linux ,Organized by Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai Campus on May 14th 2020.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Faculty Development Program Series titled ‘Online Learning Pedagogy and Effective Use of Case Methodology’ conducted between May 17, 2020 to May 21, 2020.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

NAAC Awareness Programme for Faculty" organized by Marathwada Mitra Mandal Institute ofTechnology (MMIT), Lohgaon, Pune - 47 conducted online during the period 08/05/2020 to 14/05/2020.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on "Awareness for Government Examinations  " scheduled to conduct  on 21-05-2020,Organised by  KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

The webinar on " Today’s Opportunities on Tomorrow’s Technology – A Perspective " scheduled to conduct  on 18-05-2020 at 3 pm ,Organised by  KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar series on "Technological Advancement In The Field Of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering" organized by VIDYAVARDHINI’S CET PALGHAR,from 5th May to 9th May, 2020


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

The India First Leadership Talk webinar with Prof D. P. Singh, Chairman UGC Broadcasted  on 02 & 9th May, 2020 by MHRD’s Innovation Cell.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “The power of teacher”  organized by ICT Academy,held on 04 May 2020.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

The webinar "Front end Framework - Angular" held on 15th & 16th of May 2020 organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

EDUCATION 4.0 (Webinar series organized by IQAC, Atharva College of Engineering, Malad),  Duration: 28th- 30th April, 2020.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Season 3 of ICTAcademy SKYCAMPUS - Digital Knowledge Series 2020, focused on the theme  “THE FUTURE IS NOW”. Duration: 27 April – 01 May, 2020


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

N.Kumar,S.Manavalan,Z.Asmathunnisa,’Internet of Things based Architecture for Oil and Gas Industry”,March-2020,ISSN:2320 – 9798,IJIRCE,Vol.8,No.3


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan,Z.Asmathunnisa,march-2020,’ Internet of Things based Architecture for Oil and Gas Industry”,ISSN: 2320 – 9798,IJIRCE,Vol.8,No.3


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Online Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights for Academicians and Researches" by  Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar in association with Intellectual Property Protection Organization (IPPO) on 10th April 2020.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Paper published on Reliable and Energy Hybrid Screen mirroring Multicast  Systems in (IRJET).


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Acted as Resource Person for Independence Day on 14.08.2020  at  St.Anne’s Matriculation Higher Secondary School,Thaatanchavadi,Panruti.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for one day workshop on "Computer Hardware and Servicing" at Annai  Velankanni Polytechnic college on 30.02.2020.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Placement Web Application


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Accident Detection and Rescue System Using Android Application


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attedned One Day Seminar on "Consultation on NEP - 2019"  in St.Joseph’s Institute Of Managemnt, Trichy On 30.06.2019


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended a Workshop on R Programming By IIT-Bombay At Loyola – ICAM College of Engineering And Technology, Chennai on 09.11.2019.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Dissemniantion of Innovative Technology In IoT Based Cyber Forensics nd Guidence For Patent Filing From 25.11.2019 To 30.11.2019 In Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Workshop Online on "Video Content Creation" In Marian College,Kuttykanam,Kerala 


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Attended 23rd Triennial Conference On “Revisioning Higher Education In India – Challenges And Strategies For Catholic Institutions “ From 13th September To 15th September 2019 In Don Bosco Institute,Guwahati ,Assam.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Two days workshop on Machine Learning for Engineers in PSG college of Technology,Coimbatore.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Three days workshop on Machine Learning algorithms for IoT  in Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,Sivakasi.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

One workshop on internet of things for smart grid  in National power training institute ,Trichy.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Two days workshop on secure internet of things  in St.Joseph’s institute of technology ,Chennai


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

One day workshop on Stress management in Materdei, Goa.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

One day workshop on Effective learning methodologies in NITTR ,Chennai.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Two days  workshop on Digital Image Processing in Mepco college, Sivakasi.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Three days national conference on "Revisioning Higher Education in India: Challenges And Strategies" in Don Bosco Institute, Guawhati


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

One day national conference on Analysis and importance of software development process.


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Two days national conference on "Changing landscape of Higher Education in India and Impending challenges" in Christ university, Bangalore.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Delivered Guest lecture on “Virtual Reality” handled for IV year & III Year CSE students at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 07th February, 2020


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days FDP on” Blockchain Technology” " organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, on 5th and 6th December, 2019. at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti.



Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

K.Poornambigai , 2020,published a paper titled “A SECURE MULTI CLOUD STORAGE SYSTEM FOR SHARING OF STORING BIGDATA USING CHARON” was published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume 04, Issue 04, April 2020.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor, Mr. S. Manavalan, Assistant Professor, Mr. N. Kumar, Assistant Professor, published a paper titled “A Scalable Cyber Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques” in “International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering” Vol. 8, Issue 3, March 2020.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE).


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized Workshop on "Image Processing"  for III year CSE students at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on  22.02.2020.


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Block Chain Technology ” at  St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online Hostel Management System


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Detection of financial Fraud based on E-Commerce


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day seminar on Virtual Reality  at  St.Anne’s College  of  Engg  and Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Block Chain Technology ” at  St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

N.Kumar,S.Rajarajan, S.Manavalan , March-2020,’ A Scalable Cyber Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques’,IJIRCCE , ISSN : 2320-9801,Vol.8,No.3


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Convener of Reckon MMXIII, National Level Technical Symposium for the Department of CSE conducted on 9th April 2013. 


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized 4 days ISTE sponsored Workshop on Advanced Java Frameworks for the students of Department of CSE on 21st, 22nd,29th and 30th August 2015. 


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Co-ordinator of Alumni Association and organized three Alumni Meet from 2014 to 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Convener of Convocation 2017 on 22nd July at St. Anne’s CET.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Delivered a Motivational talk about “Women empowerment skills and strategies” for First year girls on 22nd February 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Conducted a Workshop on Image Processing for Third year CSE students on 22nd February 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Achieved 100% result in the subject of Graph Theory and Applications for 7th semester CSE students in AU Exams conducted in Nov 2017.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Achieved 100% result in the subjects of Information Security for 8th semester CSE students in AU Exams conducted on April 2016.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students Raju Sharma and NK Kingster for the project on “Document Clustering for Digital Forensic Analysis” during the semester Jan-Apr 2013.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students D. Jenifer, A. Shoba Elizabeth, P. Sowmiya for the project on “Intrusion Detection System in MANET” during the semester Jan-Apr 2014.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students S. Kaviya, M. Kanimozhi,  K.Sangeetha And M. Jeraldine Gnana Oli  for the project on “Mining User Queries with  Markov Chains-Application to Online Image Retrieval”  during the semester Jan-Apr 2014.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students K. Subashini, D. Sivaranjani and P. Shanmugapriya for the project on “k-Nearest Neighbor Categorisation on Secure Data Access in Cloud” during the semester Jan- Apr 2016.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students V. Sumitha,  R. Sathya and M. Nathiya  for the project on “Securing an Image using Arithmetic Coding and Chaotic Map” during the semester Jan-Apr 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided the students J. Monisha, E. Amala Sharini, U. Bhuvaneshwari and S. Reshma for the project on “Securing Medical Image using 2D Chaotic Map and C-MLCA”  during the semester Jan-Apr 2019.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 10 day AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme on Computational Intelligence for System Automation and Communication, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pudhucherry from 18th  to 28th December 2006.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Two day Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai on 11th and 12th November 2019.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Two day Faculty Development Programme on Blockchain Technology, St. Annes’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti, on 5th and 6th December 2019.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Completed an online course on Text Retrieval and Search Engines authorized by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and offered through Coursera on 15th April 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Leadership talk by Prof. L. Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser, Govt. of India on 8th April 2020.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Completed an online course on Neural Networks and Deep Learning authorized by and offered through Coursera on 20th December 2019.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented  seminar on "Virtual Reality" at  St.Anne’s College  of  Engg  and Technology on 7th Febraury ,2020.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended  Two Day Faculty Development Program on “Block Chain Technology ” at  St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology on 5th and 6th December,2019


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Trust based on e-commerce reviews using sentiment similarity analysis.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Blockvote: Aadhar Based Electronic Voting System Using Blockchain


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Students result management System.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Authentication by encrypted negative password


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Secure Data Retrival for Decentralized Delay Tolarent Military Network


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

A shoulder surfing resistant graphical authentication system.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resourrse person for one day workshop for II year CSE students on “Internet of Things” at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 2nd August 2019. 


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resourse person for one day workshop for II year CSE students on “Core Java” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 28th December 2017. 


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the two days Workshop on “Java”, at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 22nd and 23rd August 2018.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the Workshop on “Python” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 3 rd & 4 th August 2018.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in Workshop titled “Preparing Journal Manuscript using Latex Software” organized by Research and Development Cell at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 29 th July 2017.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in two days Faculty Development Programme on “Blockchain Technology” was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, on 5th and 6th December, 2019.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Secured Health Care system Using Cloud Computing


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online Hostel Management System


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attendance System using Android


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for one day workshop on PC Hardware and Servicing   at  Annai  Velankanni Polytechnic college


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for one day workshop on Joy of python Programming  at  St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day seminar on "Virtual Reality"  at  St.Anne’s College  of  Engineering  and Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised four day workshop on Advanced Java Programming  at  St.Anne’s College of  Engg and Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Block Chain Technology ” at  St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,S.Rajarajan,N.Kumar, March-2020,’ A Scalable Cyber Attack Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques’,IJIRCCE , ISSN : 2320-9801,Vol.8,No.3


Staff Name: A.PUNITHA JILT , Assistant Professor, HoD
Event Type:

Faculty development Program  on “Computer Networks And Security” for Five days in NIITTR.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper titled “A Brain Robot Interaction System by Fusing Human and Machine Intelligence” in “International Conference on Veracity Research in Scientific Computation and Engineering Trends (ICVRSCET 2019)” organized by V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Arasur – 607107, Villupuram District, Tamilnadu, India, on 23rd March, 2019.


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the workshop on “Personal Excellence” on 11th-13th August, 2015 in American University of India, Kodaikanal.


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Online Transaction Using Fingerprint” in the  International Conference on Sustainable Aspects in Engineering, Technology, Management and Science on 23rd Feb 2017.


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Reliable and Energy Efficient Hybrid Screen Mirroring Multicast System” in the 5th National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology on 28th February, 2019.


Staff Name: F.PRAMISHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

F.Pramisha, “Reliable and Energy-Efficient Hybrid Screen Mirroring Multicast System,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)., vol.6, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072,,4 April 2019.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised two day Workshop on MS_OFFICE at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,Panruti on  02.02.19 and 09.02.19


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Seven Days  FDTP on “Computer Graphics” – University College of Engineering, Villupuram.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as Chair Person in Internationmal Conference conducted by Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attue, Salem.



Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Published paper titled \"Visible Light Communication for Data and Audio Transmission using Light -Fidility (Li-Fi)\"  in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT) in May-  June 2019 Issue pp 534-539.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Published paper titled” Towards reliable Cloud Storage with Selective Data Encryption and Splitting Strategy”. In: Advances in Data Science. ICIIT 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 941. Springer, Singapore   


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Systematic review of security issues and solutions for cloud computing” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Technologies (IJRESTs), Vol 2, Issue 6 pp – CS11-CS15 ,November 2016.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented  paper titled” Towards reliable Cloud Storage with Selective Data Encryption and Splitting Strategy”. In The Third International Conference of Information & Intelligent Technology 2018( ICIIT 2018), CEG Campus ,Anna University, Chennai on December 11th 2018.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled  “Secure Data Storage using Decentralised Access control in Cloud” in International Conference and Control Enginnering(ICCCE-2016) in University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 29th & 30thDecember 2016.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan Z.Asmathunnisa,N.Kumar,2019,’ Visible Light Communication for Data and Audio Transmission   using Light -Fidility (Li-Fi),IJSRCSEIT , ISSN : 2456-3307,Vol.5,No.3


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Detect and Secure intrusion detection system for Mancet by using Hybrid Cryptography on 24th march 2018 at Idhaya Engineering College for Women,Chinnasalem.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

N.Kumar , ‘Analysis for DDOS Attacks in BIG DATA (HADOOP)’ , NCRDSET-    19,St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

N.Kumar, ‘IoT Automation for  Waste Collection in Smart City’ , NCRDSET-    19,St.Anne’s College of Engg and   Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: N.KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Preserved IDS for MANET by using Triple DES on 23th march 2018 at St.Anne’s  College of Engg & Tech, Panruti


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:



Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised  Guest lecture  by Dr.P.Shunmuga priya, Prof.& Dean, Dr.SJS Paul’s , Pondy on Current Research trends  in Swarm Intelligence & WEKA- Data Mining Tool 1 Day/25.09.2015


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised one day Workshop on ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.0  at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,Panruti. On 12.07.2019


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised two day Workshop on MS_OFFICE at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,Panruti on  02.02.19 and 09.02.19


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised four days Workshop on Python for Beginners at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended One Day Workshop on Research Methodology One day/13.7.2015 at Anna University, CEG Campus,Chennai


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended International workshop on writing Research articles         One day/4.01.2016 at Universirty College of  Engineering,Villupuram


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended  Workshop on  Advanced Java  Framework for  4 Days/22,23,29,30th August ’16 at St.Anne’s College of  Engineering, Panruti


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised  workshop on PC Hardware & Assembling (Workshop) 2 days/  16,17th, Feb 2015  Conducted by Mblazan Solutions, Pondicherry


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on Mobile &  Pervasive Computing for7 days/13.01.2015 to 19.01.2015 at University College of Engineering,Panruti


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

 Z.Asmathunnisa ,Presented a paper titled  “Visible light communication using lifi ” in the National Conference for Research and Development in Science ,Engineering and Technology ( NCRDSET’19) in St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti  on  February ,2019.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Z.Asmathunnisa ,Presented a paper titled  “A Freshness Guarantee Scheme by Batch-Update Verifiability using DPDP in Outsourced Data Storage Service” in the National Conference for Research and Development in Science ,Engineering and Technology ( NCRDSET’17) in St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti  on  February ,2017.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Z.Asmathunnisa ,Presented a paper titled  “A Freshness Guarantee Scheme by Batch-Update Verifiability using DPDP in Outsourced Data Storage Service” in the National Conference for Research and Development in Science ,Engineering and Technology ( NCRDSET’17) in St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti  on  February ,2017.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

 Z.Asmathunnisa & Dr.P.Yogesh Presented a paper titled   “Chunking and Deduplication of Redundant Data in Cloud”  in the National Conference for Research and Development in Science ,Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’16) in St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti  on February,2016.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National seminar on "Microsoft AZURE" at I.F.E.T College of Engineering


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the two days Workshop on “Java”, at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the Workshop on “Python” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized one  day workshop on "Phython 2.7" at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one days National Workshop on ‘Journal Maniscript Preparation Using Latex Software’ at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Problem Solving Skills” conducted by ICT Academy at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,’ Customer Service For Voice Based Im Bot’, NCRDSET-19,St.Anne’s College of Engg and   Technology,Panrut


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,’ Use of Virtualization’, NCRDSET-19,St.Anne’s College of Engg and  Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,’ The Internet Of Things In Oil-Gas Industry’ , NCRDSET- 19,St.Anne’s College of Engg and   Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,’ Data Compression For Textual Bigdata Analysis In Hadoop’, NCRDSET-18,St.Anne’s College of Engg and   Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,’ New Models for Human- computer Interaction’, NCRDSET-18,St.Anne’s College  of  Engg    and Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan Z.Asmathunnisa,N.Kumar,2019,’ Visible Light Communication for Data and Audio Transmission   using Light -Fidility (Li-Fi),IJSRCSEIT , ISSN : 2456-3307,Vol.5,No.3


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Workshop on “PHP” handled for IV year CSE students at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 13th september 2017. 


