St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology(SANCET) Welcomes You!!!

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has highly qualified, experienced and committed faculty members. It is fully equipped with laboratories and facilities for students to pursue their studies. DSP, ESD, Communication, Microprocessor and Electronics laboratories are furnished with latest softwares and tool kits. The department encourages the students to do internship and real time projects applicable to industries and all the students are placed well in the reputed companies.

Our Vision

Creating world class electronics engineers by offering unique learning approach that will serve the society, adhering to the professional ethics.

Our Mission

To inculcate dedication, hard work, sincerity, integrity, and ethics in building up the holistic society.
To prosper in academic activities by continual improvement in teaching learning methods and research activities.
To develop consultancy activities by Industry-Institute Interaction.
To endeavor constant up-gradation of technical expertise for producing competent professionals to cater the needs of the society and the global challenges.


  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


  1. To analyze, design and develop solutions by applying foundational concepts of electronics and communication engineering.
  2. To apply design principles and best practices for developing quality products for scientific and business applications.
  3. To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Teaching Staff

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Name: Dr. Sr. S. ANITA
Qualification: Ph.D
Designation: Professor & HoD
Experience: 15 years, 9 months, 2 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Digital image processing, Embedded system, Antenna

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 14 years, 9 months, 2 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Applied Electronics

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Qualification: M.Tech
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 14 years, 9 months, 2 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Embedded System Technology, Robotics

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 11 years, 8 months, 29 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Signal Processing

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 10 years, 9 months, 1 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Applied Electronics, Communication System, RF and microwave

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 9 years, 10 months, 1 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: VLSI Design

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 7 years, 8 months, 26 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Applied Electronics

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 6 years, 3 months, 11 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Embedded System Technology

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Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 1 years, 7 months, 27 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Communication System

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Name: Ms. S K. SURIYA
Qualification: M.E
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 8 years, 2 months, 25 days (in SANCET)
Specialisation: Embedded Systems

Non-Teaching Staff

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Name: Mr. T. OZAANAM
Qualification: DECE
Designation: Lab_Assistant
Experience: 1 years, 8 months, 29 days (in SANCET)

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Students are given extensive training in 16 bit microprocessors and micro controllers in this laboratory. Individual attention is given to each student by providing each student with a separate micro processor. This gives each student tremendous knowledge to write the coding independently and to master the programming. Stepper Motor operation, Interfacing of various peripherals and the use of PC as a development tool helps the student carry out real time experiments.

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Exhaustive training is given on different signal processing techniques in this laboratory. TMS 320C50 processor is given for training. Lucid demonstrations by experienced faculty members help the students to grasp the subject and conduct the experiment with confidence. The latest trainer kits are provided and students are taught in this lab to generate various signals, study and compare different filters characteristics. Students are provided an opportunity to work with Matlab for better understanding of the concepts involved in digital signal processing.

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Students are taught how to design and construct electronic building blocks using Integrated circuits. The experiments cover simple experiments to tough assignments in designing and testing linear integrated circuit circuits. Circuits like differentiator, integrator, low pass, band pass and high pass filter circuits, multivibrators, oscillators, PLL and SMPS are studied extensively both by simulation using L SIM and N SIM and p-SPICE software in the computer system as well as using the hardware.

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In this lab students learn to program in Verilog and VHDL languages. Students learn to construct and test various basic VLSI circuits starting from adder, multiplier, ALU and, counters, to complicated design problems. They are also taught SPICE simulation to understand various analog and digital circuits and their characteristics. They are taught advanced VLSI design such as synthesis of PNR, Layout of CMOS Inverters, configuration of all blocks, layout generation etc. using Orcad, Xilinx ISE, Cadence software tools and sophisticated equipments including FPGA Spartan Kit and 100 M Hz Oscilloscope.

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Students learn the basics of electronics in this lab. They are taught how to check electrical and electronic components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transformers, diodes, transistors, JFET, UJT, SCT etc and find their characteristics. Amplifiers, Oscillators and their different configurations are constructed by the students and tested. Analog and digital electronic circuits are covered extensively using discrete components as well as Integrated Circuits. P-SPICE, L SIM and N SIM software are used for simulation training. This lab encourages students to construct various interesting and novel electronic circuits.

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Modulation and demodulation techniques are taught in this laboratory, using AM, FM, PPM, PCM, PWM, TDM, DM, ADM, ASK, FSK, PSk and QPSK kits. Students are made to construct circuits by themselves and test their circuits using discrete components, so as to reinforce what they have learnt in theory. Experiments include all modulation techniques of analog, digital and mixed signals and data using MATLAB. Experiments include all modulation techniques of analog, digital and mixed signals and data using MATLAB

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In depth knowledge in Microwave Engineering is provided in this laboratory with the help of Microwave Benches. Experiments conducted include E pain Tee, H Plain Tee, S Matrix calculation, Radiation Pattern of Horn & Parabolic Antenna. Gunn Diode and Reflex Klystron are given for training the students in finding the VI, Mode and Power Characteristics and VSWR Measurements. In the Optical Electronics laboratory Fiber Optic experiments are covered in detail using sophisticated test equipments.


ECE department has an active engineering Association functioning. technical seminar and national level symposiums are conducted to give ample opportunities to budding engineers to show their talents.Students are enriched with technical knowledge to be competitive in the employment sector.

ACTIVITIES (2025 - 2026)

ACTIVITIES (2024 - 2025)

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Title: National Level Idea Competition “Idea Makers 2.0-2024”


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Startup TN has organized a National Level Idea Competition “Idea Makers 2.0-2024” on 07.11.2024. The program commenced with the inaugural event in which our Secretary, Dr. Sr. BJ. Queensly jayanthi, our Principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass, Vice Principal Sr. Punita Jilt , HoD,Dr.Sr.S. Anita, the chief guest Mr. A.Senthamilarasan, Project Lead, Startup TN Cuddalore Regional Hub, Dr.J.Saranya, Chief Operating Officer, Armor shield healthcare Innovations, Chennai , jury members Dr. R. Dayana, Associate Professor, ECE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Mr. S. Vibith , Project Associate, Startup TN Cuddalore Regional Hub, teaching and non-teaching staff and students from all the department of SANCET and other colleges has been presented. The chief guest Mr. A. Senthamilarasan was honored with a shawl and memento by our Secretary, Dr. Sr. BJ. Queensly jayanthi and Principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass. After the completion of the inauguration, the session was handed-over to the chief guest. He shared her view on “Achieve an innovative eco system in the State by joining hands”. He expressed her thoughts and ideas about entrepreneurship in provoking way. Next the event moved on to Idea Presentation based on the schedule. 5 teams presented online mode through google meet and 34 teams presented in offline mode. Totally 39 teams presented. The event started with the description and rules & regulations about the event. Students were given 7 minutes time to present their ideas after which there were questions put up on them by the judges as well as the students. The winners are rewarded with cash prize of Rs. 5000, Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 2000 respectively.

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with Electronic and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC) has arranged a two days workshop on “ANTENNA DESIGN CHALLENGES USING ANSYS HFSS” for final year (VII-Semester) ECE students.

All the final year students of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this workshop. The program commenced with the inaugural event in the presence of our principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass, and Dr. Sr. S. Anita, the head of the department of electronics and communication. Around 25 students participated and benefitted from this workshop. The first day of the workshop, the students were taught about the basics of communication systems with research tools HFSS and designed the Microstrip patch antenna using offset feed techniques which include the calculation part also. The second day, students were taught about Design of Microstrip patch antenna using Inset feed techniques and Assign Excitation and boundary conditions for inset feed techniques. Hands-on training was given. Students were learned to work under the Design of Circular patch antenna using offset feed techniques with different types of meta-materials and smart antennas.


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Title: Smart Coding with MicroPython: Raspberry Pi Pico Essentials


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electro Spark (ECE Incubation Centre) has arranged five days value-added course (VAC) on “Smart Coding with MicroPython: Raspberry Pi Pico Essentials” for Second and Third Year ECE students from 17.02.2025 to  21.02.2025.

On the first day of the course, the students were taught about Introduction and Overview of Raspberry Pi Pico & MicroPython. They learnt about setting up Thonny IDE & writing the first script, blinking an LED using GPIO, controlling 3 LEDs independently. On the second day students were taught about PWM, Sensors & Display Modules, Joystick-Based LED Control, LCD Display (16x2) & User Interface, IR Sensor & Motion Detection. 

On the third day they learnt about Wireless & Relay Control, Bluetooth Communication, Relay Control, DHT11 Sensor (Temperature & Humidity), LDR Sensor & Light-Based Automation. On the fourth day students were taught about DC Motor Control, Servo Motor Control, Stepper Motor Control, and Interrupts & Timers. 

On the fifth day, students were taught about Buzzer & Switch Interfacing, and did final project based on the Smart Embedded System. The students started working with the implementation of a Software-based Internet of Things platform by interfacing a hardware device. Implementing sensors and display modules, and worked on various motor controls. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in the course. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.


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Title: My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur & Start-up founder


A Webinar was conducted for the faculty, students of the ECE department on “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur & Start-up founder” to inspire the students and educate them about the importance of Entrepreneurship, the challenges that they will come across, and how to overcome and Start-ups. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering students had participated in the session online, and the link was given to all the students. 

Google Meet Link:

The program was started with a prayer song and welcome address. After that, the student delivered a small introduction about the resource person and the session was handed over to her. She presented about the journey of being an entrepreneur or establishing a start-up on self. Sha explained about the difficulties & challenges they will encounter during the process and how to handle such situations. She also motivated the students to become entrepreneurs in their fields. Some of the students interacted with the resource person and asked doubts based on entrepreneurship and start-up career. The students also gave their valuable feedback about the session. The session ended fruitfully with a vote of thanks.


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Title: Value-added course on "IVA035- Internet of Things (IoT)Application Development"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electro Spark (ECE Incubation Centre) has arranged a day value-added course (VAC) on "IVA035- Internet of Things (IoT)Application Development" for Final Year ECE students from 12.08.2024 to 17.08.2024.

On the first day of the course, the students were taught about basics of Embedded systems and Arduino programming. On the second day students were separated into batches and started with online Hands-on training. The students started working with implementation of Software based Internet of Things platform by interfacing hardware device. 

The students learnt to program in Application Development with the help of the instructions given by the resource persons. The students learned to control microcontroller-based systems remotely through a smartphone using Blynk and explored to use Blynk to visualize sensor data in real-time via mobile apps or web dashboards Around 31 students of Final year ECE Department had participated in this course. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in course. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.


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Title: Value-added Course on "IVA011 - Data Science with Python"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has Conducted a Value-added Course on “IVA011 - Data Science with Python” from 12.08.2024 to 16.08.2024.The students of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in the course. On the first day of the course, the students were taught about the basics of Python programming, such as Installing Python in Windows Working with Jupyter Software. The students were separated into batches for hands-on training. On the second day, the students started being taught about Lists, Ranges & Tuples in Python. The students learned to do a python program using conditional logic and functions with the help of the instructions given by the resource persons. On the third day, the students were taught about programming based on appending /merging data. On the fourth day, the students were taught about Python Programming based on Tuples. On the fifth day, the students were taught about programming at Curve Plotting by Matplot Library.


After completion of every session, students were asked to construct a new program using python. The students interacted well with the resource persons. At the end of the session, project work has been assigned to them. After completion, students were asked to write a program for project development. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience on the course. 

The resource person selected the best performers of the course, and they were appreciated at the end of the course. The best performing projects are student performance analysis using decision tree classifier algorithm, Data visualization using Matplot library with Covid-19 dataset, Honda car price prediction with linear regression algorithm.  The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks


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Title: Workshop on "Robotics"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and the Institute of Innovation Council (IIC) have arranged two days’ workshop on “Robotics” for second year students on 09.10.2024 and 10.10.2024 at VLSI lab/Embedded lab. The program commenced with the inaugural event in the presence of event coordinator Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor/ECE & Mr. S. Durairaj, Assistant Professor/ECE. Mr.S. Balabasker, Assistant Professor/ECE, Mrs. B. Samadhana Priya, Assistant Professor/ECE, acted as resource person for this workshop. Around 35 students participated and benefited from this workshop. The aim of the workshop is to make the students learn the basics of robotics and to drive a two-wheeled robot. On the first day of workshop students were taught about the introduction of robotics and how we design online platforms like TinkerCAD and wokwi. Students were also taught Introduction about Arduino UNO, explained about robotics and its application in our day-to-day life, explained basic programs which are done to dump in Arduino for the movement of robots.  On the second day of the workshop, they were taught to develop the programs i.e., Software part, of the process of designing robots.  Dumping a code to the motor through Arduino IDE software which helps them to move in a particular direction. This workshop will help our students to get trained in Arduino IDE Software. Students were separated into 8 batches and to each batch component to build a two-wheeled robot was given. A competition was also conducted for the students, in which the students had to drive the robot in a particular direction. The resource persons verified all the mini-projects done by the students and gave their suggestions and comments. All the students were appreciated for their effort in driving the robot. The session ended with students’ feedback.  

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Title: Workshop on "Digital image processing using MATLAB"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), in association with the Electronics and Communication Science Association (ECSA) and the Institute Innovation Council (IIC), had arranged a two-day’ workshop on digital image processing using MATLAB for third-year students on 27.09.2024 and 28.09.2024 at the VLSI lab. The program commenced with the inaugural event in the presence of our principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass, and Dr. Sr. S. Anita, the head of the department of electronics and communication. Around 50 students had participated and benefitted from this workshop. The workshop was designed to stimulate students’ interest in the image processing domain for studying theory subjects as well as for doing a final year project.


On the first day of the workshop, students were taught about the introduction of image processing and the basic programs of image processing in MATLAB. The second day of the workshop, they were taught about the segmentation, edge deduction, and filtering of images, and practical sessions were conducted. This workshop will help the engineering students and enthusiasts/scholars get trained in the MATLAB package in the aspect of image processing. The workshop is designed to stimulate students’ interest in the image processing domain by engaging them in a completely purpose-driven study environment with hands-on activities while fostering a sense of curiosity and accomplishment. This will open up a door for programming in image processing. The students' feedback is also good.

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Title: Workshop on “Electronic Circuit Designing using Proteus Software”


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electro Spark (ECE Incubation Centre) has arranged two day workshop on "Electronic Circuit Designing using Proteus Software" for Second Year ECE students from 12.09.2024 to 13.09.2024.

        The workshop started with inaugural function in the presence of our respected principal Dr.R. Arokiadass and Our Head of the Department Dr. Sr. S Anita. The student of second year Ms. S. Varthika welcomed our dignitaries and resource persons Mr.V. Venkatesan and Mrs.B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant professors of ECE department. On the first day of the Workshop, the students were taught about Introduction to Proteus software Tool, and Hands-on-Training were given in design of basic circuits, voltage divider circuits, LED Blinking, RL, RC, RLC circuits, amplifier circuits using Proteus Software.  

On the second day, Hands-on-Training were given in design of digital circuits, Half adder and full adder circuits, clippers, clampers circuit, design of filter circuits (LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF). 

Around 33 students of Second year ECE Department had participated in this course. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in course. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms.S.M. Kamalinisha, II-year ECE.

ACTIVITIES (2023 - 2024)

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Title: Orientation Program on "Future Scope of Electronics Engineering"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one-day Orientation Program.

 Theme: Future Scope of Electronics Engineering


To learn about the basics of drone components and hardware.


All the second-year students of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this orientation program. Chief Guest, Mr. V. Vijayakumar is an alumnus of our institute of the 2011-2015 batch of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. He shed light on the uses of drones on a commercial basis, in the field of aerospace, in agriculture, and usage by the Defense Forces of Various Countries. In Civil Engineering purposes, drones are helping in the advance mapping. He also said that all countries should have a uniform approach towards safety & security considerations, design considerations, and operation considerations. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in the workshop. The session ended fruitfully with a vote of thanks.

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Title: Value Added Course on "Coding with Python"


The students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in the course. On the first day of the course, the students were taught about basics of Python programming. On the second day students were separated into batches and started with Hands-on training. The students started working with variables, data types, lists. Jupyter an online open source tool is used for coding purpose. The students learned to do python program using conditional logic, and functions with the help of the instructions given by the resource persons. After completion of every session students were asked to construct new program using python. Students were also given training in Matploit tool. The students interacted well with the resource persons. Students also learned about electronic signal generation using python language. At the end of the session Project work has been assigned to them. After completion, students were asked to write program for animations, and also for making audio. All second- and third-year students of ECE department actively participated in this course. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in course. The resource persons selected the best performers of the course and they were appreciated at the end of the course. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.

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Title: Workshop on PCB Designing using Proteus Software


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) had arranged two days’ workshop on PCB Designing using Proteus Software for second year students on 18.10.2023 and 19.10.2023 at VLSI lab/Embedded lab. The program commenced with the inaugural event in presence of our Principal Dr.R.Arokiadass, and Dr .Sr .S. Anita, Head of the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Mr.V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor/ECE, Mr.S.Durai raj, Assistant Professor/ECE, acted as resource person for this workshop. The workshop was designed to stimulate students’ interest in Proteus software for PCB designing. In first day of workshop students were taught about the introduction of schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit boards. In the second day of workshop they were taught to Simulate Electronics Circuits and to design PCB Layouts. In order to enable the students to create simulations of different electronic circuits on their own practical sessions were conducted in Proteus Software. 

This workshop will help our students to get trained in Proteus Software. The workshop is designed to stimulate students’ interest in Proteus Software for PCB designing by engaging them in a completely purpose driven study environment with hands-on activities while fostering a sense of curiosity and accomplishment. This will open up a door for doing simulation in Proteus Software. 

To test the students’ knowledge on this software a mini project contest was conducted at the end of the session. All students participated enthusiastically and designed the circuits on their own using proteus software. 

The resource persons verified all the designs done by the students and gave their suggestions and comments. The session ended with Students’ feedback.

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Title: Workshop on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) had arranged two days’ workshop on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB for Third year students on 16.10.2023 and 17.10.2023 at VLSI lab/Embedded lab.The program commenced with the inaugural event in presence of our principal Dr.R.Arokiadass, and Dr .Sr .S. Anita the Head of the department of electronics and communication. The workshop was designed to stimulate students’ interest in Image Processing domain for studying theory subject as well as for doing final year project. In first day of workshop students were taught about the introduction of Image processing, Basic programs of Image Processing in MATLAB. The second day of workshop they were taught about the segmentation, edge deduction and filtering of images and practical sessions were conducted. This workshop will help the engineering students and enthusiasts/scholars to get trained in MATLAB package in the aspect of image processing The workshop is designed to stimulate students interest in Image Processing domain by engaging them in a completely purpose driven study environment with hands-on activities while fostering a sense of curiosity and accomplishment .This will open up a door for programming in image processing. Student’s feedback also good.

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Title: National Level Idea Contest "Ideamakers-2023"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a National Level Idea Contest “Ideamakers-2023” on 06.10.2023.

The program commenced with the inaugural event in which our Secretary, Dr. Sr. T. Nirmala, our Principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass, our Vice Principal Sr. Punita Jilt  our HoD, Dr .Sr .S. Anita, the chief guest Mr. V. Vishnu Varadan, CEO, Atal Incubation Center, Pondicherry Engineering College Foundation, Pondicherry, our jury members Dr. R. Dayana, Associate Professor, ECE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Mr. R. Sarathkumar, Senior Automation Engineer, UST Global, Chennai & Mr. S. Manavalan, AP & HoD/CSE,  teaching and non-teaching staff  and students from all the department of SANCET and other colleges has been presented.

The chief guest Mr. V. Vishnu Varadan was honored with a shawl and memento by our Secretary, Dr. Sr. T. Nirmala and Principal, Dr. R. Arokiadass. After the completion of the inauguration, the session was handed-over to the chief guest. He shared her view on “Entrepreneurship as a Career Opportunity”. He expressed her thoughts and ideas about entrepreneurship in provoking way.

Next the event moved on to Idea Presentation based on the  schedule. 7 teams presented Online mode through google meet and 24 teams presented in offline mode. Totally 31 teams presented. The event started with the description and rules & regulations about the event. Students were given 7 minutes time to present their ideas after which there were questions put up on them by the judges as well as the students. In this round the final winner’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd won Rs. 5000, Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 2000 respectively. The details of the teams are as follows:

1. First Place: R. Yuvan Prabhu, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry & Asha Priya, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore

2. Second Place:  S. Bharani, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti

3. Third Place: M. Arun Prakash, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore

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Title: Two days workshop on "Antenna Design using HFSS"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has organized a Two days workshop on “Antenna Design using HFSS”.


To demonstrate the Introduction to Communication Systems and various types of antenna, which is a powerful and a great platform for building low-cost, but highly capable in antenna design.


All the Final year students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this workshop. First day of the workshop, the students were taught about basics of communication systems with research tools HFSS and Designed the Microstrip patch antenna using offset feed techniques which includes the calculation part also. Second day students were taught about Design of Microstrip patch antenna using Inset feed techniques and Assign Excitation and boundary conditions for inset feed techniques hands-on training was given. Students were learned to work under the Design of Circular patch antenna using offset feed techniques with Different types of meta materials and smart antennas.


• Students learnt to create interesting applications with basic Antenna Design. 

• Students got hands on exposure on working on HFSS to design an microstrip patch antenna using offset feed techniques and inset feed techniques.

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Title: Five days extension Programme on "Fix Your Smartphone"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized five days extension Programme on "Fix Your Smartphone". 


• To emphasize understanding of different types of mobile phones. 

• To identify about various skills in troubleshooting and repair methods. 

• To develop skills in providing high quality of services.


All the First year students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this Programme. The session started with a prayer song followed by welcome address. The Principal Dr. R. Arokiadass felicitate the gathering. Then the session was handed over to the resource person. The resource person started with the basics of mobile phones. The Programme began with introduction about the basics of mobile electronics with the block diagram, mobile accessories and innovative applications of mobile app. After the theoretical session they engaged the students to involve in practical by finding mobile model, using various tools & instruments used in mobile phone repairing, soldering practices, assembling & dissembling the mobile phones and to make use of the solution, how to clean the display in all types of mobile phones. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in this programme.


• The students knew about the soldering and how to service the components in mobile phone. 

• Gained knowledge about flashing, unlocking and OS, finding faults and replacing the faulty parts, touch/display replacement. 

• To handle the hardware and network problem, charging connector pin replacement.

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Title: Workshop on "Micropython Using Raspberry Pi Pico"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electro Spark (ECE Incubation Center) has organized a five days workshop on "Micropython Using Raspberry Pi Pico". 


To demonstrate the hardware and software portion of Raspberry PI, which is a powerful and a great platform for building low-cost, but highly capable, embedded systems.


All the Final year students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this workshop. First day of the workshop, the students were taught about basics of Arduino Uno and how to implement it on the basic project. Second day students were taught about pins and features of Raspberry Pi Pico and the students were separated into batches hands-on training was given. Third day students learnt programming in Raspberry Pi Pico using micropython language. On the Fourth day students learned to work in thonny software and wokwi online platform. On the fifth day students were assigned with various task and multiple choice questions test relevant to Raspberry pi pico and Arduio UNO has been conducted. The program ended with the valedictory in which our Principal, Dr.R.Arokiadass, our HOD, Dr. Sr. S. Anita, the resource persons Mr. S. Balabasker, our department teaching and non-teaching staff and students from our department were present. At the end of the session our Principal Dr. R. Arokiadass appreciated the resource persons Mr. S. Balabasker and also issued the certificates to all the students. Finally, the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in workshop. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.

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Title: Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd. - Chennai

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


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Title: AIC Raise Business Incubator Coimbatore

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2021-2025 Batch III Year ECE students visited AIC Raise Business Incubator in coimbatore

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Title: Karamalai Tea Factory - Valparai

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


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Title: KEL - Kerala Electrical & Allied Engineering Co.Ltd.

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


ACTIVITIES (2022 - 2023)

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a Value Added Course on "Circuit Design using Proteus". 


1.Mr.V.Venkatesan,Assistant Professor/ECE

2.Mr.S.Durairaj,Assistant Professor/ECE 

3.Ms.M.Sahinippiriya,Assistant Professor/ECE                      


The aim of the Value Added Course was to design, simulate and analyze electronic circuits using industry oriented software like Proteus. The students will get exposure towards Proteus software and Printed Circuit Board (PCB). 


All the 2nd year students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in this Value Added Course. The course is being scheduled for 4 weeks.At the first day of the session , the basics and principle of PCB layout designs were taught. After the lecture part, students designed the circuit diagram like passive and active components, diodes, rectifiers, RL, RC and RLC using proteus. The students designed the circuit diagram, simulated and made a layout from proteus. They selected the right component and placed with right value of each component, after placing components they switched to proteus areas to design the layout. On the second day of the session students continued to work with designing the circuits like Clippers, Clampers, Filter circuits, CE, CC and CB amplifiers. On the third day of the session students learnt the basics of digital circuits. After the lecture part, they designed the circuit diagram like Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, all logic gates, half adder and full adder circuits. On the final day of the session, students started to work with LDR circuits and IC 555 timer circuit. Thus the students completed working with Proteus and then the session moved to PCB designing part. Students learned the fundamentals of PCB design, how to run P-spice simulator, testing circuit design by a simulator, creating a PCB design, placing the components in given area, selecting the layers of PCB, doing auto router and testing the 3D visualization. The session ended in a fruitful manner and all the students got benefited.


All the students learnt to work with Proteus software and gained knowledge about designing of circuits and implementation of the design in circuit boards.


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Title: Mini Project Contest -2022


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a “Mini Project Contest -2022". 