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day National Seminar on “Mathematics of Machine Learning” at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 14th October 2017.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor.  Ms. S. Srimathi, II CSE, Ms. M. Abina II CSE, presented a paper titled “Image text matching tasks using two branch Neural Networks” in the “National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology ‘18 “ (NCRDSET ‘18) at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 2 days AICTE sponsored National Level Seminar on Microsoft Azure –Research Perspective ,IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram from 15th  to 16th Dec  2017.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended in a Workshop on “Secure Internet of Things (SIoT)” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai on 20th& 21st November, 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two day Workshop on “Java” conducted by Mr.T. VellaiVaranan, Technical Trainer, Comet Softwares, Chennai at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 22nd& 23rd August, 2018


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two day Workshop on “Python” conducted by  YAS Soft Tech, Puducherry at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 3rd& 4thAugust, 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 2 days Workshop on Recent Techniques in Web services and Internet Security at Anna University CEG Campus on 18.02.2015 and 19.02.2015.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D. Pauline Freeda, presented a paper titled “Securing Medical Image using 2D Chaotic Map and C-MLCA” in the National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019 (NCRDSET’19), St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on February 28th 2019.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D. Pauline Freeda, presented a paper titled “KNN classification over semantic encryption of data“, Proceedings of National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology 2018 (NCRDSET’18), St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on Mar 23nd 2018.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D. Pauline Freeda, presented a paper titled “Securing an image using arithmetic coding and hyperchaotic map”, Proceedings of National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology 2018 (NCRDSET’18), St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on Mar 23nd 2018.


Staff Name: Z.ASMATHUNNISA , Assistant Professor/HoD
Event Type:

Organised  Guest lecture  by Mr.Prabhu Shankar, AP, SRM  University,Chennai on “MACHINE LEARNING” 1 Day/ 06.03.2019


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

The Workshop on “IOT” handled for II year CSE students at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 2nd August 2019.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

The Workshop on “Core Java” handled for II year CSE students at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 28 th December 2017.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.V.Varalakshmi,Assistant Professor od CSE Participated in Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Problem Solving Skills” conducted by ICT Academy at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 29 th and 30 th November 2018.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Secure Password Storage and Authentication by Encrypted Negative” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28 th February 2019.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.V.Varalakshmi, published a paper titled “Secure Key Storage using Encrypted Negative Password” in International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.1833-1837 June 2019.


Staff Name: S.VANATHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Dr.P.Maragathavalli and  S.Vanathi , 2017, ‘A Survey on Enrichment of Network Security in Openflow Framework Using Software Defined Networking’, Proceedings of International Conference on IEEE International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM’17),KIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, pp. 269


Staff Name: S.VANATHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Dr.P.Maragathavalli, S.Vanathi 2017(April), ‘Enhancement of Network Security in Open flow Framework Using Software Defined Networking’, International Journal of computer application. Vol .7, pp. 132-137


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Five days training program in KAASIV INFOTECH on data minining and warehousing, Chennai.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

ten days training program in U.N.I.Q technologies for information security., Chennai.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

I have attended one day faculty development program for student motivation.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Competency building stratergy in business and technology for sustainable development in international conference.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Combining skin colorbased classifies and harry features using vj algorithm in agni college of technology.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on “asset tracking Management Solutions “ in National Level conference  in  dhanalakshmi college of engineering and technology.


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

P.GEETHA published  “Reversible Texture synthesis for embedding data on texture image” in Volume 6 Issue No.3, March 2016


Staff Name: P.GEETHA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

P.GEETHA, N.PRIYA had published “Steganalytic algorithm using reversible texture synthesis for embedding data” in, International Journal Of Research In computer Applications And Robotics(IJRCAR  ) ISBN 2370-7345, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2015 


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended four days Workshop on Advanced JAVA Frameworks in ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology held on 23.8.2015 to 24.8.2015 and 29.8.2015 to 30.8.2015 .


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised four  day workshop on Phython for Beginners at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day workshop on Grid and Cloud computing at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day workshop on Computer Hardware and Servicing at Mahalakshmi Polytechnic college.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised one day workshop on Computer Hardware and Servicing at Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National Workshop on Grid and Cloud computing at Ramakrishna college of Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National Workshop on Intelligent Methodologies In Electrical Engg Applications at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National Workshop on Grid and Cloud computing at A.K.T college of engg.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one days National Workshop on ‘JOURNAL MANISCRIPT PREPARATION USING LATEX SOFTWARE’at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one days National Workshop on Scope  for  R&D projects and proposal  at ANNA university, Chennai.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National Workshop on Workshop on research methodology at MEENAKASHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECH,CHENNAI


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

3days FDP attended on Python programming lab in SAIRAM ENGG college,chennai


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized 2 days ISTE sponsored workshop on Advanced Java Frameworks in St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology. 


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop on Preparing IEEE Journal Manusript using LaTex in St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 29.07.2017


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day National level Seminar on High Performance Computing in Shrimathi Indira Gandhi College, Trichyon  23.02.2012.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 3 days AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Advances in Networks and Communication, Sri ManakulaVinayagar Engineering College,Pudhucherry from 18.10.2006 to  20.10.2006.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D.PaulineFreeda&K.C.Prabu Shankar,” Trusted CBCR scheme to enhance the performance and security in MANET”, Proceedings of National Conference on Research and Development in Science ,Engineering and Technology 2017 (NCRDSET 2017), St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti, Feb 22nd 2017.


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies  “Cryptography and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks” ISSN NO:: 2348 – 537X, Volume 03, No.5, September - October 2016


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Certificate of Appreciation for centum result in computer networks in the Anna university examinations held at Nov/Dec 2011


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Training and Placement Convenor


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 Attended two days National Workshop on Advanced JAVA at A.V.C college of engg.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

7days FDP attended on Multicore architecture at ANNA university Panruti.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

K.POORNAMBIGAI;attened a paper titled ‘Communication and control engineering’ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, VILLUPURAM.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

K.POORNAMBIGAI; presented a paper ’ Privacy enhancement of social networking by third party’, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH& DEVELOPMENT(IIRDM),CHENNAI.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

K.POORNAMBIGAI,attended a paper titled’ Privacy enhancement of social networking by third party’, NCRDSET-16,St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 K.POORNAMBIGAI, presented a paper titled ’ Horizontal aggregation in SQl to generate data set for determining analysis in optimized ’, NCRDSET-17, St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

X.Martin lourduraj,K.Poornambigai and P.Meena, 2016,published a paper titled ‘Reducing the energy consumption using DVFS performance optimizing scheme, EPRA Journal, ISSN: 2455-7838, Vol.2,pp.000798


Staff Name: K.POORNAMBIGAI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:



Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended a two days workshop on “Intelligent methodologies in electrical engineering applications” at St.Annes college of  Engineering and technology, Panruti  on 18 th to 20 th sept  2014.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended a two days workshop on “Cryptography and security lab”  at  AVC college of engineering , mayiladudurai  on 19 th and 20 th sept 2014.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended a one day workshop on “Image processing using open CV/ Docker-the next big thing  in cloud computing”  at VIT CHENNAI on 10 th april 2015.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended  a workshop on “An Object oriented analysis and design using UML with essentials of rational software  architect”  at St.Anne’s college of  Engineering and technology, Panruti l from 18 th to 26 th aug 2012.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended a seven days faculty development program on “Wireless network” at university college engineering, Panruti .,from 12 th dec   to 18 th dec 2012.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor attended a two day international conference on “Communication and control engineering” at university college of engineering Villupuram on 29 and 30 th Dec 2016.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor presented a paper titled “Privacy of intellectual Mobile data using Location proof updating system with Sensor networks” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Computers, Information Technology and Applications (ICRTECITa-2017) organized by PSNA College of  Engineering and Technology  on 22nd  March 2017.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Associate Professor presented a paper titled “An effective Filtering based recommendation for information retrival in Mobile Apps” in International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2017) organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.M.Senthamarai selvi, Associate Professor presented  a paper titled “Clustering based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network” in National Level Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’17) at St.Anne’s College of engineering and technology.Panruti on 25th February,2017.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.M.Senthamarai selvi, Associate Professor presented  a paper titled “Regression on high dimensional data using adaptive tree” in National Level Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’17) at St.Anne’s College of engineering and technology.Panruti on 25th February,2017.


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.M.Senthamarai selvi, Associate Professor presented a paper titled “QOS aware web service recommendation using collaborative filtering using service usage factor” in National Level Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’17) at St.Anne’s College of engineering and technology.Panruti on 26th February,2016.


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated one Day national level seminar on “High performance computing” held on 23/02/2012 at Srimathi Indira Gandhi College, Department of Computer science and Information Technology, Trichy


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one week Training Programme on Object oriented Analysis and Design using UML with essentials  of rational software Architect from 18th to 26th August , 2012 by IBM


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on “ Document clustering for Forensic Analysis” in the national conference at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 2013



Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on “Cryptography And Efficient Data Transmission For Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks” in the “National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology ‘16 “(NCRDSET ‘16) at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016


Staff Name: ALPHO.AVILA THERESE , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

ISTE Member


Staff Name: M.SENTHAMARAI SELVI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.M.Senthamarai selvi, Associate Professor presented  a paper titled “A knowledge discovery Framework for healthcare using BDCAM” in National Level Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’17) at St.Anne’s College of engineering and technology.Panruti on 26th February,2016.


Staff Name: X.MARTIN LOURDURAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 X.Martin lourduraj,K.Poornambigai and P.Meena, 2016, ‘Reducing the energy consumption using DVFS performance optimizing scheme, EPRA Journal, ISSN: 2455-7838, Vol.2,pp.000798.


Staff Name: X.MARTIN LOURDURAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

X.Martin lourduraj,D.Pauline Freeda and D. Varadharajan, 2016, ‘Mismatch Reduction Between Current and average Queue size in red gateways using SSQRED, EPRA Journal, ISSN: 2455-7838, Vol.2,pp.000713.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended ISRO sponsored two days National seminar on “Internet of Things – Early warning system” at IFET college of Engineering, Villupuram.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended ICMR sponsored two days National seminar on “Machine learning techniques for medical image applications” at IFET college of Engineering, Villupuram on 7thand 8th july 2017


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on the topic of “Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transaction using Wireless Devices” in the International Conference on Computing Information Electronics and Electrical Engineering(ICCIEEE’16), held on “12th and 13th April 2016” at Idhaya Engineering College for Women.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on the topic of “Firewall Anomaly Management Environment using Efficient Policy Anomalies” in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering (NCRTE-2015), held on “5th and 6th March 2015” at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

V.Varalakshmi, “Firewall Management for Resolving the Policy Anomalies.” International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), Vol. 6, No. 05, pp. 276-279, May. 2015.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

V.Varalakshmi, “A Survey on Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transactions.” International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJARSET), Vol. 2, Issue 10, pp. 951-954, Oct. 2015.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

V.Varalakshmi and Mrs.P.Kanimozhi, “Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transactions using Wireless Devices.” International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 846-851, Dec. 2015.


Staff Name: V.VARALAKSHMI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

V.Varalakshmi and Mrs.P.Kanimozhi, “Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transactions using Wireless Devices.” International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. 3, Special Issue 22, pp. 249-254, April 2016.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two day Workshop on Cryptography & Security Lab organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, A.V.C College of Engineering held on 30/05/2016 & 31/05/2016.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended four day Workshop on Advanced Java Frameworks organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti on 22/08/2015, 23/08/2015, 29/08/2015 & 30/08/2015.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day Workshop on Wireless Network Simulating using NS2 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, JP College of Engineering, Ayikudy held on 15/03/2013.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor, Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled “Privacy of intellectual Mobile data using Location proof updating system with Sensor networks” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Computers, Information Technology and Applications (ICRTECITa-2017) organized by PSNA College of  Engineering and Technology  on 22nd  March 2017.



Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor, Mrs. M.Senthamarai Selvi, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled “An effective Filtering based recommendation for information retrival in Mobile Apps” in International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2017) organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Rajarajan, Assistant Professor.  Ms. S. JonaJenifer, IV CSE ,  Ms. R. Rathika IV CSE, presented a paper titled “Dynamic collaboration in multi cloud computing environments: framework and security issues” in the “National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology ‘16 “ (NCRDSET ‘16) at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: S.RAJARAJAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Rajarajan, Assistant Professor, Mr. S. Jerald Nirmal Kumar, Assistant Professor presented  a paper titled “Establishing High throughput in Multiple Barrier-Synchronised TCP connection using ICTCP” in National Level Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’17) at St.Anne’s College of engineering and technology.Panruti on 25th February,2017.


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented seminar in Image Processing held on 20/01/2016 at ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology , Panruti .



Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days Workshop on National Cyber Defence Summit ’16 in Anna University , Chennai  held on 30.9.2016 to 01.10.2016.



Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days Workshop on Application development,deployment and testing on the cloud in Anna University , Chennai  held on 21.3.2016 to 23.3.2016.


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day Workshop on Awarness program about  NPTEL(IIT MADRAS)  in ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology held on 11.01.2016 .


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 Organized two days Workshop on Apptitude in ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology held on 14.7.2016 to 15.7.2016.


Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

30 Hrs Training Programme on Veta Communication Skill Development Program held  at ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology , Panruti




Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Jerald Nirmal Kumar S, 2017, ‘Secured Fair Play System of Online Contest in Cloud Computing’, Conference Proceedings’,  ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology , Panruti




Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Jerald Nirmal Kumar S, 2016, ‘Data storage security and privacy in cloud’, Conference Proceedings’,  ST.Annes College of Engineering and Technology , Panruti .




Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Jerald Nirmal Kumar S, 2016 (Nov), ‘Systematic Review of Security Issues and Solutions for Cloud Computing’, International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Technologies (IJRESTs ), Vol. 27.




Staff Name: S.JERALD NIRMAL KUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

ISTE LifeTime Member


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National Workshop on Advanced JAVA at A.V.C college of engg.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Seven Day Training Programme on Object Oriented Analysis And Design Using Uml  held on 02/08/2012 at St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engg, Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan and A.Arivazhagan,’ Quality Improvement Of 5g Network Using Crowd Sensing Approach’, NCRDSET-17,St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti. 


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan,’ Cloud Computing Infrastructure For E-Learning’, NCRDSET-17,St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D.Varadharajan and S.Manavalan,’Black Hole Attack In Manet Prevented Using Trusted Route,NCRDSET-16,St.Anne’s College of Engg and Technology,Panruti. 


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Jerald Prasath and S.Manavalan,’ Analysis On Mass Exposure Algorithms By Computer Aided Detection, Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Science and Engineering’, U.C.E.T ,Villupuram.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

S.Manavalan ,S.Jerald Nirmal Kumar and Z.Asamathunnisa, 2016,’ Systematic Review of    Security Issues and Solutions for Cloud Computing’, IJREST Journal,ISSN:2454-664X,Vol.2,No.6.


Staff Name: S.MANAVALAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

ISTE Lifetime Member


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 D.Pauline Freeda and K.C.Prabu Shankar, “Trusted CBCR scheme to enhance the performance and security in MANET”, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences,EISSN:1998-1090, 2017 April 11(4): pages1-6.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D.Vardharajan,D.Pauline Freeda and X.Martin Lourduraj,” Mismatch reduction between current and average Queue size in RED gateways using SSQRED”, EPRA international Journal of Research of Development(IJRD) on 02.12.2016.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 2 days ISTE sponsored Faculty Development Program on Mobile Application Development ,Sai Ram  Engineering College, Chennai on 8th  and 9th Jan 2016.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 3 days AICTE sponsored National seminar on National Advances in Optical Networking, Sri ManakulaVinayagar Engineering College,Pudhucherry from 26.07.2007 to 28.07.2007.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day International Workshop on Preparation of Technical Articles& Research Proposals in University College of Engineering Villupuram on 04/01/2016.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 5 days AICTE & ISTE sponsored Short Term Training Program on Agent Technology and Web Services , Sri ManakulaVinayagar Engineering College,Pudhucherry from 19th March to 23rd March 2007.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 10 days AICTE sponsored StaffDevelopment Programon Advances in embedded and Wireless Technology atSri ManakulaVinayagar Engineering College,Pudhucherry from 18th –28th Jan 2007.


Staff Name: D.PAULINE FREEDA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

D. Pauline Freeda & A. Geetha,” E-Contract based on Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme”, Proceedings of National Conference on Knowledge Management & Data Mining ’06 ( NCKM&DM ’06 ), 125 -129, PSNA Engineering College, Dindugal, 4th Apr 2006.

CSE department has an active engineering Association functioning. technical seminar and national level symposiums are conducted to give ample opportunities to budding engineers to show their talents.Students are enriched with technical knowledge to be competitive in the employment sector

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Title: VAC on PHP and MY SQl


Department of Computer and Science Engineering in association with COSTA had organized a five days Value Added course on " PHP & MYSQL “at computer Laboratory 5 from 24.02.2025 to 28.02.2025  and his trainer team was the Resource Person and the event started with a inauguration in the presence of Respected vice Principal Rev Sr. A. Punitha jilt. Our third year student Ms. Dharani gave the welcome address to the Resource Person and all the dignitaries on the dais. Our third year Ms. Avina Sree introduced the chief guest and all the respected dignitaries them.


The course session was handled by Mrs. Sujitha, Nextgen Solution, Cuddalore and his team and the students provided an overview of  PHP & MYSQL, explaining how they working. 

In the Day 2, Participants were given program to practice the concepts they had learned. They were guided step-by-step through the process of setting up the software and writing the necessary code to make the icons using PHP & MYSQL. This hands-on experience allowed them how to create a web page.  

In the Day 3, Attendees were taught how to create a web modelling. They learned about how to create a web page and website using PHP & MYSQL. After uploading, participants tested the application to observe the results. They followed step-by-step instructions were given.  

In day 4 and day 5 the students discussed how to create a web page in real-world. Illustrating how basic concepts could be expanded into complex projects.




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Title: National Level Technical Symposium (TECHSYNERGY'24)

Description: TECHSYNERGY’24, a significant symposium, took place on November 06, 2024, at the auditorium, hosted by department of CSE,St Annes college of engineering and technology. The event served as a hub for students from various engineering colleges to come together, learn, share, and grow. The primary aim was to provide a platform for engineering students to exhibit their technical skills, presentationabilities, and organizational talents. A notable highlight of the event was the presence of a distinguished guest Mr,JEROME MELKISIDAK,B.E,MBA CEO of Stigmata techno solutions. The stage was shared by the Secretary, Rev.Sr.Dr.Quencly Jayanthi , Principal, Dr.R.Arokiyadass and Vice Principal Rev.Sr.A.Punitha Jilt The chief guest offered valuable insights into the world of job interviews and the art of crafting compelling resumes. Her guidance was particularly beneficial to the students who were on the cusp of graduating and stepping into the job market. This symposium was thoughtfully organized by Mr. S. Manavalan, Ms. S. Abinaya and Mrs. M.Subathiradevi with the support of Head of department (incharge) Rev.Sr.A.Punitha Jilt, faculty members and students of our department. Furthermore, they aimed to foster an environment where students could exchange innovative ideas and knowledge. Later, chief guest introduction was delivered by Kaniha of IV year CSE. TECHSYNERGY’24 managed to attract the participation of nearly 200 students from different engineering colleges. Throughout the symposium, attendees had the chance to immerse themselves in technical and non-technical events. This exposure not only broadened their horizons but also sparked fresh ideas and solutions to real-world challenges. Importantly, the event also acted as a dynamic networking platform, allowing students to forge connections with like- minded peers. Additionally, by actively participating in the organization of the event, students honed their skills in planning, coordination, and execution. This hands-on experience was instrumental in nurturing their organizational skills, a quality highly sought after in the professional world.

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Description: Department of Computer and Science Engineering in association with COSTA had organized a five days Value Added course on " ANDROID DEVELOPMENT USING KOTLIN “at computer Laboratory 4 from 24.02.2025 to 28.02.2025 Mr. Abdul Mubrak, Full stack developer Adiz Codze, cuddalore and his trainer team was the Resource Person and the event started with a inauguration in the presence of Respected vice Principal Rev Sr. A. Punitha jilt. Our third year student Ms. Poovizhi gave the welcome address to the Resource Person and all the dignitaries on the dais. Our third year Ms. Charumathi introduced the chief guest and all the respected dignitaries them The course session was handled by Mr. AbdulMubrak, Team Lead & Full stack Developer and his team and the students provided an overview of KOTLIN, explaining how they working. In the Day 2, Participants were given program to practice the concepts they had learned. They were guided step-by-step through the process of setting up the software and writing the necessary code to make the icons using KOTLIN. This hands-on experience allowed them to grasp the connection between software and handset. In the Day 3, Attendees were taught how to upload the code onto the Android mobile. They learned about the compilation and uploading process, and how to troubleshoot any errors that might occur. After uploading, participants tested the application to observe the results. They followed step-by-step instructions were given. In day 4 and day 5 the students discussed real-world Android applications. Examples included food order systems. Illustrating how basic concepts could be expanded into complex projects. The value-added course was concluded with a valedictory function presided over by Ms. Charumathi. The event coordinator, Ms V. Keerthana, AP/CSE, welcomes the gathering and thanks the management for giving permission for the arrangement of such a valuable program, as well as the trainers for providing our students with practical knowledge in KOTLIN in our core areas. The session was followed by a feedback session. Overall, the workshop was so enlightening, and it must have sparked something within students to get innovative ideas and get involved in real-time projects.

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Description: The department of computer science and engineering and costa in association with organize a guest lecture on the topic of the "importance of self belief" on 24.10.2024 at 11:15 am . the resource person, during this lecture delivered the content which provide students with a host of benefits.

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Title: Value-added Course on “IVA026 -FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT”

Description: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) in association with Computer Science Techxium Association (COSTA) has Conducted a Value-added Course on “IVA026 -FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT” from 03.09.2024 to 09.09.2024. The students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering participated in the course. On the first day of the course, the students were taught about the installation of visual studio . The students were separated into batches for hands-on training. On the second day, the students started being taught aboutbasics of web designing. The students learned to do a webpage using html and css with the help of the instructions given by the resource persons. On the third day, the students were taught about programming based on angular java. On the fourth day, the students were taught about webserver based on Packages and Exception Handling. On the fifth day, the students were taught about programming with directives from HTML to Angular java. After completion of every session, students were asked to construct a new website using angular java. The students interacted well with the resource persons. At the end of the session, project work has been assigned to them. After completion, students were asked to write a program for project development. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience on the course. The resource person selected the best performers of the course, and they were appreciated at the end of the course.The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks

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Title: a workshop on the topic “Evolution Of Wireless Networking And Its Future Job Prospects”

Description: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA in association with organized a workshop on the topic “Evolution Of Wireless Networking And Its Future Job Prospects” on 14.10.2024 at 10:15AM. Mr.Nilutpal Bose, NILE, Team Leader was the resource person. The programme started with prayer song. Resource person, during this workshop covered the topics like Introduction to wireless sensor networks, satellite communication networks, telecommunications, Monitor network performance, and diagnose network issues. The session was very interactive and dynamic. Resource person explained about Wireless Networking Job Openings and certifications based industries. At the end of webinar, feedbacks were collected from students. Students gained knowledge on Wireless Network and its security. The workshop was very useful to students.

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Title: Guest lecture on “CAREER SUCCESS”


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA in association with organized a Guest lecture on the topic “CAREER SUCCESS” on 05.10.2024 at 10:15AM. Mr.S.Prabakaran, System Engineer at TCS was the resource person. The programme started with prayer song.

               Resource person, during this lecture delivered the content like Recruitment process, Interview questions and Packages, popular choice for research due to its ease of use, flexibility and rapid prototyping.The session was very interactive and dynamic. Resource person explained about cracking the aptitude round, Problem-Solving Skills, Impressive resume making, Effective communication and Positive body language. At the end of lecture, feedbacks were collected from students. Students gained knowledge about Placement drive and Self growth. The lecture was very useful to students.

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Title: Online Awareness Session for the GATE 2024


NSDC along with PALS (an outreach initiative of IIT Alumni organized an Online Awareness Session for the GATE 2024 examination on 26.08.2023 through online zoom meeting. Prof. Dr Shiva Nagendra SM, the Chairman, M.Tech., IIT Madras will be the lead speaker. Acquiring the expected scores in these examinations will help the aspirants to secure admission in IITs, NITs and IIScs, get a lucrative career in Central Government Public limited Companies, and so on. The session was open to the Third- and Fourth-year students and faculty of all engineering disciplines. After the welcome session, resource person started the speech by giving introduction about importance of GATE exam. He explained the application procedures for GATE exam and methodologies for exam preparation. The session was very interactive which helped the participants to clear their doubts.

Organized by : TNSDC 

Date: 26.08.2023 

Time : 10.00 am to 12.15 pm 

Venue: Computer Lab 4 & 5 

Mode: Online (Zoom Meeting) 

Total Participants: 87 Year: III Yr & IV Yr 

Resource Person: Prof. Dr Shiva Nagendra SM, the Chairman, M.Tech., IIT Madras

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Title: Essay writing and Drawing competition


Department of CSE and CoSTA conducted a “Essay writing and Drawing competition” for celebrating the birth anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on 14.10.2023 at 1.00 PM inthe class room. Aim of this programme is to remember the former president and great scientist of our nation. Also the competition is intended to motivating the students to improve their writing and drawing skills. 15 students from all the years of CSE Department, actively participated in the competition. Teaching faculties supervised the participants. Theessay topic was “Abdul Kalam and Science”. Drawing competition was to draw the picture of Dr. Kalam. This programme helped the students to showcase their hidden talents. Later the participants were given prizes.