To help the students to validate their skills and knowledge and to implement their innovative ideas in real time applications 


All the students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in this Project contest. Students were separated into 9 batches and each batch displayed one mini project.The chief guest of the contest was Mr.V.C.Eugin Martin Raj, HOD/EEE and Mr. K. Shanmuga Elango, Assistant Professor/MECH. The chief guests went through all the projects and evaluated their work based on innovation, Presentation skill, future enhancement and output. After the evaluation session, our Secretary Dr.T.Nirmala and our Principal Dr.R.Arokiadass visited all the projects and appreciated their efforts. At the end of the session the chief guest announced the winners. Batch-9 has won the 1st place, Batch-7 has won the 2nd place and Batch-8 has won the 3rd place. The name list along with the project title is given below.

Batch No. Year Student Name Title:Sound/Music Reactive LED


1IVCindrella Pascal S

IIILeela G

IIISrimathi K

IISenthamizh Nila V

2 Train Accident Prevention

         IVSanthosh Kumar R

IIIAnilkumar A

IIIVanjinathan G

IIArundoss A

3 IV Vishva D Third Eye For Blind

IIIAjith M

IIAshwin A

IIInbaraj D

4 IV Kogila Automatic Door Theft Alarm




5 IV Prasanna Soil Moisture Detector

IIIRaja Sri




6 IV Pradeeppa LPG Gas Leakage Detector




7IVRanjith Kumar


Facial Expression On 8x8 Led Matrix By Arduino

IIIVasantha Kumar

IIDurai Murugan


IISri Hari.K

8 III Srihari Home Automation Using Bluetooth Module


IIGopinath .V

IIMonish .S

IIRagunath A

9 III Lingeshwaran Automated Wheeled Robot


IISelva Kumar

IIVenkatesh Prasath



All the students exposed their talents and also projected their ideas with peers through the project contest. 


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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one day Guest Lecture on " Advanced Wireless Technology". 



The aim of the Guest Lecture is to make the students to learn new emerging technologies in Wireless communication and also their practical applications.



All the students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in this Guest Lecture. The session started with a prayer song followed by welcome address. Then the session was handed over to the resource person. The resource person started with the basics of wireless technology. At the beginning of the session, the basics of wireless technology starting from 1G technology to the latest technology(5G) and their applications were taught, many examples related to wireless technology were explained, so that the students could understand effectively. The session was mainly focused on 5G technology since 5G denote the next major phase of mobile telecommunication standards beyond the upcoming 4G standards. 5G technology will change the way most high bandwidth users access their phones. Then the session moved to the advanced technology (6G), where its applications and advanced usage of the technology were discussed. Finally the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in Guest Lecture. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.



At the end of day all the students learnt that Wireless communications has a lot of benefits in industries and medical field and can make the world a lot more efficient. 


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Description: The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one day seminar on "Career Guidance". Objective: The aim of the seminar is to make the students to provide guidance and assistance for the students to achieve their career goals and to create awareness among students regarding available career options and help them in identifying their career objectives. Report: All the students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in this seminar. The session started with a prayer song followed by welcome address. Then the session was handed over to the resource person. The resource person gave ideas regarding higher studies, Job opportunities and preparation for GATE exam. The students were motivated to update their learning skills like communication skill, interpersonal skill and computer skill by undergoing technical courses after the college hours. The resource person gave tips on how to pursue higher studies, how to prepare for Gate exam and how to face interview with confidence. The students were taught to understand their own strengths and weakness with regard to their present course or profession, and let them know what career they would be suited for. Finally the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in seminar. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks. Outcomes: The session has aided the students to identify their interests and strengths and to expose them to a diverse range of opportunities to build experience and clarity about their goals

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Title: Knowledge Transfer Program


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC)   has organized a one day  webinar on " Knowledge Transfer Program". 


The aim of the webinar is to make the students to update their learning skills so that they can be placed in a reputed company after the completion of their course .


All the students of department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had participated in this webinar. The session started with a prayer song followed by welcome address. Then the session was handed over to the resource person. The resource person shared her experience, like workload, field trip, the courses learnt for progression etc.. she went through in the company and asked the students to develop their learning ability in order to sustain in a company. She motivated the students to overcome their hurdles they are facing to study and also taught how to face an interview.  Finally the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in webinar. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.


At the end of day all the students learnt to face interviews with confidence and also to update their skills according to their interested domain 


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Title: Develop your own Automated Robot


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC)  has organized a Two day  workshop on " Develop your own Automated Robots". 


The aim of the workshop is to make the students to learn the basics of Robotics and to build their own automated robot interfaced with Arduino.


All the 2nd year and 3rd year students of ECE department had participated in this workshop. On the first day of the workshop, the students were taught to control a robot using mobile or web applications and to design a robot using servo motors. On the second day students were separated into batches and started with Hands-on training. The students started working with implementation of wheeled robot by interfacing hardware device with python communication. The students learnt to assemble the humanoid Robot with the help of the instructions given by the resource persons. Finally the students gave their valuable feedback about their experience in workshop. The session ended in a fruitful manner with a vote of thanks.


At the end of day all the students learnt to assemble the wheeled robot and made it to drive in a particular direction using sensors with their learning and experience they went through during the two days.


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Title: IoT using Arduino


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC)  has organized a Two week  add-on course on " IoT using Arduino". The aim of the course is to make the students to learn the concepts of sensing, actuation and communication and to implement them practically using IoT.  All the 3rd year students of ECE department had participated in this course. Students were separated into batches and started working with IoT using Arduino. The course covers the development of IoT prototypes-including devices for sensing, actuation, processing and communication in order to develop skills and experiences. Students were working simultaneously practically during the course. The Hands-on training taught them how to work with Arduino interfaced with embedded systems. They also learnt to develop appliances using Arduino. At the end of each session the students were evaluated with a test conduction in which the students are tested based on their performance. At the end of the day all the students learnt and gained knowledge on how to work IoT using Arduino.

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Title: Overview of Drone Technology


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC) has organized a webinar on “Overview of Drone Technology” on 28.05.2022 from 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM in our college premises. The aim of the program is to make the students to upgrade themselves with new technology. The program commenced with the prayer song followed by welcome address. Then the session was carried over by the resource person Dr.S.Arivazhagan, Assistant professor(SI.G.), KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. He taught the basics of Drone technology and different types of drone used for different application. He also telecasted a video on making of his own drone and also other youtube videos to make students understand the working of the drone.  At the end of the session students gave their feedback about the program. Students said that they have learnt something new and it was very useful for their career development. The program was concluded in a successful manner.

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC) has organized a two day hands-on training program on “Industrial IoT-LoRaWAN”  from  9.05.2022 to 10.05.2022 in our college premises. The aim of the program is to make the students to learn the basics of IoT and LoRaWAN and also to up skill  them with hands-on training. The program commenced with the inaugural event in which our Secretary, Dr.Sr.Y.Yesuthangam, our Principal, Dr.R.Arokiadass our HOD, Dr.Sr.S.Anita, the resource persons Mr.R.Praveenkumar, Team Leader and Mr.Srinivas, Technical Engineer, Research and Development, Enthu Technology Solutions, India.Pvt.Ltd, our department teaching and non-teaching staff  and students from our department and other colleges has been present. After the completion of the inauguration, the session was handed-over to the resource persons. On the first day he taught the basics of IoT an Arduino. In the second half of the day students went on with hands-on training. Students worked with Arduino. They started to work with basic sensor operations. On the second day he taught the basics of LoRaWAN. In the second half of the day students learnt about device to device communication using LoRaWAN and implemented the same.  At the end of the session students gave their feedback about the program. Students said that they have learnt something new and it was very useful for their career development. All the participants were rewarded with certificates.The program was concluded in a successful manner.

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Title: Knowledge Transfer Program


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) and Institute Innovation Council (IIC) has organized a Knowledge Transfer Program on 30.04.2022 in our college premises. The aim of the program is to make the students to upgrade their skills and knowledge needed for their future development. The program commenced with the prayer song followed by welcome address given by D.Chandru, II year/ECE. The felicitation address was delivered by Head of the Department, Dr.Sr.S.Anita. The inaugural address was given by the Principal, Dr.R.Arokiadass. He shared his views about the program in an inspiring way. Next, the chief guest introduction was given by S.Rajasri, II year/ECE, followed by this the chief guest Mr.R.Sarathkumar, Alumini(2010-2014 Batch), Senior Automation Engineer, Chennai was honored with a shawl and memento by our Principal and HOD. The session started with the guest speaker. He taught various facts about skills and talents through Youtube channel(NAVEEN) and software skills that students need to develop through Youtube channel(NAVEEN) and software skills for the betterment of their future. He shared his work experience, his success and failures faced during the journey of his life. At the end of the session students gave their feedback about the program. The Vote of Thanks was given by Y.Shekina Jebastina, II year/ ECE. The program was concluded in a successful manner.

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Title: Alumini Meet 2022


On behalf of St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering department has organized an Alumni Meet on 09.04.22 in our college premises. The function commenced with a prayer song followed by welcome address, given by Ms. G. Parameswari, Final year/ECE. Next the department Staff members were sharing their views about alumini students and also motivated the students in upgrading themselves. Next, some Alumni Students were sharing about their work experience, their struggles and success they faced during the journey of their life. At the end of the session snacks were given to both staff and students. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. G. Seethlakshmi, Final year/ECE. The event ended in a successful manner.

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Title: Robotics


Resource Persons: Mr.S.Balabasker, Mr.B.Arunkumar

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one day workshop on  "ROBOTICS " on 6.4.22.The aim of the workshop is to make the students learn the basics of robotics and to drive a two wheeled  robot. All the 1st year students of ECE department has  participated in this workshop. In the first half of the workshop basics of robotics and types of robotics were taught. Students were separated into 8 batches and to each batch components to build a two wheeled robot was given. In the next half of the session students started with hands-on training.  A competition was also conducted for the students, in which the students had to drive the robot in a particular direction. All the students were appreciated for their effort in driving the robot. At the end of the session Mr.R.Radhakrishnan, AP/ECE concluded the workshop with a Vote of thanks.

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Title: Electronic Circuit Design on PROTEUS 8.11


TITLE: Electronic Circuit Design on PROTEUS 8.11

Resource Persons: Mr.V.Ventakesan, Mr. S.Durairaj

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a three days add-on course on " Electronic Circuit Design on PROTEUS 8.11". the aim of the workshop is to make the students to study the basics of circuit designing in Proteus and also to work with PCB designing.  All the 3rd year students of ECE department had participated in this course. On the first day of the course basics of electronic circuits and proteus software were taught. Students were separated into batches and started working with Proteus 8.11. On the second day of the course students started designing basic electronic circuits and simulated them. On the final day of the course they moved on to PCB designing with the circuits they designed the earlier day. At the end of the day all the students learnt and gained knowledge on how to work with Proteus 8.11 and also PCB designing.

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Title: Sensor Guided Robotics



Resource Persons: Mr.S.Balabasker, Mr.B.Arunkumar

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a two days workshop on  " SENSOR GUIDED ROBOTICS " on 22.03.22 and 23.03.22. The aim of the workshop is make the students to study the basics of robotics and to drive the robot. All the 2nd year and 3rd year students of ECE department and also willing students from other departments has  participated in this workshop. On the first day of the workshop basics of robotics and Arduino were taught. Students were separated into 8 batches and to each batch components to build a wheeled robot was given. Students learned to work with Arduino interfaced with sensors. On the second day of the workshop students started with hands –on training. They started to assemble the wheeled robot and made to drive with interfaced sensors. A competition was also conducted for the students on the same day in which the students has to drive the robot in a particular direction and the robot has to complete one full rotation.  At the end of the session the chief guest Mr.A.Richard Pravin, ASP/EEE announced the winners and awarded them with medals and certificates

ACTIVITIES (2021 - 2022)

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a project contest on  " ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN CONTEST-2021" on 25th October, 2021. The contest was mainly organized to focus on students’ ideas and innovation in implementation of the project. Around 40 students of ECE department has  participated in this workshop. Students were separated into 10 batches and each batch displayed one mini project. The chief guest of the contest was Mrs. S.Saranya, Alumini(2009-2013)/ECE, Direct Assistant, Health Manpower Development Institute, Villupuram. The  chief guest along with Rev.Sr.Dr.Y.Yesuthangam, Secretary,  Dr.R.Arokiadass, Principal and Sr. Punitha Jilt, Vice Principal visited all the projects and appreciated their efforts. At the end of the session the chief guest announced the winners and awarded them with medals and certificates.

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Title: Multimedia Poster Design




                                   Mrs.B. Mary Amala Jenni, AP/ECE


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one-day workshop on  "MULTIMEDIA POSTER DESIGN" on 11th October, 2021. The aim of the workshop was to design creative posters using CANVA software. Around 40 students and faculties of ECE department has  participated in this workshop. The first session was started with the topic on “Design a Poster from Scratch” and “Introduction  to  Multimedia Poster Design”. In the next session all the students started with hands-on training. They designed various creative posters using the software. At the end of the session all the students has gained knowledge to work with CANVA and learnt to design a poster with  their own ideas.