Organized by :Department of CSE & CoSTA

Date: 14.10.2023Time :01.00 pm to 03.00 pm

Venue: MB206 class room

Total Participants: 15 Students

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Title: Webinar on "IOT"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA in association with Pantech e-Learning organized a webinar on the topic “IOT” on 19.10.2023 at 3:00 pm. Mr. Vignesh, Pantech e-Learning was the resource person. The programme started with prayer song. Resource person, during his webinar covered the topics like Introduction to Internet of things, types of IOT, applications and case studies in IOT . The session was very interactive and dynamic. Resource person explained about IOT based industries. At the end of webinar, feedbacks were collected from students. Students gained knowledge on IOT and its scope. The webinar was very use full to students and staff.


Date: 19.10.2023 Time : 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Venue: Auditorium

Total Participants: 115 Students & 7 staff

Resource Person: Mr. Vignesh, Pantech e-Learning. 

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Title: Seminar on the topic "Knowledge on Git/GitHUB"

Description: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, organized a seminar on the topic “Knowledge on Git/GitHUB” on 18.10.2023 at 09:30 am in Computer lab 4. Ms. K. Kayalvizhi, AP/CSE, Alumni of 2016-20 was the resource person. The programme started with prayer song. Ms. Kayalvizhi, during herseminar covered the topicson importance of Git repository, GitHUB account creation. The session was very interactive and dynamic. Resource person answered the questions raised by students. At the end of seminar, feedbacks were collected from students. Students gained knowledge on Git/GitHUB repository creation and its applications. The session was very use full to the students and staff. Date: 18.10.2023 Time :9.30 am to 12.15 pm Venue: Computer Lab 4 Total Participants: 29 Students and 6 staff Resource Person: Ms. K. Kayalvizhi, AP/CSE, SANCET Alumni: 2016-20 Batch

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Title: Technical Quiz by CSE Department


Department of CSE and CoSTA conducts a “Technical Quiz” for celebrating the Engineers Day on 14.09.2023 at 3.00 PM inConference Hall. Aim of this programme is to create awareness about the role of engineers in society. The programme started with the prayer song and bible reading followed by the motivation speech on engineer’s day. Final year and 3 rd year students of CSE department,actively participated in the quiz. Teaching faculties also participated in the quiz. The quiz competition was on computer science related topics. It helped the students to brush up their technical knowledge. Finally, a motivation video about the importance of engineering was played. At the end of the programme, feedbacks were collected from students. The programme was enjoyed by students.

Organized by :Department of CSE & CoSTA 

Date: 14.09.2023

Time :03.00 pm to 04.30 pm 

Venue: Conference Hall 

Year: III Yr& IV Yr 

Total Participants: 75 Students & 8 Staff

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Title: Seminar on "Today IT?"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Seminar on “Digital Marketing” on 28 th July, 2023. The programme was organized with the objective of imparting the Importance of Today’s IT field and to reveal the knowledge of what is IT. Resource person for this seminar was Mr. Kamal Kumar. K, CEO, Syscorp Technology, Puducherry. The resource person started the session by giving a brief introduction about Information Technology. He explained about various emerging technologies in IT industries. Students were encouraged to identify their area of interest like Big Data, Cloud Computing, Network Security etc., and focus on various technologies to get the job in IT industries. They understood recent trends in technologies and opportunities for future career development. Students gained knowledge of different techniques applied for developing new application. At the end of the session feedbacks were collected from students.

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Title: Seminar on "Digital Marketing"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering, organized a seminar on the topic "Digital Marketing" on 27.07.23 at 09:30 am in Conference Hall. Mr. Santhosh Kumar. K, SEO Digital Marketing Team lead, Syscorp Technology, Puducherry was the resource person. The programme started with prayer song followed by the welcome address by Rev. Sr. Dr. T. Nirmala, Secretary and Sr. A. Punitha Jilt, Vice Principal. Mr. Santhosh Kumar, during his lecture covered the areas like Search Engine Optimization. Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing & Scope of Digital Marketing. The session was very interactive and dynamic. He answered the questions raised by students. At the end of the session feedbacks were collected from students. Students gained knowledge on importance of learning digital marketing and the career opportunities.

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering of St. ANNE's CET had organised a Guest lecture on "MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT USING FLUTTER" on 1st October2022 from 9:30am to 4:30pm for 3rd and 4th year CSE students.

 Resource person invited for the session was Mr. K.G. Harish Kumar, Module Lead, ACL digital, Chennai. The guest lecture started at 9:30am with Welcome address. Mr. K.G. Harish Kumar (2013-2016 batches) who was alumni of our institution started with the basic coding session and gave the students six rules for the development of flutter. He taught them what the platforms are where flutter is used. He also motivated the students to upgrade themselves on flutter, dart like languages. He suggested a web page for the flutter development & installation. He provided them good information about how the flutter can lead the roadway to develop a Mobile Application.

    He explained the concepts with the Demo project using flutter and also he run the program code. He also briefed the students the importance of developing such projects and taught them about widgets. The session was interactive and interesting. Overall, The Session has helped each & every students to develop the knowledge on "Mobile App Development using Flutter". At last the session was concluded by the Vote of thanks.

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A Workshop entitled “ADVANCED PYTHON PROGRAMMING” was Organized by Department of Computer Science And Engineering , St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology for 2nd Year CSE Students on 01st October, 2022 (Saturday) in the Computer lab 4 & 5 from 09.30 A.M to 03.00 P.M.

      The Resource Persons of this workshop were Mr. P. Saravanbhava, AP and Mrs. P.Nivetha, AP of CSE Department. The program began with Prayer and  followed by Welcome Address by Mr. S. Rajarajan. Mrs. Nivetha  started the morning session by refreshing the basics of Python Programming. She explained about the data types, control statements, built in packages and the purpose of packages in python with the help of power point presentation. She also explained about the installation of numpy package and programming with numpy package by executing  example programs in the Python IDLE. After a short break, Mr. Saravanabhava, continued the session by explaining the installation process of pandas package and matplotlib package. He instructed the students, how to import the packages and how to handle data loading, data manipulation, storing the data in different structures and file handling with pandas. He  also discussed the importance of  data science and executed the python programs to create different types of graphs and plots using matplotlib package. Meanwhile the questions of students were cleared by the resource persons. After the lunch break the afternoon session was continued by Mr. Saravanabhava. He presented the game development aspect of python , by introducing pygame module. Creating a  game screen, Object creation and movement of the object in different directions with variation in speed is discussed. Google Colab and its advantages over IDLE in executing the python Program was explained by him. Later the students undergone practical session by coding and executing the programs themselves in the systems with the help of  sample program documents shared to them.   Students utilized the practical session very much to learn the data science related packages in python and the resource persons instructed them how to execute python in online mode with the help of google colab.

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Title: Break the Shell


A Motivation Program entitled “BREAK THE SHELL” was Organized by Department of Computer Science And Engineering , St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology forCSE Students on 03 rd September, 2022 (Saturday) in the College Auditorium from 09.30A.M to 04.30 P.M. The Resource Person of this Program was Mr. P.RAMALINGAM, Founder and Consciousness Trainer, Dharshan Swizlang, Cuddalore.The program began with Prayer and followed by Welcome Address by Ms.M.Ishwarya, II yr CSE and Ms.M.Kaniha, II year CSE, introduced the Chief Guest to the audience. Mr. P. Ramalingam, the resource person with his team focussed on how to break the shell that covered the talents among the students. The presenter who himself is a source of motivation to students gave encouraging examples from his own life and inspired students to be a Self-Motivator. He motivated the students in interactive way and started the event with questionnaire session. The presenter with his team insisted the students some thoughts on Achievement, Motivation, and Dependence in life with good interactions with students. He taught us how to break the shell with positive thoughts and stable mind. He played some brain exercise games and intersting IQ games you develop our eagerness towards motivation. During each session some videos were also played to motivate the students. He taught that, Self analysis can be done in four ways, SWOT Analysis, DISC Analysis, Transactional Analysis, Personality Analysis. Students experienced some Stress Management exercises given by the presenter. He gave the students, "Eight mantra about love" and atlast he encouraged our students to come out and deliver their experience as feedback. The event also focussed on making the students build positive "Self-esteem" and discover their true potential. It covered the key elements required for a student to be successful in academics and later life.Nearly 100 Students and Staff from Department of Computer Science and Engineering attended the Program. The session ended with a round of discussion and a vote of thanks by Mr.S.Sriram,IV year CSE.

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The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged a seminar on "Roadway to Become an Entrepreneur” for all the CSE students to be held on 07.05.2022 in Conference Hall in between 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM. The aim of this seminar it to inculcate the fundamentals, key concepts and various facts of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option. The seminar was handled by Mrs. Devi Priya, Founder - Cinderella closet, Arts and Craft store. The resource person talked about how design thinking process can help entrepreneur to get clear picture of the problem and how to convert that into viable business idea. She shared her entrepreneurship journey and explained how entrepreneurs see a problem as an opportunity for business. She conducted few activities on to open up their own ideas about entrepreneurship. Students were actively participated and they found very much helpful.

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Title: Basics of Web Technology


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged a Workshop on “Basics of Web Technology” for 3rd and 4th year CSE students to be held on 30.04.2022. The workshop aimed at introducing the basics of HTML, so as to cultivate among the students an interest in the area of Web Development and also help them to take steps in their journey as a web developer. The workshop was handled by Ms.J.Monisha, Programmer (Full Stack Developer), Integra Software Services, Pondicherry. The resource person focused more on understanding the logic behind the various lines of code and HTML tags. She gave helpful tips and hacks to the students to make their code stand - Out. Students were actively participated in the workshop. Students get motivated through this workshop.


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Title: Website Creation using HTML


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged a Workshop on "Website creation using HTML" for 2nd and 3rd year CSE students to be held on 23.04.2022 in Computer Lab -4 at 9:30 AM. The aim of this workshop is to provide hands on practice to the students in web development projects. The workshop was handled by Mr.M. Thirumurugan, senior software engineer, TATA Consumer Products. He explained about how to develop a web applications. Stuidents found this workshop very much helpful.

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Title: Self-Improvement


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Motivational Program on "SELF-IMPROVEMENT" on 18th April 2022 between 10:00 AM to 12.30 PM at college Auditorium. Dr. Joshua David was the resource person and the seminar began with prayer song. The resource person was honored with shawl and gift. He conducted this seminar to improve ourselves as physically and mentally. He inculcated the students on positive attitude towards a problem and challenges of self-confidence, self-awareness and time management. This seminar enabled the students to learn about how to deal with mistakes and to focus on correcting them in future. The students found a great improvement towards self-development plans and it was quite benefit to achieve our future goals.

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The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a webinar on "JOURNEY TO CRACK YOUR PLACEMENTS” for all the CSE students on 11th February 2022 between 10:30 AM to 11.30 AM in the Google Meet. Mr. S. Arut Prakash, Software Engineer, Optum, United Health Group, Chennai was the resource person. The objective of this webinar was to help the students to get a clear idea about their job opportunities, how to apply and prepare for interviews. The session was very informative, Students also participated enthusiastically and clarified their doubts. All the students were very much benefitted.

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Title: Seminar on Digital Marketing



The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a seminar titled "DIGITAL MARKETING" on 3rd December 2021 from 9:30 AM to 12.30 PM at our college Conference Hall. The resource person for this seminar was Mr. T. Velai Varnan, Technical Trainer, Ethnus Private Ltd. Mr. Velai Varnan had ample experience as a website / blog content writer.  He was felicitated by Mrs. D. Pauline Freeda, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The students were provided a wide insight into Digital marketing and its techniques and its impact on social networking sites. The seminar received huge appreciation from staff and students. Students gained knowledge on Digital Marketing and clarified their doubts. The event was very useful to all the students of our department.

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Title: Workshop on UiPath Tool


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized a workshop on "UiPath Tool" for III and IV year CSE students in our college at Computer Lab - 4 on 30.09.2021. The workshop was conducted by Mr. S. Manavalan, ASP/CSE. He started the session by giving introduction about UiPath Tool and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Tool. He demonstrated how to download UiPath tool Software and explained various operations and functions involved in UiPath Tool. He concluded the session by explaining the scope for the tool and its various applications which would be helpful for our students in doing their projects. The entire session was very interactive and students were allowed to ask their queries during the whole session and they were benefitted by learning a new tool.

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Title: Seminar on Stress Management


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized a seminar on "STRESS MANAGEMENT" on 8th October 2021 between 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm at our College Conference Hall. The seminar was presented by Mrs. Z. Asmathunnisa, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. A total 80 students from CSE have attended the seminar along with the faculty members. The session was started with a welcome address by Ms. P. Sujithra Santha Kumari, AP/CSE. The resource person explained different points related to stress management and also about positive and negative stress. The entire session was interactive in which students asked their doubts, their suggestions and feedback were recorded. The students found this seminar very much helpful in managing stress and to boost their confidence in their daily lives.

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Title: Paper Presentation


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a technical event “PAPER PRESENTATION CONTEST" on 22nd October 2021 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at our college Conference Hall. This event enhances student’s presentation skills and in-depth understanding on the chosen topic. 9 students from all 3 years were participated in this event. Students presented papers on various domains such as machine learning, IOT, Big data and Cloud Computing. The event was judged by faculty members of our CSE department Mr. S. Rajarajan AP/CSE and Ms. P. Sujithra Santha Kumari AP/CSE. They posted questions to the presenters and gave suggestions to improve their presentation skills. All participants were hailed with gift by department of CSE and the event ended up with vote of thanks.

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Title: Celebration of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY-2021


THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING has conducted an environment awareness ONLINE COMPETITIONS includes QUIZ, POETRY and MISSING LETTERS in celebration of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY on 05/06/2021 @10:00 AM through the link Nearly 120 members have registered for the competition. E-certificate has been issued for all active participants. We have awarded certificate of merit for the participants who have secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for Poetry Competition.

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a "MOTIVATIONAL TALK" on 23rd September 2021 between 3:00 to 4:00pm at Our College Conference Hall. It was presented by Mr. T. John Peter, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy. Nearly 80 students from IV, III & II year  CSE have attended the event. The session was started with a welcome address by Mrs. E. Indhuma, AP/CSE. The resource person has motivated the students by his excellent speech about how to develop reading habits, consistency in learning a new thing, how to develop self belief on quoting “Michelle Smith” and many interesting personalities and their achievements. Students were allowed to ask their queries and finally the event was ended with vote of thanks. Students were really benefitted and motivated. 

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering has celebrated Engineer’s Day on 15th September 2021 in our college Auditorium. The event was started with prayer song followed by Bible reading. Dr. R. Arokiadass, Principal, St. Anne’s CET, greet the students and motivated them by his inspirational speech on how to become a successful Engineer. Ms. V. Britta Devi, AP/CSE delivered a excellent speech on "Why Engineer’s Day?" on quoting Sir M. Visvesvaraya, who was the reason for celebrating the Engineer’s Day. Mr.S. Rajarajan, AP/CSE delivered an informative talk on “Openings for Engineers in the Field of Computer Science”. He motivated the students through his incredible talk in choosing their path in future. The celebration is followed by Quiz Competition led by Mr. S. Manavalan, ASP/CSE and Mrs. E. Induma, AP/CSE. Students from 2nd , 3rd and 4th year students were participated in this event. The prizes were distributed for position holders by Mrs. D. Pauline Freeda, HOD/CSE and the event was ended with vote of thanks.

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Title: Workshop on R- Language


Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized a workshop on  "R-LANGUAGE" for III and IV year CSE students in our college at Computer Lab-5 on 17.09.2021 from 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM. The Workshop was conducted by Mr.A.Rajarajan, AP/CSE. He started the session by giving introduction about Basics of R-Language later he demonstrated how to download R and R-studio and explained various operations and functions using R-Language. Finally he concluded the session by explaining the scope for R-Language in future and its various applications. The entire session was very interactive and students were allowed to ask their queries during the whole session and they were benefitted by learning a new programming Language.

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a webinar on “DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURIAL MENTALITY” on 25th August 2021 between 10:00 A.M to 11:00 A.M. online on google meet platform. It was presented by Dr. Vasu Sharma, Head of the Department, Department of Management, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Nearly 70 members participated in this event. The session was started with a welcome address by Ms. Britta Devi, AP/CSE followed by the resource person’s introductory talk about the topic. The resource person has motivated the students by her excellent speech about Entrepreneurship, how to develop a Successful Entrepreneurial Mentality, Innovative ways to solve problems, and to create value to the society by using the term Forward Thinking to predict the future on quoting “Warren Buffet” and the risk involved in Entrepreneurship. It was an informative session and students were really benefited from this webinar and looking forward to taking up Entrepreneurship as their passion in the future.

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Title: Webinar on "LaTeX"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged a Webinar on “LaTeX” for III Year CSE students. The webinar was presented by Mrs.E.Indhuma, AP/CSE, St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 30.04.2021 between 10:00a.m. to 11.00 pm. The webinar was conducted through Google Meet platform with the ID: szhtvyygpy. Presentation regarding LaTeX made the students learn more about how to write research articles by using LaTeX tool effectively and easily. All students were very much benefitted from this webinar. 

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Title: Online Workshop on "MS Package"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized a Online Workshop on “MS Package” in google meet platform using the google meet id : fxk-fhif-vsn on 30.04.2021 between 10.00am and 11.00 am. Workshop was conducted by Mr. N.Kumar,AP/CSE for II year CSE students. Workshop dealt with MS Word,MS powerpoint and MS Excel. All important and basic points regarding using these 3 applications were discussed in detail by the resource person. Assignment were assigned to the students to make them very familiar in the various topics discussed. All students were really benefitted by this workshop.

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Title: CSE Farewell Party - 2017-2021 batch


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a farewell party to the final year students (2017-2021 batch) on 19th , April ,2021. The event was conducted in the college auditorium. III and II year students organized the event in a very grand manner. Event was started with prayer song and followed Bible reading. Sr. Punitha Jilt, HOD presented the felicitation address and wished the outgoing students all success. Their juniors conducted several games and other events to the final year students. Mrs. D. Pauline Freeda,ASP/CSE cum Class In charge of final year wished the students with all success in all their future endeavors. HOD presented “Department gift” to the outgoing students. III and II year students also presented their “token of love”  to their seniors.

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Department of computer science and engineering conducted  Webinar on " GUIDELINES FOR GATE PREPARATION" presented by Ms.Sujithra santha kumari.P, Assistant Professor/CSE  through online with google meet id: tmz-dpjc-oci on 17-04-2021 between 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Students from II,III,IV year were attended this event.

Topics covered are: How to prepare for gate,How to apply for gate exam,Preparation tips. All students were benefitted by this event.

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Title: Workshop on creating web pages using HTML


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a workshop on "HTML web page creation" on 24.04.2021 in google meet platform. Workshop was conducted by Mrs.Z.Asmathunnisa, AP/CSE for both II and III year CSE students. Workshop revealed the students about basic structure of HTML document ,various HTML tags, tools for creating web pages. Creating hyperlinks adding colors and images to web pages are also practiced to the participants of the workshop. All students benefitted from this workshop.

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Title: Webinar on WordPress


Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged an Webinar on   “WordPress” for  III Year CSE students.Webinar was presented by  Ms.V.Britta Devi, M.Tech.,AP/CSE, St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,   Panruti on   27.03.2021   between 11:50 a.m.  to 12.50 pm.  The webinar was conducted through Google Meet platform with the ID: szhtvyygpy. Presentation regarding Wordpress  made the students to learn more about how to create blogs and websites of their own  by using WordPress tool effectively and easily. All students were very much benefitted by this webinar.

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Title: Webinar on LaTeX


Department of Computer Science and Engineering has arranged an Webinar on “LaTeX” for II Year CSE students.Webinar was presented by Dr. A. Azhagappan, Ph.D., Prof./S&H, St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 27.03.2021 between 11:50 a.m. to 12.50 pm. The webinar was conducted through Google Meet platform. Presentation regarding LaTeX made the students to learn more about how to write research articles by using LaTeX tool effectively and easily. All students were very much benefitted by this webinar

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Title: International Webinar on “DEEP LEARNING”


Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Computer Science Techxium Association (CoSTA) organized an International Webinar on “DEEP LEARNING” on 17th December 2020. Webinar was presented by Dr.FERDIN JOE JOHN JOSEPH, Ph.D., Lecturer, Faculty of Information Technology, Thai Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Webinar introduced about the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. Resource Person presented the webinar by giving practical examples based on his research findings. Nearly 90 students from Department of Computer Science and Engineering of our college actively participated in this knowledge gaining event and got benefitted.

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Department of CSE organized a  WEBINAR on "ART OF WRITING RESEARCH PAPER" on 19.09.2020 between 1.30pm & 2.30pm. It was presented by Mrs. Z. Asmathunnisa , AP/ Dept. of CSE through online in Google meet platform. All Students of department of CSE were assigned the Google Meet code to access the Google Meet platform. Nearly 60 students from IV, III & II year attended the event.Webinar introduced the students about the structure and content of a research paper and about   how to write each and  every topic content in a descriptive way. Students were really benefitted by this webinar. 

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Department of CSE organized a  WEBINAR ON "INTRODUCTION ON DATA SCIENCE" on 05.10.2020 between 10:00am & 11:30am. It was presented by Mr. S.KENNEDY, Senior Data Scientist, Cognisant Technology Solutions, Chennai  through online in zoom platform. All Students of Department of CSE were assigned the  Meet code to access the zoom  platform. Nearly 70 students from IV, III & II year attended the event. Webinar introduced the students about the Data Science in much eloborate way and in an excellent way with suitable examples.Students were really benefited by this webinar. 

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Title: Webinar on How to handle Google Meet, Google classroom & Guidelines to Online Examination


Department of CSE organized a  Webinar on  "How to handle Google Meet, Google classroom & Guidelines to Online  Examination" on 04.11.2020 between 10:00am & 11:30am. It was presented by Mr. S.RAJARAJAN, AP/ Dept. of CSE through online in Google meet platform. All Students of Department of CSE were assigned the Google Meet code to access the Google Meet platform. Nearly 70 students from IV, III & II year attended the event.

Webinar introduced the students about the How to handle Google Meet, Google classroom & Guidelines to Online  Examination in an excellent way with proper procedure and guidelines.Students were really benefitted by this webinar. 

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Department of CSE organized a  WEBINAR ON "MS-PACKAGE" on 16.10.2020 between 10:30am & 11:30am. It was presented by Mr. N.KUMAR,AP/ Dept. of CSE through online in Google meet platform. All Students of Department of CSE were assigned the Google Meet code to access the Google Meet platform. Nearly 70 students from IV, III & II year attended the event. Webinar introduced the students about the Power point, MS-Word, MS-Excel in an excellent way with suitable examples.Students were really benefitted by this webinar. 

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Title: International Webinar on “VFX Techniques in Video Editing"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized International Webinar on “VFX Techniques in Video Editing” on 3rd June 2020 between 4.00pm and 5.00pm  using Youtube live platform.    

Session on “VFX Techniques in Video Editing”. It was handled by Dr. D. Samson, Lecturer, DMISJB University, Malawi, Africa, VFX Corporate Trainer and Free Lancer. He gave elaborate introduction about VFX techniques & Filmora tool and explained their effects by using an example. He elaborated the steps to incorporate VFX effects in a video using Filmora. He presented it very clearly and simply so that all can easily follow. 

Queries were answered by the resource persons at the end of the session which were posted by the participants in live chat box. Around 700 participants attended the webinar and got benefitted. They all received the participation certificate through mail after filling the feedback form

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Title: International Webinar on “Web Development in Python using Pycharm”


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized International Webinar on “Web Development in Python using Pycharm” on 2nd June 2020 between 4.00pm and 5.00pm  using Youtube live platform.    

Session on “Web Development in Python using Pycharm” which was presented by Mr. R. Vinoth, Free Lancer, Full Stack Developer, Chennai. He started the session by introducing the basics of Python and its advantages over other programming languages. He continued with the importance of Pycharm and demonstrated how a web page can be developed using Pycharm by illustrating simple examples in a detailed manner.

Queries were answered by the resource persons at the end of the session which were posted by the participants in live chat box. Around 700 participants attended the webinar and got benefitted. They all received the participation certificate through mail after filling the feedback form.

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Webinar on “VIRTUAL REALITY” on 20th, May 2020 between 4.00pm and 5.00pm through YouTube Live platform. Mr. R.Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, SRM college of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur was the speaker of the session. He started about virtual reality in a basic way and explained the way how virtual reality can be adapted in various scenarios. The tools utilized for sensing the virtual environment, application of VR were explained by using various videos and screen shots. Projects that may use VR in future was also explored by him. Nearly 1000 + participants from various educational institution including faculties, Students, and industrial persons were benefitted by this webinar. Queries which were posted in the live chat box by the participants during live session were answered by the resource person elaborately. Participants’ feedback forms were collected and E-Certificate was instantly generated to all active participants.  

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Title: Workshop on "Advanced Java Programming"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized 5 day Workshop for final year students from 10.3.2020 to  14.03.2020. Resource person was Mr. R. Arul Raj, Technical trainer, CDAC-St. Patrick Software solutions, Pondicherry. He started the session from basics of Java and proceeded with  Servelets and JSP. And database connectivity using MySQL was also discussed. Hands On session was also given to the students to make them much familiar with the concepts. Accordingly the students were very much satisfied with the Workshop also much benefitted

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Title: CSE Department Tour


Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a tour for final year students of 2016-2020 batch to Ooty on 13th & 14th February 2020.Totally 39 students and 4 Staff members started their journey on 12th February 2020 at 11.00 P.M from our college. On the first day our team visited “BenchMark” Tea factory & Chocolate factory at Ooty. In tea factory where the tea processing steps were explained by a guide and showed us the different machines being used at various stages. In Chocolate factory our students are learned about the complete process of making a Chocolate. At the end of the first day our students visited Botanical Garden. On second day of 14th February 2020, we visited “Black Thunder” Amusement Park at Mettupalayam. Our students enjoyed various amusements on the spot. We left Mettupalayam at 8.00 P.M and reached on college at 4.00 A.M on 15th Feb 2020. Tour was very useful as all students learnt a lot and got exposure about various things and places visited on those two days.

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Title: Workshop on "Joy of Python Programming"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering  organized a workshop on “Joy of Python Programming” on 22.02.2020 for II year CSE students in our college. Workshop was conducted  by Mr. S.Manavalan, ASP/CSE. He started the session by giving introduction about Python literals later he discussed about  various functions that could be used . Finally he concluded the session by talking  about application of Python Language. The entire session was very interactive and students were allowed to ask their queries during the whole session and they were benefitted a lot.

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Title: Workshop on "Image Processing"


Department of Computer Science and Engineering  organized a workshop on “Image Processing” on 22.02.2020 for III year CSE students in our college. Workshop was conducted  by Mrs.D.Pauline Freeda, ASP/CSE and Ms. F.Pramisha ,AP/CSE. They started the session by giving introduction about Image processing  later they discussed about  Image processing Techniques mainly in MATLAB. Finally they concluded the session by talking  about application of image processing. The entire session was very interactive and students were allowed to ask their queries during the whole session and they were benefitted a lot.