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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one-day interactive workshop on "BASICS TO ADVANCED: MACHINE LEARNING" on 15th September 2021. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the basics of Machine learning, Deep learning Algorithms, and Python programming using the Google Colaboratory. Around 40 students and department faculties had participated in the workshop. The workshop started with a welcome address by Miss. K. Sineka Final year student/ECE followed by Felicitation given by our Principal Dr. R. Arokiadass. Next, an introduction and brief lecture were given by Dr. Sr. Anita ASP/ECE on the Google Colaboratory. Students gained knowledge about the basics of Machine learning and Deep learning and practiced with various Algorithms available in the platform. And also, Machine learning algorithms like supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms and their programs are practiced by the students. The students from the ECE department and CSE students from Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College had participated in the workshop. The workshop was concluded with a vote of thanks by Miss. S. Cinderella, 3 rd year student/ECE. E-certificate were provided to all participants who had attended the workshop actively.

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The main objective of the workshop is to make the students have basic knowledge about the design of an Antenna using HFSS. It is a one-day workshop organized for the final year students of the departments of ECE from St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology and Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College on 17-09-2021. The workshop had 2-sessions. The first session is

totally concentrated on the basics of Communication systems and the differences between wired and wireless Communication which includes various types of antenna, electromagnetic spectrum, and

modes of EM waves propagation. In the next session, students learned about the design of the Microstrip patch antenna and its equations. The Antenna design is simulated using High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. The students learned to design a Microstrip patch antenna on HFSS. All the students got the result for their respective antenna designs.

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a workshop "BASICS OF TINKERCAD CIRCUIT DESIGN" on 23rd September 2021. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the working of electronic components, Operational amplifiers, and IC's to students via the Autodesk Tinkercad platform. The workshop was conducted for II, III & IV year ECE students. This session was handled Mr. S. Balabasker, ASP/ECE. Students gained knowledge to work with various electronic components available on the platform. Students experienced making and simulating their own interactive systems on the Tinkercad platform.

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Title: Workshop on "Basics of Electronic Components and Circuits"


The main objective of the workshop is to make the students have knowledge about electronic components and their applications. In the first half of the session, students got an idea about the working of various components and their applications. In the next half of the session, electronic components were given to all the participants and a practical session was conducted. All the students were asked to implement a small application-oriented circuit which they had completed successfully. Finally, at the end of the session all the second year, third year, and Final year students have learned how to work with breadboard, Multimeter, and also to develop circuits.

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) is organized a one-day interactive workshop "BASICS OF TINKERCAD CIRCUIT DESIGN" on 21st August 2021. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the electronic components, Arduino microcontroller, and common uses of such embedded systems to students via the Autodesk Tinkercad platform. The workshop was conducted virtually via Google Meet. 103 students and faculty participated in this workshop. The workshop started with a welcome address by Mrs. D. Umamaheswari, Associate Professor/ECE. This was followed by an introduction and brief lecture by Mr. S. Balabasker, ASP/ECE on the Arduino and Tinkercad platforms. Students gained knowledge to work with various electronic components available on the platform. Students experienced making and simulating their own interactive systems on the Tinkercad platform. The workshop was concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. B. Sahinipriya, AP/ECE. E-certificate were provided to all participants who have attended the workshop

ACTIVITIES (2020 - 2021)

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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a one-day online workshop "BASICS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS " on 01st May 2021. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the term embedded system. Around 40 students and our department faculties had participated in the workshop. The workshop started with a welcome address by Mrs. D. Umamageswari, Associate professor /ECE. The technical session was started by Mr. B. Arunkumar, AP/ECE with the evolution of Embedded systems from microprocessor and microcontrollers and introduction to Embedded systems. Students gained knowledge about the basics of Embedded systems and recent technology in Embedded systems and coding in Embedded systems using ‘C’ language using KEIL IDE. Next, the session was continued by Mr. S. Balabasker ASP/ECE. He gave a great explanation about embedded programming. The students gained knowledge in programming in Arduino UNO using the C language. He also discussed various applications of Embedded systems and various job opportunities in Embedded systems for ECE students across the world. The workshop was concluded with a vote of thanks by Miss. M. Sahinipriya, AP/ECE. E-certificate were provided to all participants who have attended the workshop.

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Title: Webinar on "Some Wanderings in Medical Informatics and Biometrics with Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Some Baby Steps"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in association with the Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a webinar on “Some Wanderings in Medical Informatics and Biometrics with Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Some Baby Steps” on 20th May 2021. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the basics of Machine learning and Deep Learning Algorithms. Around 103 participants attended this webinar. The workshop started with a welcome address by Mrs. D. Umamaheswari, ASP/ECE followed by Felicitation given by Dr. S. Anita, HOD/ECE. Next, an introduction and brief lecture was given by the resource person Dr. Sumantra Dutta Roy, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Participants gained knowledge about the basics of Machine learning and Deep learning. The workshop was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. V. Venkatesan, AP/ECE. E-certificate were provided to all participants who had attended the webinar actively.

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Title: Workshop on "Programming Arduino using TinkerCAD"


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has organized a three days workshop on "Programming Arduino using TinkerCAD" from 10.03.2021 to 12.03.2021 for Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College III Year EEE Students. The training session was handled by Mr. S. BALABASKER,ASP/ECE and Mr. DURAIRAJ,AP/ECE of St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology. They trained our students to control  of various devices using Arduino Uno. This training program was really an eye opener for students. Totally 102 Students participated and e-certificate was provided to every students.

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Title: Webinar on Design of RF components for Radar Applications


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Electronics and Communication Scientia Association (ECSA) has organized a Webinar on Design of RF components for Radar Application on 03.10.2020 at 02:00PM. It was presented by Ms. G. Kanimozhi, M.E, Junior Research Fellow, DRDO, Chennai through Google meet platform. Nearly 40 students from IV & III Year ECE & 10 Faculty members has attended the event.

Antennas are the backbone of any wireless solution. In fact, antennas are the single most important electrical component to our daily lives as phones, cars, and computers, wearable’s and even medical devices completely rely on them to talk with each other. This webinar provides an in-depth analysis of RF technology and students were really benefited by this webinar. 

ACTIVITIES (2019 - 2020)

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Title: Faculty Development Programme on LoRaWAN Protocol for IoT Applications


A two day Faculty development programme is successfully conducted at St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 05th & 06th Dec 2019 by the Department of  Electronics and Communication Engineering. The FDP programme received an overwhelming response from 45 participants.

The inauguration function started at 10:00 AM with 45 participants from various institutions and it is inaugurated by Mr. S. Karthikeyan, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technology solutions India Pvt. ltd and presided and felicitated by Dr. R. Arokiadass, Principal, St.Anne’s CET.

Dr. Sr. Anita, HOD/ECE welcomes the gathering and shares her views with the faculty to develop themselves by attending such type of FDP. Dr. R. Arokiadass, Principal, St.Anne’s CET, shares that the FDP helps to improve the performance of faculty in teaching and he appreciated the HOD and the faculty members of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for organizing these type of training for faculty  members.

The two day Faculty development program  is end with the valediction on 6th December. The valuable feedback is received from the participants which says that the session, hospitality and registration process are planned well.

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Title: Indian Institute of Astrophysics (Kodaikanal)

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2017 - 2021 batch ECE students visited Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Kodaikanal on 16th August 2019 along with the staff members 1. Mr. Radhakrishnan, Mr. S.Durairaj and Ms . S.Sahini Priya.

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Title: ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2016 - 2020 batch ECE students visited ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu on 16th August 2019 along with the staff members Mrs. D. Umamaheswari, Mr. S. Balabasker and Mr. V.Venkatesan.

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Title: Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

Event Type: Workshop


A Two day workshop on “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB” was conducted by Dr.Sr.Anita, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for the Final year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 04.07.2019 to 05.07.2019 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.

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Title: Awareness programme on doing online courses

Event Type: Seminar


A Seminar on “Awareness programme on doing online courses” was conducted by Mr.S.BalaBaskar, Associate professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,  for the Third year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 12.07.2019.

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Title: Electronic circuit design in E-Sim

Event Type: Workshop


A Two day workshop on “Electronic circuit design in E-Sim” was conducted by Mrs.D.Umamaheswari, Associate Professor and Mr.S.Durairaj, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for the second year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 19.07.2019 to 20.07.2019 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.

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Title: Workshop on “Electronic Circuit Design using E-Sim”

Event Type: Workshop


Workshop on “Electronic Circuit Design using E-Sim” was conducted by Mr.S.Durairaj, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for the second year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 11.01.2020 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.

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Title: Guest lecture on “5G Technology ”

Event Type: Guest_Lecture


Guest lecture  on “5G Technology ” was delivered by  Dr. R. Dayana, Associate professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,SRM Institute of Science and technology,Chennai  for the students of Electronics and Communication Engineering at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 13.02.2020

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Event Type: Workshop


A one day workshop on “SCILAB” was conducted by Mr.R.Radhakrishanan, and Mr.B.Arunkumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for the Third year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 31.07.2019 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.

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Title: Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Applications

Event Type: Workshop


A Two day National Level workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Applications” was conducted by Mr.S.BalaBaskar, Associate professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for the final year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Diploma students of ECE department, Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college from 29.08.2019 to 30.08.2019 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.

ACTIVITIES (2018 - 2019)

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Title: Doordarshan(Kodaikanal)

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2016 - 2020 batch ECE students visited Doordarshan in Kodaikanal, TamilNadu on 2nd march 2019 along with the staff members Mrs. D. Umamaheswari, Mr.R. Radhakrishnan and Mr. B. Arunkumar.

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Title: Dhoordharshan-Pondicherry

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2017-2021 Batch ECE students visited “Dhoordharshan”, Pondicherry 21st September, 2018 as a part of industrial visit.

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Title: Wonderla-Kerala

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2014-2018 batch ECE students visited “Wonderla”, Kochi on 23rd February, 2018 along with staff members Mrs. D. Umamaheswari, Asso. Professor, Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Asst. Professor, Mrs. C. Suganya, Asst. Professor and Mr. F. Anthoni Ruban, Lab Assistant.

ACTIVITIES (2017 - 2018)

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Title: Radio Astronomy Centre (RAC)-Ooty

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2014-2018 batch & 2015-2019 batch ECE students visited “Radio Astronomy Centre (RAC)”, Ooty on 1st November, 2017 along with staff members Mrs. M.Vaidehi, Prof., Ms. S. Devika, Asst. Professor, Mr. V.Venkatesan, Asst. Professor, Ms. S. K. Suriya, Asst. Professor and Mr. S.Durairaj, Asst. Professor.

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Title: Chennai Port Trust

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2016-2020 batch ECE students visited “Port Trust”, Chennai on 29th July, 2017 along with staff members Ms. S. Devika, Asst. Professor, Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Asst. Professor, Ms. C. Adithya, Asst. Professor and Mr. S. Jayaraj, Lab Assistant.

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Title: Radio Astronomy Centre (RAC)-Ooty

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2013-2017 Batch ECE students visited “Radio Astronomy Centre (RAC)”, Ooty on 9th January2017 along with staff members Mrs. M.Vaidehi, Asst.professor, Mr. S.Balabasker Asst. Professor, Mr. G. Mahendiran, Asst. Professor and Ms. J. Revathi, Asst. Professor.

ACTIVITIES (2016 - 2017)

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Title: Power Project (Wonderla)-Kerala

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2012 - 2016 batch student visited “Power Project (Wonderla)” in Kerala on 11th February 2016 along with the staff members Mr.S.BalaBasker, Mr.R.Annamalai, and Mrs.B.Maryamalajenni.

ACTIVITIES (2015 - 2016)

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Event Type: National Level Workshop


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering & ECSA conducted a Two Days National Level Workshop on the stream of "DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING USING MATLAB" 18.09.2015 to 20.09.2015 handled by Scientific Computing Solutions Chennai.

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Title: Elite Club Inaguration and Engineer's Day Celebration

Event Type: Common


Elite Club Inaguration and Engineer's Day Celebration on 15.09.2015.

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Event Type: National Level workshop


A four day National Level workshop on \"LPC2148 ARM 7 INTERFACE PROGRAMMING USING EMBEDDED C\" from 29.07.2015 to 01.08.2015 by IWIZ Bluechip Technologies Pvt Ltd., Chennai. Areas covered in the workshop were Introduction of embedded system, Evolution in microcontroller technology, Introduction to Embedded C, Creating a program in C

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Title: Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2012 - 2016 batch student visited Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tirunelveli District, TamilNadu on 5th February 2015 along with the staff members Mrs.M.Vaidehi, Mr.R.Annamalai, Mr. G. Mahendiran, and Mr.B.Balaji.

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Title: ISRO Kerala

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2011 - 2015 batch student visited ISRO in Kerala on 13th and 14th January 2015 along with the staff members Sr.S.Anita, Sr.S.Maria, Mrs.D.Umamaheswari, Mr.G.Muthukumaran, and Mr. Lakshminarayanan.

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Title: BSNL, Trichy

Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2014-2018 batch ECE students visited BSNL, Trichy on 5th February 2015 along with staff members Sr.Anita HOD/ECE,  Mrs. D.Umamaheswari, Mr. S.Balabasker, Mr. G. Mahendiran and Mr. V.Venketasan.