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Title: Guest lecture on Virtual Reality


A Guest lecture on "Virtual Reality" was presented by Mrs. Z. Asmathunnisa, Assistant Professor and Mrs. K. Poornambigai, Assistant Professor at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 07th February, 2020. The talk focused on introducing the concepts of Virtual Reality and its applications.

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Title: Faculty Development Programme on "Blockchain Technology"


Two-day Faculty Development Programme on "Blockchain Technology" was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, on 5th and 6th December, 2019.

This FDP aims to provide opportunities to faculty members and develop their technical knowledge in emerging Blockchain technology. This technology is implemented in various real time applications. The participants gained knowledge on smart contracts using Blockchain. The hands on sessions were conducted on ethereum and live demonstration was shown for Blockchain projects. A total of 30 participants attended the FDP. All participants received certificate and softcopy of the workshop materials.

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Title: Joy of Python Programming Workshop


A one day workshop on “Joy of Python Programming” was conducted by Mr.S.Manavalan, Associate Professor for III year students of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 30th August 2019. 

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Title: Internet of Things Workshop


A one day workshop on “Internet of Things” was conducted by Mrs. K. Poornambigai, Assistant Professor and Ms.V.Varalakshmi, Assistant Professor for II year students of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 2nd August 2019. 

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Title: Java Programming


A three day Workshop on “Java Programming” was conducted by Mr.V.Arulraj, Technical Trainer, CDAC-St.Patrick Software Solutions, Puducherry for II year students of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26 th to 28 th August, 2019. The students learned the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining classes, interfaces, creating objects, invokingmethods, using packages.

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Title: Python Workshop


A two day Workshop on “Python” was conducted by Mr.G.Venkadajalapathi, Technical Trainer, YAS SoftTech, Puducherry for the IV year students of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 18th & 19th July, 2019. The students learned the basics of writing and running Python scripts with more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data and using the extensive functionality of Python modules.

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Title: Workshop on Adobe Photoshop


Department of  Computer Science and Engineering conducted workshop on Adobe Photoshop 7.0 on 12.07.2019 for final year students. Resource persons of the Workshop were Mrs.Z.Asmathunnisa, AP/CSE ,. Sr.Jacquline Louise, System Admin and Mr. Ashok, Faculty. Workshop had two sessions.  First session started with the introduction about Adobe   Photoshop 7.0. It was followed by Beginners Tutorial   and students were taught about creating images and  manipulating images.  During Session-2  students were made familiar with text manipulations in Photoshop. Several tools  were introduced  to work with texts and images . Lot of shortcuts to be used were also be taught. It was followed by practicing session in that students were made to work with all tools by giving assignments. 


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Event Type: Workshop


A three day Workshop on Java Programming” was conducted by Mr.V.Arulraj, Technical Trainer, CDAC-St.Patrick Software Solutions, Puducherry for II year students of Computer Science and Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th to 28th August, 2019. The students learned the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining classes, interfaces, creating objects, invoking methods, using packages.        


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Event Type: Workshop


Mrs.Z.Asmathunnisa, AP, Sr. Jacquiiline Luice Pappa, System Admin, Mr.S.AShok, Lab Assistant Conducted a workshop on ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.0 at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology.Panruti on 12.07.2019

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Title: Internet of Things

Event Type: Workshop


Mrs.K.Poornambigai.AP and Ms.V.Varalakshmi, AP conducted 1 day workshop on Intenet of Things on 07.09.2019

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Department of Computer Science and Enginnering has arranged a workshop on “MS-OFFICE PACKAGES” for III and II  year students of CSE on 02.02.19 and 09.02.19 @ 1.15 PM to 4.30 PM at Communication Lab, Admin Block. Mrs. Z.Asmathunnisa, AP/CSE & Mr. N. Kumar, AP/CSE were the resource persons of the event. Microsoft Word Training workshop helped the students to deal with the word processing, creating and designing the office basic documents. Microsoft Excel Training helps to work with calculations, data entry, and data analysis. Microsoft PowerPoint Training helps in building slides and presentations for meetings, seminars, workshops and so on.

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Title: Training and Placement Cell


The Training and Placement Cell organized a Campus Drive on 15.02.2019. Mr. Varagese and Mr. Ranjith from Aveon Technologies, Coimbatore, conducted personal interview to 22 final year students and 5 students were selected for placement.

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Title: Internet of Things

Event Type: Workshop


Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA( Computer Science And Techxium Association)and Devops Club organized, a one day Guest Lecture on "Internet of Things" Resource person was Fr.Sebastain Alphonse(Ph.D) St.Xaviercollge of Management and Technology, Patna on 18thAugust 2018.

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Title: Python

Event Type: Workshop


Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA(Computer Science And Techxium Association)and Devops Club organized, a two days workshops on "Python".Resource person was Mr.G.Venkadajalapathi, Technical Trainer at SoftTech, Puducherry on 3rd and 4th August 2018.

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Title: Java

Event Type: Workshop


Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA( Computer Science And Techxium Association)and Devops Club organized, a two days workshops on "Java" Resource person was Mr.T.VellaiVaranan,, PGDCA, Technical Trainer, Comet Softwares, Chennai.

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Event Type: WORKSHOP


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a Three Days Workshop on the stream of “PHP” 06.12.2018 to 08.12.2018  handled by Mr.G.Anandakrishnan Rajaram M.C.A. Technical Trainer ,YAS SoftTech, Pondicherry.

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Event Type:


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a Two Days Workshop on the stream of “IOT” 12.12.2018 to 13.12.2018  handled by Prof.L.Selvam, HOD, Department of CSE, Loyolla College,Vettavalam.

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Event Type:


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a One Day Workshop on the stream of “Employability Skill” on 08.02.2019  handled by Prof.L.Selvam, HOD, Department of CSE, Loyolla College,Vettavalam.

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Event Type:


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a One Day Workshop on the stream of “Mobile Application and Development” on 23.02.2019  handled by Mr.K.Manikannan, Research Scholar, Anna University , Chennai.

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Event Type:


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a One Day Internal  Workshop on the stream of “ MS Package” for second year students on 08.02.2019 Mr.N.Kumar, and Mrs.Z.Asmathunnisa.

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Event Type:


Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a One Day Internal  Workshop on the stream of “ MS Package” for First year students on 16.02.2019 handled by Mr.S.Manavalan and Mrs.K.Poornambigai.

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Title: Current Research Trends in Swarm Intelligence & WEKA(a Data Mining Tool)


Description: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CoSTA( Computer Science And Techxium Association) and ISTE student chapter organised a GUEST LECTURE on “Current Research Trends in Swarm Intelligence & WEKA(a Data Mining Tool)” . Resource person was Dr.P. SHUNMUGAPRIYA, Professor & Dean, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Dr.SJS Pauls Memorial College of Engg. & Tech,Pondicherry. It was conducted on 25.09.2015.

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Title: Advanced JAVA Frameworks

Event Type: Workshop

Description: Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CoSTA( Computer Science And Techxium Association) organized, ISTE sponsored workshop on “Advanced JAVA Frameworks” . Resource person was MR. P.M. Vadivel , Associate Consultant ,TCS ,Chennai. It was scheduled for 4 days viz. 22,23,29,30th of August 2015.

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Event Type: Workshop


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Event Type: Workshop

Description: Workshop on the topic "ANDROID APPLICATION"

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Event Type: Workshop

Description: Workshop on "OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE" by Mr.Yogesh, software specialist, CSS Coporations

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Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture on "HADOOP" by Mr.Ramachandran, System Architecht,Ericson

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Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture on "SOFTWARE SECURITY" by Prof.Senthil Kumar,VIT.

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Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture on "SOFTWARE DESIGN" by Prof.Zayarej, Pondicherry Engineering College.

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Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture on "ANDROID OS" by Mr.Gajendra Ganesa Pandiyan, Staff Engineer,Ebay-Paypal,Chennai.

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Title: Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture On “Mobile Ad-Hoc Network” Delivered By Dr.R.Manoharan, Associate Professor/Cse, Pondicherry Engineering College

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Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Guest Lecture on "RECENT TREND IN IT" conducted by NIIT

S.No Description of Event
S.No Description of Event
1 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

S. Ajith Kumar,K. Kavitha, J. Madhavan, K. Monisha, P. Praveen Kumar  and R. Ramya  had participated in the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Quiz conducted by Ministry of Tourism  and MyGov.

2 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

P. Jastin Raj, N. Karthikeyan, K. Kavitha, J. Lizy Pravarthana, J. Madhavan, M. Monisha, S. Periya Nayaga Mary, A. Pradeep, P. Praveen Kumar and R. Ramya  had participated in the Quiz on COVID-19 conducted by MyGov.


3 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

K. Monisha, P. Praveen Kumar and R. Ranjith Kumar had attended the World Intellectual Property Day Quiz organized by IPR Cell and  Institution’s Innovation Council of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil on 26.04.2020. 

4 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

A. Pradeep had attended the World Intellectual Property Day Quiz organized by IPR Cell and  Institution’s Innovation Council of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil on 29.04.2020. 

5 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Seminar

N. Karthikeyan has attended Webinar on Data Science for Engineers organized by Shri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 13th May 2020.


6 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

M .Labilan, S. Chandru  and K. Karthick participated in the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Quiz conducted by Ministry of Tourism  and MyGov.


7 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

M .Labilan, S. Chandru  and K. Karthick participated in the Quiz on COVID-19 conducted by MyGov

8 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

M .Labilan, S. Chandru ,R.Ranjithkumar, P.Senthamizhselvi  and K. Karthick participated in the Quiz on COVID-19 conducted by St.Annes College of Engineering and Technology.

9 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

P.Senthamizh Selvi had attended the World Intellectual Property Day Quiz organized by IPR Cell and  Institution’s Innovation Council of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil on 26.04.2020

10 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

K.Karthick attended Webinar on Virtual Reality organized by St.Annes College of Engineering and Technology,Panruti on 20th May 2020.


11 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.N.Suganya of III year cse participated in one day workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

12 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.S.Dhivya of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

13 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.K.Kayalvizhi of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

14 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.V.Lavanya of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

15 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.Sarita Nayak of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

16 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.A.Shamitha of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

17 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.K.Bhuvaneswari of II year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

18 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.A.Abirami of II year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

19 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.J.Lizy Pravarthana of II year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

20 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Mr.D.Logeshwaran of III year participated in one day Workshop “Big Data Analytics Using Weka Tool Integrating with Spark Framework” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering And Technology held on 25th August 2018.

21 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.D.Logeshwaran,and Mr. P.Anandharaj  of III year participated and presented a paper in “New Models for Human and Computer Interaction” at University College of Engineering,Tindivanam on 5th  September 2018. 

22 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Abina and Ms.S.Srimathi of III year participated and presented a paper in “Implementing WAN Service Based SDN with open APIs” at University College of Engineering,Tindivanam on 5th  September 2018. 

23 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.R.Leema Roseline and Ms.S.Malarvizhi of III year participated and presented a paper in “Implementing WAN Service Based SDN with open APIs” at University College of Engineering,Tindivanam on 5th  September 2018.

24 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Suganya and Ms.B.Sangavi of III year participated and presented a paper in “IOT in Agriculture” at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 9th  September 2018.

25 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms.S.Suganya of III year participated in a “ADZAP” at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 9th September 2018.


26 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms.B.Sangavi of III year participated in a “ADZAP” and at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College ,Perambalur on 9th  September 2018.


27 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

The IV year CSE students attended “Skill India Mission” awareness program conducted by Training and Placement Cell at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd July 2018.

28 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

The IV year CSE students attended “Placement training and Interview skills” demonstration program conducted by Training and Placement Cell at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 13th August 2018.

29 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Thirumalvalan G I year CSE student has participated in a one day workshop on “Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Device Characterization, Simulation and Emerging Concepts” IIT, Madras, on 10.03.2018.

30 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.V.Shalini, Ms.SaritaNayak, and S.SelvaPrasanna of III year presented a paper titled “Modern Health care using IOT and Android” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

31 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.B.Sangavi and Ms.V.Suwathi of III year presented a paper titled “Virtualization In Industries” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

32 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. N.Suganya and Ms. P.Priya of III year presented a paper titled “The Internet Of Things In Oil” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

33 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr S.Venkatesan, Mr.V.Arun, Mr.D.Praveen Kumar, Mr.A.Arulselvam of IV year presented a paper titled “Customer Service For Voiced Based In IOT” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

34 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr P.Balaji, Mr.G.Rajadurai,, Mr.S.Sabarinathan of IV year presented a paper titled “A Lightweight Encryption Algorithm For Secure IOT Based On Cryptography” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

35 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr S.Prabu , Mr.L.Murugan , Mr.Vinothraj S of IV year presented a paper titled “A Novel Communication Assistance System For Mute Community” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

36 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. J.Monisha, Ms.E.AmalaSharini, Ms.S.Reshma, Ms.U.Bhuvaneshwari of IV year presented a paper titled “Securing Medical Image Using 2d Chaotic Map And C” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

37 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. R.LeemaRoseline, and Ms.S.Thamilarasi of III year presented a paper titled “Analysis For Ddos Attacks In Big Data (Hadoop)” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

38 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. R.LeemaRoseline, and Ms.S.Thamilarasi of III year presented a paper titled “Visible Light Communication For Data And Audio Transmission Based On Li” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

39 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. M.Priyadharshini and Ms.S.Priya of IV year presented a paper titled “Automatic Movable Platform For Railway Track Crossing” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

40 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.R.BowjiyaBanu, Ms.S.Soniyagandhi, Ms.P.Pallavi, Ms.R.Vinothini of IV year presented a paper titled “Context Based Image Retrieval Using Feature Extraction With Ann Algorithm” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

41 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. M.Abina,and Ms.S.Srimathi of III year presented a paper titled “Implementing Wan Services In Software Defined Networks With Open APIS” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

42 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.V.Vijayalakshmi, Ms.S.Varalakshmi, Ms. N.Hemalatha Ms. T.Kaviyarasi of IV year presented a paper titled “Implementing Wan Services In Software Defined Networks With Open APIS” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

43 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. V.Bakkiya, Ms. C.Abina, Ms. Y.Jenifer Ms. A.Arthiya, Ms.P.Pavithra  of IV year presented a paper titled “Context Data Storage and authentication by encrypted negative password” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

44 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. Y.Jenifer of IV year presented a paper titled “Analysis And Importance Of Software Development” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

45 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S.Malarvizhi and Ms. S.Dhivya of III year presented a paper titled “Information Security of Applications in Internet of Things (IOT)” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

46 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. N.Akila, Ms M.Dhanalakshmi, Ms.M.PriyaDharshini, Ms.S.Priya of IV year presented a paper titled “Analysis And Importance Of Software Development” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

47 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. D.Logeshwaran of III year presented a paper titled “Time dependent solution of a single server queue with single vacation and interrupted closedown” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2019.

48 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. P.Anadharaj, Mr. S.Gunaseelan of III year presented a paper titled “Improve The Data Retrieved Time And Security Through Fragmentation And Cloud Replication In The Cloud” in at MRK College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

49 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S.Malarvizhi , Ms.S.Dhivya of III year presented a paper titled “A context aware framework for detecting sensor based threats on smart devices smart device” in at MRK College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

50 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Abina of III year presented a paper titled “A brain controlled vehicle based one UI VE signal” National Symposium in at MRK College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

51 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms. S.Malarvizhi , Ms.S.Dhivya of III year Participated in a event “Connections” in at MRK College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

52 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Abina, Ms.S.Srimathi of III year presented a paper titled “A brain controlled vehicle based one UI VE signal” National Symposium in at MRK College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

53 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Mrs. K. Poornambigai, Assistant Professor and Mr. S.Manavalan, Associate professor conducted a workshop on “MS-OFFICE” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti On 16.02.2019.

54 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Workshop

Ms .B.Sangavi, Ms. K.Thilagavathy, Ms.Y.Jenifer of III year and IV year participated in two days Workshop “Statistics in Data Mining and Machine Learning” organized by Anna University (BIT Campus) on1st and 2rd march 2019.

55 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms.Y.Jenifer, Ms. K.Thilagavathy and of IV year and III year Participated in a event “Fenix 2k19” in at Anna University (BIT Campus) on 2rd march 2019.

56 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms. S.Suganya, and Ms.P.Priya of III year Participated in a event “Quiz Blaze” in at A.V.C College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

57 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S.Suganya, and Ms.P.Priya  of III year presented a paper titled “The Internet Of Things In Oil Gas Industry” National Symposium in at A.V.C College of engineering and technology on 2rd march 2019.

58 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type: Others

Ms.Y.Jenifer, of IV year won a award in Overall Performance in Academic and extracurricular Activities sponsored by ISTE Chapter at Sri Sairam Engineering College on 1st march 2019.

59 Year: 2018 - 2019
Event Type:

Department of computer science and Engineering & Computer Science Techxium Association & Devops Club conducted a Three Days Workshop on the stream of “PHP” 06.12.2018 to 08.12.2018  handled by Mr.G.Anandakrishnan Rajaram M.C.A. Technical Trainer ,YAS SoftTech, Pondicherry.

60 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Mr. R.Rajeswaran, Ms.A.Kalaiselvi, Mr. E.Veeramani , Mr.R.Prathap Miras and Ms.V.Sumitha III year participated in Technical quiz contest conducted at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 28 th January 2017.

61 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Mr.R.Prathap Miras, Mr. R.Rajeswaran and Ms. V .Sumitha of III Year participated in Debugging contest conducted at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 28 th January 2017.

62 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. V.Sumitha, Ms.A.Kalaiselvi and Ms. R.Asha of III Year presented a paper titled “ E-Voting System using Android Smart Phone” at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 28th January 2017.

63 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.J.Jayasri and Ms.S.Manju of III year presented a paper titled “Personal Indentification in minor knuckle pattern using palm dorsal surface” at Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore on 03 rd February 2017 and won III prize.

64 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Manikeerthana and Ms.W.Monica of III year presented a paper titled  “ Secure Data transmission for iphone using QR Code” at Krishnasamy  College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore  on 03rd February 2017.

65 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Ms.J.Jayasri of III year participated in MIN To WIN  contest conducted at Krishnasamy  College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore  on 03rd February 2017 and won II prize.

66 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Ms.M.Manikeerthana, Ms.S.Manju and Ms. D.Anugraham of III year participated in MIN To WIN  contest conducted at Krishnasamy  College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore  on 03rd February 2017.

67 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. M.Nathiya and Ms.A.Vimala of III year presented a paper titled  “ Modified data access control for multi authority Cloud storage” in TechnothrisT 16-17, a National level Technical Symposium  organised by  A.V.C.  College of Engineering, Mayiladurai  on 23- 25th February 2017.

68 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. T.Priyanga and Ms.A.Yuvasri of III year presented a paper titled  “ Cloud Computing: a new foundation towards Health care” in TechnothrisT 16-17, a National level Technical Symposium  organised by  A.V.C.  College of Engineering, Mayiladurai  on 23- 25th February 2017.

69 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Ms. T.Priyanga and Ms.A.Yuvasri of III year participated in  Debugging contest in TechnothrisT 16-17, a National level Technical Symposium  organised by A.V.C.  College of Engineering, Mayiladurai  on 23- 25th February 2017.

70 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Mr.M. Ajith and Mr. R.Manikandan of III year participated in one day ANDRIOD APPS DEVELOPMENT Workshop organized by  Lansa Informatics Pvt Ltd. on 26th February 2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology.

71 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.Y.Jenifer and M. Dhanalakshmi of II year  presented a paper titled  “ Android Based Home Automation System using Bluetooth & Voice Command” in ZESTECH’17, a National level Technical Symposium  organised by  Idhaya  Engineering College for Women,  Chinnasalem on  4th March 2017.

72 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Ms. B.Meena, Ms.M.Kayalvizhi, Mr.R.Rajpriyan, Ms.Antony Jancy Yesuraj and Ms.K.Dhanalakshmi of IV Year participated in BIGDATA, Hardware Workshop in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

73 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.A.Yuvasri of III Year participated in BIGDATA, Hardware Workshop in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

74 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.M.Dhanalakshmi, Ms.J.Monisha, Ms.E.Amalasharini,Ms.Y.Jenifer, Ms. M.Priyadharshini and Ms.N.Akila of II Year participated in BIGDATA, Hardware Workshop in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

75 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.J.Priyanga of III Year won I prize in Cine Troll (Non –Technical Event) in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

76 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.J.Priyanga and Ms.M.Nathiya of III Year won I prize in Funtastic (Non –Technical Event) in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

77 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.J.Priyanga and Ms.M.Nathiya of III Year won I prize in Funtastic (Non –Technical Event) in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

78 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.J.Monisha and Ms.N.Akila of II Year presented a paper titled  “ Cloud Computing” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

79 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.Antony Jancy Yesuraj and Ms.K.Dhanalakshmi of IV Year presented a paper titled  “ Follow me Cloud when Cloud Service Follow” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

80 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.J.Priyanga and Ms. A.Yuvasri of III Year presented a paper titled  “ Remote Desktop Monitoring” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

81 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.B.Meena and Ms.M.Kayalvizhi of IV Year presented a paper titled  “ Autobook the Message using Arduino and GSM ” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

82 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.Y.Jenifer and Ms.M.Priyadarshini of II Year presented a paper titled  “ Intrusion Detection System ” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

83 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms. A.Yuvasri of III Year won I prize in Bones Creaking (Non –Technical Event) in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

84 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Mr.R.Rajpriyan of IV Year won II prize in Bones Creaking (Non –Technical Event) in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

85 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Dhanalakshmi, Ms.E.Amalasharini of II year presented a paper titled  “ Cyber Security ” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

86 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Nathiya of III Year presented a paper titled  “ ADHOC Wireless Sensor Network ” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

87 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.R.Rajpriyan of IV Year presented a paper titled  “ Road Traffic Congestion Management ” in 7th National level Symposium AGNIMITHRA held on 9th & 10th of March 2017 at University College of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram.

88 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Reshma, Ms.J.Monisha and Ms.Y.Jenifer of III year presented a paper titled “Transient Behavior of an M/M/1/N Queue with Vacation and Waiting Server” in National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications (NCMTA 2018) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 05th & 06th January 2018.

89 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.W.Monica and Ms. K.Sonabharathi of IV year presented a paper titled “Transient Solution of an M/M/1Retrial Queue with Reneging from Orbit” in National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications (NCMTA 2018) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 05th& 06th January 2018.


90 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Manju, Ms.M.Manikeerthana, Ms.K.Anusuya, Ms.J.Jayasri, Ms.R.Sathya, Ms.P.EstherPrintina and Ms.A.Gunasundhariof IV year participated in the National conference on “National Colloquium on Leadership for Disruptive World: Disruptive Innovation Technology” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd& 24th January 2018

91 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.A.Kalaiselvi, Ms.T.Priyanga, Ms.D.Anugraham, Ms.V.Sumitha, Ms.R.Asha, Ms.W.Monica and Ms.K.Sonabharathiof IV year participated in the National conference on “National Colloquium on Leadership for Disruptive World: Disruptive Innovation Technology” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Tiruchirappallion 23rd& 24th January 2018.

92 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: NationalConference

Ms.S.Manju, Ms.M.Manikeerthana, Ms.K.Anusuya, Ms.J.Jayasri, Ms.R.Sathya, Ms.P.EstherPrintina and Ms.A.Gunasundhariof IV year participated in the National conference on “National Colloquium on Leadership for Disruptive World: Disruptive Innovation Technology” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Tiruchirappallion 23rd& 24th January 2018

93 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: NationalConference

Ms.A.Kalaiselvi, Ms.T.Priyanga, Ms.D.Anugraham, Ms.V.Sumitha, Ms.R.Asha, Ms.W.Monica and Ms.K.Sonabharathiof IV year participated in the National conference on “National Colloquium on Leadership for Disruptive World: Disruptive Innovation Technology” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Tiruchirappallion 23rd& 24th January 2018.

94 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Mr.D.Logeshwaran, Ms.R.LeemaRoseline, Ms.R.Nishanthi, Ms.S.Malarvizhi, Ms.M.Abina and Ms.SaritaNayak of II year participated in the Workshop on “Hand’s on Web Development” at SIIT Technologies, Panruti on 04th February 2018.

95 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.Y.Jenifer and Ms.S.Reshmaof III year presented a paper titled “Artificial Agent Based Environmental Analyzing using WsN and IoT” in National Level Technical Symposium at J.K.K.Munirajah College of Technology, Erode on 16thFebruary 2018

96 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Mr.R.PrathapMiras of IV year won Istprize and cash awardforSkill Examination conducted by Indian Society for Technical Education associated with Training & Placement cell at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2018.

97 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: ProjectContest

Mr.M.Ajith, Mr.R.PrathapMiras and Mr.R.Manikandan of IV year presented a project titled “An Efficient Automated Attendance Management System Based on Facial Recognition using LBP”won the first prize and received the cash award of Rs.1000at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 28th February 2018.

98 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.S.Srimathi, Ms.A.Shamitha, Ms.A.Vinisha, Ms.M.Abina, Ms.B.Kabila, Ms.R.Arthi, Ms.V.Vijayadurga and Ms.M.Vindhiya of II year participated in the Workshop on “Cloud computing-AWS and Advanced Android Development” at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.

99 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.Y.Jenifer, Ms.M.Priyadharshini, Ms.N.Akila, Ms.J.Monishaand Ms.M.Dhanalakshmi of III year participated in the Workshop on “Cloud computing-AWS and Advanced Android Development” at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.

100 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.Y.Jenifer and Ms.J.Monisha of III year participated in the Technical Event on “Tech Event – Media Frenzy” conducted in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.

101 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.Y.Jenifer and Ms.M.Priyadharshini of III year presented a paper titled “An Agent Based Study of Environment from IoT” in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.

102 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.N.Akila and Ms.J.Monisha of III year presented a paper titled “An Android Based Home Automation System using Bluetooth and Voice command” in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.


103 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Ms.E.AmalaSharini of III year participated in the Technical Event on “Tech Event – Brain Spark” in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.


104 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.E.AmalaSharini and Ms.M.Dhanalakshmi of III year presented a paper titled “LIFI Technology Transmission of Data through Light” in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.

105 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

Ms.M.Dhanalakshmi of III year participated in the Technical Event on “Tech Event – Code Wars” in National Level Technical Symposium AGNIMITHRA at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 01st& 02nd March 2018.


106 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.A.Vimala, Ms.A.Gunasundhari, Ms.K.Sonabharathi and Ms.R.Asha of IV year presented a paper titled “Representation of Graphical Description from Natural Language” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

107 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.R.Nishanthi and Ms.R.LeemaRoseline of II year presented a paper titled “Augmentation of Network Security in Openflow Structure using Software” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

108 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Manju, Ms.K.Anusuya, Ms.J.Jayasri and Ms.A.Yuvasri of IV year presented a paper titled “Android based Position Detection and Tracking System using GPS and GSM” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

109 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.W.Monica, Ms.H.Santhiya and Ms.D.Anugraham of IV year presented a paper titled “Secure Data Retrival for Decentralized Delay Tolarent Military Network” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18)at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018

110 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Malarvizhi of II year presented a paper titled “Analysis of Catastrodhic Feedback Queue with Baiking and Renewing” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18)at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

111 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.Y.Jenifer of III year presented a paper titled “Human Activity Recognition by using Triliteration HMSA” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

112 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.M.Abina and Ms.S.Srimathi of II year presented a paper titled “Image Text Matching Tasks using Two Neural Networks” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18)at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.