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Event Type: Industrial_Visit


2014-2018 batch ECE students visited “DOORDARSHAN KENDRA” in Chennai on 5th February 2015 along with staff members Mrs. M.Vaidehi, Prof., and  Mr. V. Venkatesan, Asst. Professor,

ACTIVITIES (2014 - 2015)

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Title: Application of Electronics in Industrial Field

Event Type: Guest Lecture program

Description: A Guest Lecture program titled “Application of Electronics in Industrial Field” and An Intra Project Expo Program was conducted on 30th Jan 2015. The Chief Guests of this program was Mr.S. Jagan and Mr. D. Prabu, Sales and Service Engineer’s from Electrotech International Inc, Alwarpet, Chennai. In this Program all ECE students visited and exhibit their new innovative projects in the field of communication engineering. Prizes were sponsored by Googly Power Solutions.

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Title: Farewell Function

Event Type: Farewell Function


Farewell Function for 2011 - 2015 batch students.

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Title: Basics of Design and implementation of ARM Microcontroller

Event Type: Workshop

Description: A one day Workshop on “Basics of Design and implementation of ARM Microcontroller” was conducted on 12th Feb 2015. The resource person was Mr. Sheik Abdullah from Alaa Technologies, partner of Nuvaton, a Taiwan based company. Students of ECE has participated in this event and enriched their knowledge.

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Title: Testing and study of Electronic Devices

Event Type: Workshop


A one day workshop was conducted in the stream of Testing and study of Electronic Devices by Mr. Raja from Raja Electronics Institute on 14th Feb 2015. In this workshop the II year students of ECE were exposed to testing of various electronic devices. They also learned repairing the parts of colour Television.\r\n

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Title: Advancement in EDP and its application in Electronics and VLSI Design

Event Type: Faculty Development Program


A one day Faculty Development Program on 18th Dec 2014 in the domin of "Advancement in EDP and its application in Electronics and VLSI Design" was conducted by Mr. Bharanidharan of Techlab's. In this program the faculties from various Engineering colleges were attended and enriched their knowledge in the field of EDP and VLSI Design.

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Title: ECSA Association Annual Inaguration

Event Type: Association Inaguration

Description: ECSA Association Annual Inaguration(2014-2015) on 19.07.2014

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Title: Wireless Communication

Event Type: Guest Lecture

Description: Annual inauguration function of Electronics And Communication Scientia Association [ECSA] on 19.07.2014. The day�s Chief Guest was Mrs. M. Phemina Selvi, M.Tech. (Ph.D), AP/ECE Anna University Campus, Ariyaloor. She covered various Research Possibilities in the field of wireless communication.\r\n

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Title: Embedded System & Its Application using 8051

Event Type: National Level Workshop

Description: A two day National Level Workshop in the stream of "Embedded System & Its Application using 8051" on 11th & 12th sep 2014 handled by Googlly power solutions. Areas covered in the workshop were interfacing LED, LCD, keypad, motors, Bluetooth and RFID reader using embedded C in RIDE software and simulation using Proteus.


S.No Description of Event
S.No Description of Event

Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Webinar on “The strategy for implementing the NAAC New Binary System”, ISDE India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600053 on 21st March, 2025.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

FDP on NEP-2020: Orientation & Sensitization under Malaviya Mission - Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC), MoE, GoI, organized by UGC- MMTTC, JNV University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, from 17 to 25 February 2025


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Participated one week FDP on AI tools in Action: Research Writing and Real world Solutions through hands on training organised by KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Telangana from 16.12. 2024 to 21. 12. 2024. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Webinar on “Promoting Visibility and Credibility through Publishing” organised by Taylor and Francis Group on Jan 31, 2025.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, A, Josephine Mary, Transformation of Engineering Education System in Anna University, Transformations and Changing Perspectives in Higher Education,1st Edition, pp.147-152, eBook ISBN:9781003545828


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

D. Umamaheswari, N. Nachammai, S. Anita, “Early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using retinal network”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, doi:10.1007/s11042-025-20682-9. (SCI indexed, IF=3)


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita, Chandru. D, Srihari. S, Anilkumar.L, Jothi. S, patent granted on the design “SHOE FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED” no: 424219-001 on 22/07/2024.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Published book titled on “Digital Signal Processing” for 4th semester ECE students 2021 Regulation by Charulatha Publications.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Published book titled on “IoT based systems design” for 4th semester CSE students 2021 Regulation by Charulatha Publications.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Delivered talk on “Diagnosing Early Stage of Parkinson’s Disease using JAN Net” on October  17th and 18th 2024 at London, United Kingdom.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Delivered talk on “Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Transforming Patient Care and Clinical Decision Making” Organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (DU), Puducherry, held on 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd January 2025.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.M.Sahinippiriya, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “High Speed Gate Level Synchronous Full Adder Designs” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.M.Sahinippiriya, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design of GaAs Based Low Noise Amplifier For 5G Frond-End System” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

·    Mr. B.Arunkumar, AP/ECE acted as resource person for workshop titled “Robotics for first year ECE students held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 06.4.2022.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. B.Arunkumar, AP/ECE acted as resource person for workshop titled “Sensor Guided Robotics" for all the ECE students of St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 22.3.2022 and 23.3.2022


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.B.Arunkumar, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based vehicular Smart Helmet for Safe Journey using sensors” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.B.Arunkumar, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “High Speed Gate Level Synchronous Full Adder Designs” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.B.Arunkumar, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Remote Health Monitoring System For Visually Impaired” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Durairaj, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design of Rectangular Patch 4×4 Array for        Satellite Communication” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Durairaj, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based vehicular Smart Helmet for Safe Journey using sensors” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Durairaj, AP/ECE acted as resource person for seminar  titled “PCB Designing" for 2nd and final year ECE students of Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College on 29th  April 2022


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Durairaj, AP/ECE acted as resource person for Value added course titled “PCB Designing using Proteus 8.11" for 3rd year  ECE students held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology from16.03.2022


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.V.Venkatesan, AP/ECE acted as resource person for Value added course titled “PCB Designing using Proteus 8.11" for 3rd year  ECE students held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology form 16.03.2022


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.V.Venkatesan, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design Of Fast Full Adder By Exploring Xor And Xnor Gates” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.V.Venkatesan, AP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based vehicular Smart Helmet for Safe Journey using sensors” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.R.Radhakrishnan, AP/ECE has presented a paper titled “IoT- Based intelligent aquaculture monitoring system for fish farming” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.R.Radhakrishnan, AP/ECE has presented a paper titled “Design and Analysis of Multi-Patient Monitoring System Using Cloud Computing” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabasker, ASP /ECE has presented a paper titled “IoT- Based intelligent aquaculture monitoring system for fish farming” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabasker, ASP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Saline Level Monitoring System Using Lora Technology” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.D.Umamaheshawari, ASP /ECE has presented a paper titled “Cascade Attentive Refinenet For Blood Vessels Segmentation Of Diabetic Retinopathy” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.D.Umamaheswari,ASP/ECE has presented a paper titled “Cascade Attentive Refinet for blood Vessels Segmentation of Diabetic Retinopathy” in International conference on Computing Information, Electronics and Electrical Engineering(ICCIEEE’22)  organized by Idhaya Engineering College for Women, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi District on 30.05.2022.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr.S.Anita, ASP& Head /ECE has presented a paper titled “Microfluidic Syringe Pump” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr.S.Anita, ASP& Head /ECE has presented a paper titled “Cascade Attentive Refinet for blood Vessels Segmentation of Diabetic Retinopathy” in International conference on Computing Information, Electronics and Electrical Engineering(ICCIEEE’22)  organized by Idhaya Engineering College for Women, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi District on 30.05.2022


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Balabasker, ASP/ECE, acted as resource person for seminar on “How to do your own projects" for final year ECE students of Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College on 01st April 2022.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a one day Workshop on "Robotics” at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 06th April 2022


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a two day Workshop on “Sensor Guided Robotics” at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology from 22nd March 2022 to 23rd March 2022


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning for Signal Processing  organized by KGISL Institute of technology, Coimbatore from 21st February 2022 to 25th February 2022


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled  “Prognostication of Diabetic Retinopathy using ransfer Learning of Alex Net ” in International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science &Management  organized by Universal College of Engineering and Technology,Guntur,Andra Pradesh  on 18th February 2022 


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled  “Prognostication of Diabetic Retinopathy using ransfer Learning of Alex Net ” in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering on 02nd February 2022 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head presented a paper titled  “Prognostication of Diabetic Retinopathy using ransfer Learning of Alex Net ” in International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science &Management  organized by Universal College of Engineering and Technology,Guntur,Andra Pradesh  on 18th February 2022 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head published a paper titled  “Prognostication of Diabetic Retinopathy using ransfer Learning of Alex Net ” in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering on 02nd February 2022 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head attended Facult Development program on “Design thinking for Entrepreneur” at Idhaya Engineering College for Women from 28th February 2022 to 12th March 2022.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head acted as resource person for Training program on “Design thinking for Entrepreneur” at Idhaya Engineering College for Women on 24th March 2022.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head has received fund from TNSCST for students’ project titled on saline water level monitoring using Lora Technology, March 2022.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr.Sr. S.Anita, Associate professor and Head has received a patent Application No: 202241005961 A,“COMPUTER OPERATOR NAME WITH LOCATION, TRACKING NEW SYSTEM” Filed on :03/02/2022 &11/02/2022.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as a resource person for 10 days value added Certificate Course on "Arduino based Embedded System Design" held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and technology  for a period of 80Hours for ECE students


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended three days Skill Development Programme on “Embedded Design and Development using Free / Open Source Tools" held at C-DAC, Trivandrum and TiHAN, IIT, Hyderabad from 6th to 8th December 2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days Workshop on “IOT USING RASPBERRY PI" held at Pantech ProLabs India Pvt Ltd on 3/12/2021 & 4/12/2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days skill development workshop on “Master the Communication Processes using Gmail” held at Scrollwell EduTech LLP, Bihar on November 10 &11, 2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 5 days skill development workshop on “Arduino Robotics” held at STEM Robotics Academy International & Accelmove Dynamics, Kerala from 18 to 22 October 2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as Jury member for Innovative Idea/Project Presentation event organized in Innovism 3.0-India’s Virtual Innovative Symposium held at Project Contest innovations LLP, Tamilnadu on 25 & 26 Dec 2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as Jury member for Innovative Idea/Project Presentation event organized in SCI-Festa: India's Scientific Symposium Festival held at Project Contest innovations LLP, Tamilnadu on 17 & 18 July 2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended 5 Days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Embedded Design and Development using Free / Open Source Tools" organised by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC), Trivandrum from 09/08/2021 to 13/08/2021


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day FDP on Circuit Simulation / PCB Design using Target3001!  Software conducted by DELLSOFT Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Banglore on 13 September 2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for webinar on “Basics of Embedded systems” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 01.05.2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted two days workshop for 3 rd year ECE students on “Scilab forbeginners in St Anne’s CET on 04/08/2018 & 10/08/2018


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted one day workshop for 2nd and 3rd year ECE students on“Microsoft Word, PowerPoint in St.Anne’s CET on 24/02/2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” in St. Anne’sCET on 6th Aug 2016 to 7th Aug 2016.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended six days online (STTP) on “Terahertz Band: Next Frontier for Wireless Communication” organized by IFET college of Engineering,Villupuram held on 08.08. 2020


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Advancement in Nanotechnology” organized by Idhaya college of Engineering for women, chinnasalem held on 23.10.2020


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Acted as Resource Person for webinar on "Basics to Advanced: Machine learning" held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 15th September 2021 for ECE students


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended five-day FDP on “Advanced Electromagnetics and Modern Antenna Design Principles” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN from 6th to 10th Dec 2021


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on “Li-Fi technology” from 13th -22nd April 2021, conducted by E&ICT Warangal and SRM IST, Chennai


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended two weeks FDP on “Deep Learning with Applications” from August 24, 2021 to September 3, 2021, conducted by EICT Academy MNIT Jaipur


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended FDP on “Advanced Trends in biomedical research using Deep learning techniques” from May 17-21, 2021 conducted by Mepco Schlenk engineering college, Sivakasi.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Intelluctual property rights” conducted by Annamalai university incubation centre, Annamalai University from 27th October 2021 to 29th October 2021.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended  webinar on “ICEE Speaker Series Event, Founder Life: Indo-Canadian Startup Stories” on October 21,2021 conducted by U of T Entrepreneurship


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted a one day workshop on “ESIM” in St Anne’s CET on 11/01/2020


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Virtual Reality” Organized by St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 20.05.2020


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar training programme on Study of “Antenna design and analysis of simulated Results” National College of Engineering and µ Maker on 21.5.2020


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 10 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop titled “Antenna Design Using HFSS” organized by St. Anne’s College of Engineering &Technology held on 17.09.2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on Embedded System Design using INTEL SOC FPGAs in association with Intel technologies Ltd., Bangalore organized by SSN Institute of technology, Chennai from 01st February 2022 to 05th February 2022


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on ”Miniaturization of Electronic Devices “a AICTE,New Delhi (ATAL) sponsored FDP organized by Instititute of Rural technology,Pragyaraj,Uttar Pradesh from 24th Jan 2022 to 28th Jan 2022


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on “Real-Time Embedded and IoT Systems: An Experiential Learning” a AICTE,New Delhi (ATAL) sponsored FDP organized by Rajaramprabu Institute of Technology,Islampur,Mumbai from 06th December 2021 to 10th December 2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Smart Saline Monitoring Device using LoRa Technology” in the International conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th March 2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Intravenous Flow Monitoring System Using Lora Technology” in the International conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th March 2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Smart Irrigation Monitoring System using Lora Technology” in the International conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th March 2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Smart Fluid Level Monitoring And Controlling System” in International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development(IJSRED) April 2020


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Nocturnal Solar Energy Harvesting Using Conventional Photovoltaic (PV) Panel and IR Transmitter” in International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development(IJSRED) on April 2020


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “IoT-Based Water Quality Monitoring System for Prawn Farming” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on April 2021


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended AICTE-ISTE approved one week FDP on “Electronic Assistive Devices” held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devangere, Karnataka during 07.01.2022 to 13.01.2022


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 6 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Low Power Hybrid Full Adder using XOR/XNOR gate" at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th February 2021


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as a Resource Person  on " Basics of Electronic Components and Circuits" held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology for all the ECE department students on 16.9.21


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as Resource Person for value added course on "Electronic Circuit Design on Proteus 8.11" held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology for all the 3rd year students of ECE 


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert system” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on 06th September 2021.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Low Power Hybrid Full Adder Using XOR/XNOR Gate” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods(IJARESM) on August 2021.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 6 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized a Valued added course on “Microsoft office ” held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology for all the 2nd year ECE students


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day webinar on “Basics of TinkerCAD Circuit Design” held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 21.08.21


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop on “Basics to Advanced: Machine Learning” in St Anne’s CET on 15/09/2021.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 10 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 5 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided almost 10 UG projects and 5 PG projects from the day of work in college


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj, AP/ECE, NSS Programme officer – II, motivate the students to complete the NSS special camp at Anguchettypalayam village from 13/12/2021 to 19/12/2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj, AP/ECE, NSS Programme officer – II, motivate the students to complete the NSS special camp at kokupalayam village from 10/02/2020 to 16/02/2020.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for one day workshop on “E-sim” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 11.01.2020.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for two days workshop on “Electronic circuit design in E-Sim” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held from 19.07.2019 to 20.07.2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “5G: Network Architecture and SDN” Parul Polytechnic Institute, Parul University held on 15/06/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Web development on Python using Pycharm” Organized by St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 02/06/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended National Webinar on “IoT and its Applications” SLS. MAVMM. AYIRA VAISYAR college, Madurai on 27/05/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Recent trends and research opportunities in 5G & Beyond” SRM Institute of science and technology, Kattankualthur, chennai from 25/05/2020 to 27/05/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Virtual Reality” Organized by St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 20/05/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT)  ” Organized by PSNA College of Engineering & Technology from 06/05/2020 to 08/05/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Challenges in Integrating Nano Sensors to IoT platform” Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology  on 04/05/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Webinar on “Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)” Organized by R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology on 02/05/2020.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended online FDP on “ Develop the Ability to write research proposal Organized by Adarsh Group of Institutions on 24/04/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended International Faculty development programme on “E - Learning” Prathyusha Engineering college, Chennai from 01/06/2020 to 04/06/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty development programme on Latex Organized by Vellalar college of Engineering for women from 27/04/2020 to 29/04/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended FDP on “Antenna and microwave engineering”K. Ramakrishnan College of technology from 08/06/2020 to 13/06/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty development programme on python Organized by Vellalar college of Engineering for women from 23/04/2020 to 26/04/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended online FDP on “ Develop the Ability to write research proposal Organized by Adarsh Group of Institutions on 24/04/2020


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized one day workshop on “eSIM” for 2018 – 2022 batch in St Anne’s CET on 11/01/2020..


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized one day workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS” in St Anne’s CET on 17/09/2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop on “Basics to Advanced: Machine Learning” in St Anne’s CET on 15/09/2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended AICTE-ISTE approved one week FDP on “Electronic Assistive Devices” in Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devangere, Karnataka during from 07.01.2022 to 13.01.2022


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Five Day FDP on “Advanced Electromagnetics and Modern Design Principles” in SSN from 6th Dec to 10th Dec 2021


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Basics of TINKER CAD design” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 21.08.2021


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Some wanderings in Medical informatics and biometrics with Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Some baby steps” in St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 20.05.2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Reconfigurable H-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna” at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05/03/2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of Miniature U-slot Patch antenna for 5G Communication” at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05/03/2021..


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Design and simulation of Microstrip patch antenna using Jute material”, Participated International Conference on computing Information Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCIEEE - 2020)  in Idhaya college of engineering held on 21/02/2020.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert system” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on 06th September 2021.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Low Power Hybrid Full Adder Using XOR/XNOR Gate” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on  31st August 2021.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Guided 2 UG projects at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled " Design of 4:1 Multiplexer based Adder using various Logic Techniques " in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 9, Issue 8, August -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Design and Analysis of RF LNA with Transistor Configuration" at First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and Technology held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop on  "BASICS TO ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING"  held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 15 th September, 2021


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Tamilnadu  state Government Sponsored Five day online FDP on "Digital Image Processing - A Practical Approach" organised by Faculty training centre in Association with Govt Polytechnic college, Kandarvakottai,(24.5.21 to 28.5.21


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Hybrid system design of FSO- TECH and RF signals in Special Communication" in  International Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and  Technology(ICRDSET 2021)  on 5th March, 2021.



Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Automatic Detection for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep learning in Modified AlexNet CNN" in  International Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and  Technology(ICRDSET 2021)  on 5th March, 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE), LM134


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for webinar on “Basics of Embedded systems” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 01.05.2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop titled “Basics to Advanced: Machine Learning” organized by St. Anne’s College of Engg & Tech. on 15. 09. 2021


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop titled “Antenna Design Using HFSS” organized by St. Anne’s College of Engineering &Technology held on 17.09.2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on Embedded System Design using INTEL SOC FPGAs in association with Intel technologies Ltd., Bangalore organized by SSN Institute of technology, Chennai from 01st February 2022 to 05th February 2022.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on ”Miniaturization of Electronic Devices “a AICTE,New Delhi (ATAL) sponsored FDP organized by Instititute of Rural technology,Pragyaraj,Uttar Pradesh from 24th Jan 2022 to 28th Jan 2022.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on “Real-Time Embedded and IoT Systems: An Experiential Learning” a AICTE,New Delhi (ATAL) sponsored FDP organized by Rajaramprabu Institute of Technology,Islampur,Mumbai from 06th December 2021 to 10th December 2021


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar on “Basics of TINKER CAD design ” organized by Department of ECE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 21.08.2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended webinar titled “Awareness of Covid and Importance of Vaccination” organized by Annai Velankanni College of Engineering on 12.06.2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day webinar on “E-Vehicle on Board Diagnostics with IOT” organized by Idhaya Engineering College for Women on 29.05.2021.



Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day webinar on “Intellectual property rights “organized by Research and Development cell Krishnasamy college of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore on 21st August 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Design and Implementation of Miniature U-slot Patch antenna for 5G Communication “ at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th February 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Energy-Efficient Adaptive Encoding for Off-Chip Communication” at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th February 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Raspberry Pi Based Automatic Vehicle Speed Detection Warning And Control System“ at First International conference on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and technology held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 05th February 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper on the title “Design of Security System for Vehicles “at 5th National conference NCDRSET ’19 held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert system” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on 06th September 2021.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “Low Power Hybrid Full Adder Using XOR/XNOR Gate" in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) on  31st August 2021


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Conducted a workshop on " Basics of Electronic Components and Circuits" held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 16.09.21 


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Anna University sponsered  FDP on “Signals and Systems” held at Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology from 07.06.2021 to 12.06.2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended AICTE-ISTE approved one week FDP on “Electronic Assistive Devices” held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devangere, Karnataka during 07.01.2022 to 13.01.2022


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Five Day FDP on “Advanced Electromagnetics and Modern Design Principles” held at SSN Institue of Technology from 6th Dec to 10th Dec 2021


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended AICTE-ISTE approved one week FDP on “Electronic Assistive Devices” held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devangere, Karnataka during 07.01.2022 to 13.01.2022


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day webinar on “Basics of TinkerCAD Circuit Design” held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 21.08.21


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled " Design of 4:1 multiplexer based adder using various logic technique" in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 9, Issue 8, August -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled " Design and analysis of RF LNA with transistor configuration" in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 9, Issue 8, August -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Design of 4:1 multiplexer based adder using various logic technique" in First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology held at St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled " Hybrid  System design of FSO-Tech and RF Signals in Spacial Communication " in First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology held at St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled " Design of Low Power Magnitude Comparator using GDI Technique " in First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology held at St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day webinar on “Antenna Design Using HFSS” St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 17.09.21


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day webinar on “Basics to Advanced: Machine Learning” held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 05.09.21


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day webinar on “Basics of TinkerCAD Circuit Design” held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 21.08.21


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Five Days FDP on “Advanced Electromagnetics and Modern Design Principles” held at SSN Institute of Technology from 6th Dec to 10th Dec 2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled " Design and analysis of RF LNA with transistor configuration" in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 9, Issue 8, August -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Webinar on topic " Some Wandering in Medical Informatics and Biometrics with Machine Learning; Some Baby Steps" held at St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 20.05.2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Design of Low Power Magnitude Comparator using GDI Technique" at First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and Technology held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled "Hybrid  System design of FSO-Tech and RF Signals in Spacial Communication" at First International Conference  on Recent Trends in Science,Engineering and Technology held at St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology on 5.03.2021


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.R.Radhakrishnan published a paper on “ Noctumal Solar Energy Harvesting Using Conventional Photovoltaic(PV) Panel and IR Transmitter ”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, ISSN:2581-7175 on April 2020


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 Mr.R.Radhakrishnan published a paper on “Smart Fluid level monitoring and Controlling System ”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, ISSN:2581-7175 on April 2020.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.D.Umamaheswari, Associate Professor presented a Paper titled “Design and Implementation of Automatic System For Early Detection Of Diabetic Using Retinal Images “ in Virtual Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Control and Communication Technologies – ICECCT 2020 on August 2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Recent trends and researchers opportunities in 5G and beyond organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 05.06.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Blockchain Technology organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 02.06.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Basics of Machining organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 14.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Introduction to Image quality measures organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 13.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on How the teachers should be ready to handle the post pandemic situation organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 13.05.2020


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Opportunities for startups in current situation organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 12.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Major Challenges in auto component industries post COVID-19 organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 12.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Hangout with successful Startups organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 06.05.2020


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Challenges in Integrating Nano Sensors to IOT platform organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 04.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Post COVID-19:Oppurtunities for Engineers organised by Aalim Muhammed College of Engineering 02.05.2020.


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on Indian Regional Navigation Satellite Systems organised by R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology on 02.05.2020


Staff Name: M.SAHINIPPIRIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Ms.Sahinippriya Assistant professor attended a webinar on “Opportunities for Engineers and Expectations from industry” organised by Chennai Institute of Technology on 02.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs.Mary Amala Jeni attended and successfully completed the AICTE sponsored six days Online Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Terahertz Band: Next Frontier for Wireless Communication” from 3srd August to 8th August 2020, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering IFET college of Engineering,Villupuram.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Internet of things using raspberry Pi” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by & Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur on 05th August 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Image Processing applications” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluruon 03rd July 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended one day international webinar on “Python NumPy with Jupyter notebook for Beginners” Organized by Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana  on 06.07.2020 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended 5 days International Faculty Development Program on Emerging Research Areas in Engineering ” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in Association with The Institution of Engineers (India), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-600089, from 5th June to 9th June 2020


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Internet of Things Using Arduino” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi on 16th June 2020. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended One day Webinar on "Digital Logic Design" hosted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annai Theresa College of Engineering, Kallakurichi on 12-06-2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Face recognisation using deep learning” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal on 30th June 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Design of Brain controlled application” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar on 23rd June 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended a one week faculty development programme “PYTHON & LATEX THROUGH MOOCS- SPOKEN TUTORIAL PROJECT- IIT, BOMBAY” organized by VELLALAR COLLEGE FOR WOMEN(Autonomous), Erode from 23rd April, 2020 to 29th April, 2020


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended A National Level Online Webinar Programme On “IoT and It’s Application” Organized by the Department Of Computer Science, SLS.Mavmm. Ayira Vaisyar College Madurai,Held On 27.05.2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Online Learning Tools Post COVID-19” organised by Department of Electronics and Instrumetation Engineering, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University, Tamilnadu  on 29th May 2020


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “IoT using Arduino” organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, V.S.M College of Engineering, Karnataka on 24th May 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Future of AI” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by IIT- Mumbai on 20th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution” organised by Department of Mechanical, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 5th June 2020. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation Sector post COVID-19” organised by Department of Mechanical, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 4th June 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended Attended online webinar on “Internet of things using Node MCU” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by Shiv Kumar Singh Institute of Science And Technology on 23rd June 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended online webinar on “Internet of things using raspberry Pi” organised by pantech Solutions, Chennai and Hosted by Institute of Engineering and Technology on 19th June 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Strategies for Engaging Students in Learning” Organized by the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics,  Vellalar College for Women Erode on 27th April 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended three days online webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT)”, Organized by  PSNA - Bluetronics CoE Department of EEE, PSNA College of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul  from 06.05.20 to 08.05.20 .