113 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.N.Hemalatha of III year presented a paper titled “Ant Based Routing and QoS Effective Data Collection for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18) at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

114 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.V.Sumitha, Ms.R.Sathiya and Ms.M.Nathiya of IV year presented a paper titled “Securing an Image using Arithmetic Coding and Hyper Chaotic Map” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’18)at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 23rd March 2018.

115 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. K.G. Harishkumar,  Mr.K. Pushpa kumar, and   Mr. S. Kishore  of IV year presented a paper titled “Reducing the Energy Consumption in DVFS by using Performance Optimizing Scheme” in the conference NCRDSET ’16  at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016.

116 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: ProjectContest

Mr. K.G. Harish Kumar, Mr. K. Puspa Kumar and Mr.S.K. Adityakasi Swaminadhan participated in National Level Project Expo titled “ IFET XECUTE’16 “at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 28th March 2016.

117 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms .D. Sivaranjani, Ms. P. Shanmugapriya  of IV  year presented a paper titled  “Trusted CBCR Scheme to Enhance the Performance and Security in MANETS” in the conference NCRDSET ’16 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016.

118 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. D. Rani,  Ms. M. Kayalvizhi, and Ms.V. Ramya of III year  presented a paper titled “Secure Data Transmission Technique for  iPhone using Quick Response (QR) Code” in the conference NCRDSET ’16 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016.

119 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S. Manju of II year presented a paper titled “Android Based Children Tracking System Using Voice Recognition” in the conference NCRDSET ’16 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016

120 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.S. Salaman, Mr.E. Veeramani, and Mr.R. Prathap Miras of II year  presented a paper titled “Home Automation Using Internet of Things” in the conference NCRDSET ’16 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th February 2016.

121 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. D. Rani, IV year presented a paper titled “ E-Voting ” in FORZA’16 a National Level Technical Symposium organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering   at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th August 2016.

122 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S. Manju,  Ms. V .Sumitha  of III Year  presented a paper titled “ Android based children tracking System“ FORZA’16 a National Level Technical Symposium organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering   at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 26th August 2016.

123 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Ms. Kalpana of IV year FIRST  prize in Traditional Dance Competition conducted for St.Anne’s feast Day at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on  25th July 2016.

124 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

  Ms. Asha of III year & Ms.Jenifer of II year  participated in Anna University Zonal level Shuttle cork Tournament  at Tindivanam on 28th March 2016.

125 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.Soundararajan of III year participated in Anna University Zonal- level  volley ball  Tournament  at Tindivanam on 28th March 2016.

126 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Non-Technical Event

S.Jona Jenifer & A.Sindhuja from III year CSE had participated in Tamil Debate on “Man payanura Vendum” on 20.07.2014 conducted by Tamil Mandram & Makkal Sindhanai Peravai at Erode.
127 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Project Contest

A.M.Devipriya & P.Revathy from IV year CSE had presented the Project on “Electricity in Distillation “in INNOVATOR 2013-2014 at KCG Engineering College from 24.07.2014 to 25.02.2014.
128 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Seminar

T.Jothi Vijila,R.santhiya,S.Dhanalakshmi,S.Saritha & S.Sathya from Final year CSE had attended the seminar on “ Science & Technology Capacity Building for Industrial needs” at University College of Engineering,Panruti from 23.07.14 to 25.07.2014.
129 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Seminar

M.Thirumurugan,A.Manivannan,B.Muthambigai,A.Kalaiselvi & A.M.Devipriya from Final year CSE had attended the seminar on “ Science & Technology Capacity Building for Industrial needs” at University College of Engineering,Panruti from 06.08.14 to 08.08.2014.
130 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Non-Technical Event

T.Jothi Vijila (IV year CSE) & A.Sindhuja (III year CSE) had participated in Chess Tournament at University College of Engineering,Villupuram on 20.08.2014.
131 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop

M.Uma Maheswari from III year CSE had attended National level Workshop on Android Development NWAD’14 at Pondicherry University on 05.10.2014.
132 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Inplant Training

S.Jona Jenifer from III year CSE had attended Inplant Training & telecommunication Management in BSNL,Pondicherry on 10.12.2014.
133 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Technical Event

Ms. T. Jothi Vijila of Final year CSE presented a paper on “Brain control car for disabled using Artificial Intelligence” and won the Ist Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention ” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 06.09.2014.
134 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

M. Devi priya of Final year CSE presented a paper on “Li-Fi Technology” and won the II Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 06.09.2014.
135 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

S. Dhanalakshmi of Final year CSE presented a paper on “3D Password” and won the II Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 06.09.2014 .
136 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

S. Jona Jenifer of III year CSE presented a paper on “Wi-Max Technology” and won the III Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention ” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 06.09.2014 .
137 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Technical Event

A. Kalaiselvi of Final year CSE won the 1st Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention –Code Debugging ” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 16.09.2014.
138 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Technical Event

S. Dhanalakshmi, Ms. S. Sathya of Final year CSE and Ms. K. Subashini of IIIrd year CSE Won the II Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention –Code Debugging ” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 16.09.2014.
139 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Technical Event

E. Elambharathi of Final year CSE and Mr. Rajendran Rajpriyan of IIrd year CSE Won the III Prize in a “Inter Level Student Convention –Code Debugging ” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 16.09.2014.
140 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Symposium

S.Dhanalakshmi from Final year CSE had participated an event TECH TALK in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula Vinyagar Institute of Technology on 13.02.2015.
141 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Non-Technical Event

S.Dhanalakshmi & S.Elackia from Final year CSE got third place in an event Short Film Making in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula Vinyagar Institute of Technology on 13.02.2015& 14.02.2015.
142 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

S.Dhanalakshmi & S.Elackia from Final year CSE got second place in an event Paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula Vinyagar Institute of Technology on 13.02.2015 & 14.02.2015.
143 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

T.Jothi Vijila from Final Year CSE had presented a paper “Analysing Bigdata using EH-Cache “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
144 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

S.Dhanalakshmi from Final Year CSE had presented a paper “Intelligent Traffic Management Service for high speed network using intel rate controller “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
145 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Journal Published

A.Manivannan from Final Year CSE had presented a paper “Enhanced HTML5 player” in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET and is chosen to publish in IJERT journal.
146 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Paper Presentation

L.Vincent Antony Raj from Final Year CSE had presented a paper “Automatic Vehicle accident detection and localization of automobile using GPS/GSM “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
147 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

S.Jona Jenifer from III year CSE had presented a paper “A security enhanced for data hiding “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
148 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

V.Uma Maheswari from III year CSE had presented a paper “ Location based context aware recommendation System“ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
149 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

A.Sindhuja & Adithya Kasi Swaminathan from III year CSE had presented a paper “Brain Controlled Car for disabled using Artificial Intelligence “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
150 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

Radhika & Bhuvana from III year CSE had presented a paper “Third Party Web Tracking –Policy and Technology “ in National Conference on Emerging Advances in Science & Engineering NCEASE’15 on 27.02.2015 at St.Anne’s CET.
151 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Others

Ms.S. Jona Jenifer of IV year CSE has been awarded “The best student award for 2015” by ISTE Student Chapter on 13.02.2016 . 107 students were selected both from Tamilnadu and Puducherry , Ms.Jona Jenifer stood in 20th position.
152 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop

Mr. R. Aditya Kasi Swaminathan and Mr. R. Vasantharajan of IV year participated in Two day Hands on training on “WIFI and Internet of things using CC3200 Kit” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 11th and 12th September 2015.
153 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Symposium

Mr. R. Rajpriyan, Ms. K. Gomathi and Ms. S. Sharmila of III year presented a paper in a National level Technical Symposium and participated in a Technical Quiz at Shri Krishnaa College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry on 28th August 2015.
154 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop

Ms. K. Subashini and Ms. D. Sivaranjani of IV year participated in a one day National Workshop on “XML and Web services” at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 19th August 2015.
155 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop

Ms. K. Kalpana and Ms. Antony Jancy Jesuraj of III year participated in a one day National Workshop on “XML and Web services” at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 19th August 2015.
156 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Non-Technical Event

Ms. S. Jona Jenifer of IV year participated in a Zonal match Badminton at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 17th August 2015.
157 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Others

Ms. S. Kalpana and Ms. D. Rani of III year participated in a Zonal match Badminton at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 17th August 2015.
158 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop

Mr. K. G. Harish Kumar of IV year participated in a two days International Workshop on “Network Security and its Challenges” at Madras Institute of Technology campus, Chennai on 17th & 18th of August,2015.
159 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Others

Mr..R.Prathap Miras of III year got a certificate for achieving excellence in the ISTE- Srinivasa Ramunajam Mathematical Competitions 2015-2016 –Engineering College(Student Category) at the National Level Examination conducted by Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi on 9 th April,2016.

160 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Workshop


161 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type:

• Mrs. Z. Asmathunnisa, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled  “Chunking and Indexing Mechanism for data De-Duplication in Clouds Storage” and  won first prize in the “National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology ‘16 “ (NCRDSET ‘16) at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on  26th February 2016.

162 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Workshop

Mr.L.Vincent Antony Raj of Final year CSE Participate a Workshop on “Ethical Hacking” at MIT Chennai on 15.02.14.

163 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Workshop

Mr.L.Vincent Antony Raj of Final year CSE Participate a Workshop on “Android” at MIT Chennai on 16.02.14.

164 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.L.Vincent Antony Raj of Final year CSE Presented a Paper on “Cryptography and Network security” at Dr.Paul’s Engineering College, Villupuram on 21.02.14

165 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.A.M.Devipriya of Final year CSE Participate a Two days Workshop on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Forensic” at Pondicherry Engineering College from 13.02.2014 to 14.02.14

166 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: ProjectContest

Ms.A.M.Devipriya and P.Revathy of IV CSE participate a project expo on “Electricity in Distillation” at KCG Engineering College, Chennai on 24.07.2014 & 25.07.2014.


167 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Seminar

T.Jothi Vijila, R.Santhiya, S. Dhanalakshmi, S.Saritha, S.Sathiya from IV CSE –participated a seminar on” Science And Technology Capacity Building For Industrial Needs” at University college of Engineering from 23.07.2014 to 25.07.2014

168 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Seminar

M.Thirumurugan, A.Manivannan, B.Muthambigai, A.Kalaiselvi, A.M.DeviPriya from IV CSE- participated a seminar on ”Science And Technology Capacity Building For Industrial Needs” at University College of Engineering from 06.08.2014 to 08.08.2014.

169 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Others

T.Jothi Vijila from Final year CSE and A.Sindhuja from IIIrd  year CSE participated a “Chess Tournament” at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 20.08.2014.

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CGPA: 8.30
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CGPA: 8.30
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Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422121104023
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
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Register No: 422121104057
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422121104016
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422121104041
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422121104038
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422121104025
CGPA: 8.26
Rank: 3
Batch: 2021-2025

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Register No: 422120104014
CGPA: 9.31
Rank: 1
Batch: 2020-2024

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Register No: 422120104031
CGPA: 9.12
Rank: 2
Batch: 2020-2024

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Register No: 422120104030
CGPA: 8.96
Rank: 3
Batch: 2020-2024

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Register No: 422119104005
CGPA: 8.92
Rank: 1
Batch: 2019-2023

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Register No: 422119104022
CGPA: 8.55
Rank: 2
Batch: 2019-2023

User Pic
Register No: 422119104018
CGPA: 8.38
Rank: 3
Batch: 2019-2023

User Pic
Register No: 422118104018
CGPA: 8.20
Rank: 1
Batch: 2018-2022

User Pic
Register No: 422118104024
CGPA: 8.05
Rank: 2
Batch: 2018-2022

User Pic
Register No: 422118104006
CGPA: 8.04
Rank: 3
Batch: 2018-2022

User Pic
Register No: 422117104035
CGPA: 8.63 (Till 6th Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2017-2021

User Pic
Register No: 422117104008
CGPA: 8.57 (Till 6th Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2017-2021

User Pic
Register No: 422117104032
CGPA: 8.21 (Till 6th Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2017-2021

User Pic
Register No: 422116104039
CGPA: 7.88 (CGPA)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2016-2020

User Pic
Register No: 422116104011
CGPA: 7.06 (CGPA)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2016-2020

User Pic
Register No: 422116104032
CGPA: 7.03 (CGPA)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2016-2020

User Pic
Register No: 422115104016
CGPA: 7.88
Rank: 1
Batch: 2015-2019

User Pic
Register No: 422115104014
CGPA: 7.74
Rank: 2
Batch: 2015-2019

User Pic
Register No: 422115104306
CGPA: 7.38
Rank: 3
Batch: 2015-2019

User Pic
Register No: 422114104306
CGPA: 7.52
Rank: 1
Batch: 2014-2018

User Pic
Register No: 422114104021
CGPA: 7.08
Rank: 2
Batch: 2014-2018

User Pic
Register No: 422114104032
CGPA: 7.07
Rank: 3
Batch: 2014-2018

User Pic
Name: RANI D
Register No: 422113104011
Rank: 1
Batch: 2013-2017

User Pic
Register No: 422113104009
Rank: 2
Batch: 2013-2017

User Pic
Register No: 422113104005
Rank: 3
Batch: 2013-2017

User Pic
Register No: 422112104009
Rank: 1
Batch: 2012-2016

User Pic
Register No: 422112104016
Rank: 2
Batch: 2012-2016

User Pic
Register No: 422112104018
Rank: 3
Batch: 2012-2016

User Pic
Register No: 422111104003
Rank: 1
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 422111104008
Rank: 2
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 422111104018
Rank: 3
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 86010132011
Rank: 1
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86010132035
Rank: 2
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86010132003
Rank: 3
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86009132001
Rank: 1
Batch: 2009-2013

User Pic
Register No: 86009132502
Rank: 2
Batch: 2009-2013

User Pic
Register No: 86009132005
Rank: 3
Batch: 2009-2013

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