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended national level Webinar on “Technological tools to manage the pandemic situations using Biological data and Artificial Intelligence” Organized by the Department of Biotechnology. Danalakshmi srinivasan institute of science and Technology, Trichy on 11th May 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended  three days Industry powered Online Faculty Development Program on “Future Trends in Electronics” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,  Dr. NGP, Coimbatore  from 2nd to 4th May 2020.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended one day webinar on “Introduction to Image quality Measures” organized by Chennai Institute of Technology organises  on 13th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended one week training  programme on “ Python 3.4.3” organized by Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous)  and  Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended a one day webinar on “Hangout with successful start Ups” organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 05th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr.S.Balabaskar, Associate professor attended International FDP on “Develop the ability to write Research Proposal”, an exclusive Webinar for Research scholars and Faculty,   Organized by Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology on 24th April 2020. 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Confidence over Beauty” Organized by Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute on 06.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Emotional intelligence ” Organized by Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute on 06.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Yoga for Health” Organized by Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute on 05.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Global trend in Biomedical teaching and research ” organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 05.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Impact of Radio” Organized by  Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute on 03.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Web development on Python using Pycharm” Organized by St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 02.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Breast Cancer Awareness” Organized by  Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute on 02.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Faculty development programme on “E - Learning”Organized by Prathyusha Engineering college,Chennai from 01.06.2020 to 04.06.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

National Webinar on “IoT and its Applications” Organized by SLS. MAVMM. AYIRA VAISYAR college, Madurai on 27.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Recent trends and research opportunities in 5G & Beyond”Organized by  SRM Institute of science and technology, Kattankualthur, chennai from May 25 to May 27,2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

National Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence and data science & its Global impact” Organized by SIES college of arts and science and commerce conducted on 23.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on Study of “Antenna design and analysis of simulated results” Organized by National College of Engineering and µ Maker on 21.5.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on "Block chain Technology" by Chennai Institute of Technology on 20.5.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Virtual Reality” Organized by St.Anne’s college of Engineering and Technology, on 20.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “How to overcome the Lockdown pandemic ”Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology  on 13.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Introduction to Image Quality measures ”Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology  on 13.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “How the teachers should be ready to handle post pandemic Challenges “Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 12.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “How to protect ourselves from infectious diseases “Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 11.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “The India First Leadership Talk by Prof. D.P. Singh, Chairman, UGC “Organized by MHRD Innovation cell on 09.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT)  ”Organized by PSNA College of Engineering & Technology from 06.05.2020 to 08.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online course on “Nano electronics: Devices and materials” Organized by NPTELHRD – Cursa from April 29 to May 04/2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Challenges in Integrating Nano Sensors to IoT platform”Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 04.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “The India First Leadership Talk Broadcasted”Organized by MHRD Innovation cell on 02.05.2020


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Opportunities for Engineers and Expectations from Industry”  Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology  on 02.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Post COVID-19:Opportunities for Engineers “Organized by Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering on  02.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Webinar on “Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)”Organized by R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology on  02.05.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Faculty development programme on Latex Organized by Vellalar college of Engineering for women from 27.04.2020 to 29.04.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

International FDP on “Develop the Ability to write research proposal Organized by Adarsh Group of Institutions on 24.04.2020.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Faculty development programme on Python Organized by Vellalar college of Engineering for women from 23.04.2020 to 26.04.2020


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Online course on “Physics wave optics and semiconductor and electronics Organized by Udemy on 11.04.2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Patent Act, Drafting, Filling system and challenges in India” organised by R.M.D Engineering College. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution” organised by Department of Mechanical, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 5th June 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Challenges and Oppertunities in Transportation Sector post COVID-19” organised by Department of Mechanical, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 4thJune 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Business Analysation and Structure” organised by Department of Mechanical, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 3rd June 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online FDP on “Joy of Python” organised by Jain college for Women held between 18.05.2020 to 24.05.2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Free statistical Tool for Research Data Analysis and Research Publication with Special reference to citation, Impact Factor and H index” organised Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women held on 1 and 2nd June 2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Machine learning using Vision learning” organised by Department of ECE, Idhaya College of Engineering and Technology held on 29th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online webinar on “Industry 4.0 and Cyber Physical Systems” organised by Department of EEE, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti held on 29th  May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended national level workshop on “Image Classification using MATLAB” organised by Department of CSE, Jain deemed to be University, Bangalore held on 24th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended Two days online FDP on E-learning Tools” organised by Department of Computer Science, The American College, Madurai  held on 16 and 17th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended Two days online FDP on E-learning Tools” organised by Department of Computer Science, The American College, Madurai held on 16 and 17th May 2020. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online Webinar on 3D Printing Applications in Fighting with COVID-19” organised Sri Sairam Institute of Technology held on 09.05.2020


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online National FDP on “Effective usage of ICT Tools for Smart Teaching” organised Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women held between 09.05.2020 to 14.05. 2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online India first Leadership Talk webinar with Prof. D. P. Singh, Chairman UGC held on 9th May 2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online International FDP on “Develop the ability to write Research Proposal” organised by AIMIT held on 24th April 2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended 5 days online FDP on R programming organised by Indo Global Group of Colleges, New Chandigarh association with IIT Bombay Spoken tutorial from 27th April to 1st May 2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online course on DIGITAL CLASS ROOM advanced held on April 20 to24, 2020 conducted by Computational Intelligence Research Foundation (CIRF).


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online lecture on “Transforming Learning Ecosystem” held on 24th April 2020, by SRM IST Ramapuram Campus, Faculty of Engineering and Technology.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Attended online course on DIGITAL CLASS ROOM held on April 13 & 14, 2020 conducted by Computational Intelligence Research Foundation(CIRF).


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Completed online course on Introduction to programming with MATLAB by Courses Era.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita presented a paper titled "Early Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease using Machine learning Algorithm" at Ramco Institute of technology on 26 to 27 June,2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita presented a paper titled "Diagnosis of early Parkinson’s disease using Bilateral Filter" at Kalasalingam Academy of research and Education on 20st June,2020.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita presented a paper titled "Design and analysis of Microstrip patch antenna using Jute material" at Idhaya Engineering College for Women on 21st February,2020.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a Technical Seminar on "An Overview on 5G Technology" organised by R & D Cell on 20th September 2018.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resorce person for two day workshop on “Electronic circuit design in E-Sim” for the second year students of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 19.07.2019 to 20.07.2019 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop on “E-Resources, Research Publications & Plagiarism “at K.S. Narayanasamy knowledge centre (Krishnasamy college of Engineering and Technology) on 21.09.2019.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita attended an online course for teachers on digital class room held on April 13 and 14, 2020 organised by Computational intelligence research foundation (CIRF)


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Dr. S. Anita, Smart fluid level monitoring and controlling system, International conference on computing information electronics and electrical engineering at Idhaya Engineering College for  women, chinnasalem on 21 february,2020.  


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Anita, S., Aruna Priya, P. Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease at an Early Stage Using Volume Rendering SPECT Image Slices. Arab J Sci. Engg. 45, 2799–2811 (2020).


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a one day Workshop on “Ardubotics” at APR Hall, Vadapalani, Chennai organized by SIIT-Technologies, Vellore on 22nd July, 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as Project Co-ordinator for 2015-2019 Batch ECE students and coordinated 5batch(15 students) for completion of their project.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Design and Implementation of drawing robot using EmbeddedSystem” for 2015-2019 Batch.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Multilevel Car Parking System using IoT” for 2014-2018 Batch.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Design and Implementation of Digital Signal System using Raspberry Pi for Information Display”  for 2013-2017 Batch.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Sucessfully completed a online course on "Arduino Programming and Simulation without Coding" by  Educational Engineering Team in Udemy online platform on 04th July 2019.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Sucessfully completed a online course on "Circuit creation,analysis and simulation using MULTISIM" by Know Store in Udemy online platform on 30th October 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Sucessfully completed a online course on "Arduino Workshop 2018 | A step-by-step Arduino how-to guide" by Core Electronics in Udemy online platform on 25th October, 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Succesfully Co-ordinated a one day online workshop on "VLSI Design using Verilog HDL” conducted by Mr.P.R.Sivakumar, CEO, Maven Silicon, Bangalore at St .Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 04/02/2019.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a two days Workshop on “Internet of Things(IoT) for Smart Applications” at  St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti from 29th August, 2019 to 30th August 2019.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a two days Workshop on “Hands on Training on Arduino for IoT Applications” at  St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti from 06th September, 2018 to 07th September 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in a two days faculty development program on “IOT-IDEATION”  organized by ICT Academy, Chennai  at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry  from  09th November, 2017  to 10th November, 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop on ”Preparing Journal Manuscript using Latex Software” organized by Research and Development Cell in St. Anne’s CET on 29.07.2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Has won "A Grade" in eFest 2011 Four Level online academic Talent hunt held between July 2011 to September 2011.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a two days Workshop on “Sensor Interfacing Using ARM7 Processor(LPC2148)” at  St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti from 09th August, 2017 to 10th August 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person for a one day Workshop on “Android Control Robot Based On IOT” at  St. Joseph’s College, Trichy organized by SIIT-Technologies, Vellore on 29th July, 2018. This workshop helped students to learn the basics of robotics using Arduino microcontroller and motors. They also develop their own android app using MIT App Inventor and controlled land rover robot using their mobile phone. Students from various Engineering departments has actively participated in the workshop and gained knowledge on how to control a land rover robot using their mobile using the developed android application.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in a two days faculty development program on “Introduction to Python Programming”  organized by ICT Academy, Chennai  at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry  from  19th  to 20th November, 2018. This program helped to get hands on experience on how to build applications using python concepts and packages and also provided learning ground to use Python Programming in controlling IoT enabled devices in a new and easy way.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop on "E-learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” organized by Guru Angad Dev teaching Learning Centre of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi and Anna university Chennai on 14th September, 2019 at Anna university Chennai. 


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled, “Marine Monitoring and Early Warning Detection using Wireless Sensor Networks”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28th February 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled, “Design of Low Cost CNC plotter Machine using Arduino UNO”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28th February 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled, “Implementing Digital FIR Filter(using various windows) on DSP processor”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled, “Internet of things based smart Car parking System”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two days National Level workshop on "Image Processing techniques using MATLAB” organized by Electronics and communication Scientia Association jointly with department of ECE in St. Anne’s CET from 07th Sep 2017 to  08th Sep 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop on "Antenna Design for Wireless Communication” organized by Electronics and communication Scientia Association jointly with department of ECE in St. Anne’s CET on 06th Jan 2018.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in One day International conference on  (ICES’10)at Coimbatore institute of Technology, Coimbatore on13.07.2010.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Next Generation Automatic Theft control Prevention”  in International conference on Nano electronics and devices” held at “Saveetha University”-Chennai on January2013.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “A Braille Script based SMS System for the visually impaired   people” in American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information. SSN: 1995-0772 published by AENSI Publication ISSN: 1998-1090ANAS2017 April 11(4): pages 370-373, April 2017. (Anna University referred Annexure II Journal).


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled  “PIC Microcontroller Based Boiler Monitoring and Controlling system for Power Plant Industry” in International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering(IJSHRE) ISSN NO:2347-4890,Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2016.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper “A novel system for severity estimation of automotive accident with automotive notification” in International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics, Volume 13, issue 4, March 2015. 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper “ARM based children Tracking system" in “International Journal of Advanced research (IJAR)” in October 2014.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper on “Advanced Brushless control of DC motor using Terminal voltage in “International Journal of computer Science and Engineering” Vol. 2, Issue 5, and May 2014. Paper ID: IJCSE-002761.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper on “Online Handwritten Character recognition using digital for static authentication in “International academic conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” organized by IRAJ Chennai 19th October 2013.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper on Autonomous “Self Parking and Self Retrieval in Vehicles “International Journal of Science Engineering Research and Technology (IJSERT)”, Vol. 4, Issue 2 and PP: 208-305, March 2013


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper on “RTOS Based Dynamic Scheduler in Power Quality Applications”at“International Journal of Electronics Communication Engineering Technology (IJECET)”, Vol. 4, Issue 1 and PP: 294-303, March 2013.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Having Work experience in ISO,NBA,NAAC accreditation related activities 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Certified in “Innovative Teaching and Learning methodology” organized by Wipro Mission 10 X AARAMBH program, held at V.R.S.College of Engineering and technology.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Life member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG). Member ID: 141519


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Seminar on “Research Challenges and strategies” held at VRS College of Engineering and Technology on 13.11.2013.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended AICTE Sponsored Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” held at VRS College of Engineering and Technology on 14.12.2014.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Two days National Level Workshop on “Numicro ARM cortex Mo and its applications” organized by Nuvoton Technologies – Taiwan at Anna University-Chennai on 25th March 2014 & 26th March 2014.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended three days ISTE Sponsored National Level workshop on “curriculum updation and Evaluation organized by ISTE-Bangalore section from 05th March 2014 to 07th March2014 at puducherry. 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in One day National Level Workshop on ”VLSI Design and Control” held at V.R.S.C.E.T on 28.12.12


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in workshop on “Computational Intelligence Techniques for Engineering application” held at University College of Engineering- panruti from 05.12.2012 to 12.12.12.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized One day national level workshop on embedded systems applications-ESTA-2012 held at V.R.S.C.E.T on 04.04.2012.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in Two Days workshop on” Enhanced control pertaining power Electronics in Smart Grid “held at periyar Maniammai University, Tanjore on 09, 10th December 2011.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in One day workshop on “ARM Microcontroller and Embedded Systems “held at PSG college of Technology, organized by Advent Tech, Coimbatore on 25.12.2010.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended ISTE & career guidance sponsored One day workshop on Embedded C at V.R.S College of Engineering and technology, 27th September 2013. 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Design of vehicle safety systems” in One day National conference organized by st.Annes college of Engineering and Technology, panruti  held on  28th February 2019.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Design of surveillance safety system for underground coal mines based on low power WSN” in One day National conference held on organized by RK Publications, Vellore, India held on 05th November 2015. 


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Self parking and Self Retrieval Systems in Vehicle” in One day National conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering held University College of Engineering- panruti on March 2013.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Vehicle Accident Detection system using ARM7 controller” in One day National conference on  Recent Trends in EEE held at PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.04.2011.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Wipro Mission 10 X AARAMBH program held at V.R.S.College of Engineering and technology in the month of Jan 2012.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “EE6502: Microprocessor and Microcontroller”, held at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram, from 08th to 15th July 2015.


Staff Name: B.ARUNKUMAR , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Anna University sponsored FDP on “EE2401-Power system operation and control” at V.R.S College of engineering and technology, 20-26 May 2013.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj and Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled  “Design and Comparison of Performance Characteristics of Rectangular Slot and Square Slot Patch Antenna”, Participated National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj and Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled “Design Of A 60 Ghz Power Amplifier Utilizing 90nm CMOS Technology”, Participated National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj, Assistant Professor and M.Meera, M.Ilayarani, G. Karanya, student presented a paper titled  “Implementation of Image Processing Technique For Detection of Brain Tumors Using MRI”, Participated National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj and Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled  “Analog Low Noise Amplifier Circuit Design And Optimization”, Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology”, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj and Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled  “Analysis and Design of Circular patch antenna for ISM Band Applications”, Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. S. Durai Raj, Assistant Professor, presented a paper titled  “Design and simulation of Microstrip slot patch antenna using HFSS”, Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology”, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days workshop on “Electronic Circuit Design using Esim” in St Anne’s CET from 19/07/2019 to 20/07/2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days workshop on “DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Using MATLAB” in St Anne’s CET on 01/10/2018 to 02/10/2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days workshop on “MULTISIM” in St Anne’s CET from 17/08/2018 to 18/08/2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized one day workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS” in St Anne’s CET on 06/01/2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a online course on “AC DC analysis of Diode” organized by UDEMY - India private Ltd on JUNE11, 2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Online workshop on “VLSI Design using Verilog HDL” organized by Maven silicon, Bangalore on 05/02/2019.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a online course on “CIRCUIT CREATION, ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION USING MULTISIM” organized by UDEMY - India private Ltd on NOV10, 2018.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National level workshop on “Digital Image Processing Techniques using MATLAB” organized by Electronics & Communication Scientia Association in St Anne’s CET from 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one Week Faculty Development Programme on “Research issues in Antenna Design for Wireless Applications” conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MEPCO SCHLENK Engineering College(AUTONOMOUS), Sivakasi from 27/11/2017 to 01/12/2017.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Circuit Simulation/PCB Design using Target 3001” conducted by Dellsoft Technologies in St. Anne’s CET on 22/09/2017.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Indian Society for Technical Education, Life Member,2015.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one Week Faculty Development Programme on “EC8252 – Electronic Devices” conducted by University College of Engineering, Panruti held from 24th to 30th Nov 2017.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Circuit Simulation/PCB Design using Target 3001” conducted by Dellsoft Technologies in St. Anne’s CET on 22/09/2017.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Analysis and Design of Circular Patch Antenna for ISM Band Application”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Analog Low Noise Amplifier Circuit Design And Optimization” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rdMarch 2018.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. V. Venkatesan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Intelligent Drone”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rdMarch 2018.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. V. Venkatesan Assistant Professor, Mr. R. Radhakrishnan Assistant Professor, published a paper titled, “VLSI Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier for FPGA Implementation” International Journal (ADVANCES IN NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE).


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a online workshop on "VLSI Design using Verilog HDL” conducted by Mr.P.R.Sivakumar, CEO, Mavicon silicon,Bangalore at St .Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 04/02/2019.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one day workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS” in St Anne’s CET on 06/01/2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National level workshop on “Digital Image Processing Techniques using MATLAB” organized by Electronics & Communication Scientia Association in St Anne’s CET from 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a online course on “Scilab For Beginners” organized by UDEMY - India  private Ltd on 2nd Nov 2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one Week Faculty Development Programme on “EC8252 – Electronic Devices” conducted by University College of Engineering, Panruti held from 24th to 30th Nov 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Networking simulation using Qualnet Software” conducted by Dellsoft Technologies in St. Anne’s CET on 22/09/2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day seminar on “Intellectual property rights 2014(ISTE)” in V.R.S college of engineering and technology on 12/12/2014.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, has award best paper in “International Journal of contemporary engineering and technology” held on 24th & 25th, March 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted two days workshop for 3rd year ECE students on “Scilab for beginners in St Anne’s CET on 04/08/2018 & 10/08/2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted one day workshop for 2nd and 3rd year ECE students on “Microsoft Word, PowerPoint in St Anne’s CET on 24/02/2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “A Novel-Dual Broadband Modified Circular Patch Antenna for Wireless Application”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “A Assorted Novel-Discriminative Based Hashing Method”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “Hypervisor and Redemption Awareness Analysis of 5G Networks”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’19) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28rd February 2019.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “An Adaptive Routing Protocol for extension of Lifetime and Coverage Area in WSN”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “Frequency and Beam Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna Using VARACTOR Diode”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor  presented a paper titled, “Design and Implementation of Anti-Collision system to prevent Train Accident Dynamically Using Embedded System”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “FFT Approaches to Analyze the Periodic Characteristics of ECG Waveform”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor published a paper titled “Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, in “International Journal of contemporary engineering and technology” held on 24th & 25th, march 2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and conducted two days workshop for 3rd year ECE students  on “Scilab for beginners in St Anne’s CET on 04/08/2018 & 10/08/2018.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days National level workshop on “Digital Image Processing Techniques using MATLAB” organized by Electronics & Communication Scientia Association in St Anne’s CET from 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Marine Monitoring & Early Warning Detection Using Wireless Sensor Networks,” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 28th Feburary 2019.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Implementing Digital FIR Filter Using Various Windows On DSP Processor,” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Internet of Things Based Smart Car Parking System,” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “IR Based Anti Piracy screening System,” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’18) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 23rd March 2018.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one Week Faculty Development Programme on “Communication Theory” at MRK Institute of Technology.  


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended one Week Faculty Development Programme on “EC8252 – Electronic Devices” conducted by University College of Engineering, Panruti held from 24th to 30th Nov 2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on "Circuit Simulation/PCB Design using Target 3001" conducted by Dellsoft Technologies in St. Anne’s CET on 22/09/2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Obtained 100% Result in "EC6018 - Multimedia Compression and Communication" for IV year ECE 2015 Batch (April / May - 2019 Anna University Examination) in St. Anne’s CET.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Real time embedded system and LSI System Design”, organized by VI microsystems Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 6th -7th march 2009.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Real time embedded system and LSI System Design”, organized by VI microsystems Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 6th -7th march 2009.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Wireless Communication and radiating Systems”, organized by Sri Sairam Engineering College on 21st -22nd March 2011.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Writing Effective Conference Papers”, organized by IIT, Bombay on 18th -19th February 2012.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Advancements in EDP and its Applications in Electronics & VLSI design”, organized by Trident Techlabs, Chennai, on 18th December 2014.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

TNSCST sponsored state level workshop on “Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)”, organized by Jayaraj Annapackiam College for women, Periyakulam during 24th-28th August 2015. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Digital image processing” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 18th to 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Four days National Level Workshop on “LPC2148 ARM 7 Interface Programming using Embedded C” conducted by IWIZ Blue chip Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 29th July  to 01st August 2015.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Training program on “Feature extraction and Classification Techniques for Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Techniques” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai during 11-12th july 2015.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

DBT sponsored Seminar on “Diagnosis and Analysis of Biomedical Images using Open Source Tools” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 6th -7th February 2015.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

DBT sponsored Seminar on “Research Methodology”, organized by Anna University, Chennai on 23rd January 2015.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Faculty development programme on “Medal Imaging and Informatics”, organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 20th -26th April 2016.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Effective Writing of Engineering Journal Paper and Thesis”, organized by SRM University, Chennai, on 16th -17th March 2017.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Workshop on “Preparing journal manuscript using Latex software” organized by Research and development cell, St. Anne’s college of Engineering and technology on 29th July 2017. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Indian Science Congress Association, Life Member, 2017


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Indian Society for Technical Education, Life Member, 2015


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Best paper award for the paper titled “Mathematical Model in Early detection of Parkinson’s disease using GABA”, Fifth International Conference on Bio signals, Images, and Instrumentation, 2019. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Principal Coordinator, National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology,  26th February, 2016.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Principal coordinator, SCI-TEC project Expo-17 at St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Principal Coordinator, Workshop on digital Image Processing using MATLAB, 4th to 5th July 2019, St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Published a book titled "Communication Theory" for 4th semester ECE students(2013 Regulation) in Charulatha Publications.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

State level conference on “Empowerment of women”, in Dr. Dharmambal government poly technique college for women, Chennai on 3rd January 2009.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities for Minority higher educational Institutions in the present Global Scenario”, on 11th -12th February 2011.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Anita, P. Aruna Priya and R. Arokiadass, ”Modeling and Analysis on GABA Concentration Level for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease", National Conference on Research and Development in Science Engineering and Technology, 2016.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, P. Aruna Priya, “Estimation of Parkinson’s disease risk by a statistical model”, National Conference on Research and Development in Science Engineering and Technology, 2017. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, P. Aruna Priya, “Formulation of the diagnostic model for early Parkinson's disease using regression and ANN”, National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018.


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, S. Jothi, “ E-Control system based on Android Bluetooth chatting for home applications”, International conference on communication and signal processing, 2013. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita and P. Aruna Priya,” Identification of Parkinson’s disease”, 3rd Inter-Academia Asia Conference-2016. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, P. Aruna Priya, “Mathematical formulation in early detection of Parkinson’s disease using GABA”, Fifth International Conference on Biosignals, Images, and Instrumentation, 2019. 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

Submitted paper on “Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease at an early stage using volume rendering SPECT image slices”, in Arabian Journal of Science and Technology.[Under review]. (SCI-E, IF-1.092)


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Jothi, S. Anita, “ data mining classification techniques applied for Cancer disease- A case study using Xlminer”,  International journal of Research and Technology, Vol. 1(8), 2012


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, P. Aruna Priya and R. Arokiadass, ”Modeling and Analysis on GABA Concentration Level for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 24 (4): 1033-1037, 2016. (Scopus, SNIP-0.398) 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita and P. Aruna Priya,” Early Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease using Artificial Neural Network”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9 36), 2016. (Scopus, SNIP- 1.270) 


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, P. Aruna Priya, Estimation of Parkinson’s disease risk by statistical model, Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB), Vol. 8 (3), pp. 42-48, 2017. (ESCI indexed)


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita, and P. Aruna Priya, “Improved classification accuracy for diagnosing early stage of Parkinson's disease using 3D SPECT images”, Romanian journal of information science and technology, Vol. 15 (3), pp. 55-69, 2018. (SCI-E, IF-0.344)


Staff Name: S.ANITA , Professor & HoD
Event Type:

S. Anita and P. Aruna Priya, “Three Dimensional Analysis of SPECT Images for Diagnosing Early Parkinson’s Disease Using Radial Basis Function Kernel- Extreme Learning Machine”, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, Vol. 14, 2018. (SCI-E, IF-0.299)


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Obtained 100% Result in "EC6601 - VLSI Design" for III year ECE 2015 Batch (April / May - 2018 Anna University Examination) in St. Anne’s CET.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Obtained 100% Result in "RF and Microwave engineering" in St. Anne’s CET.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” in St. Anne’s CET on 6th Aug 2016 to 7th Aug 2016.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an one day hands on training cum workshop on ”Testing of Electronic Devices” by Raja Electronics Institute, Cuddalore in St. Anne’s CET on 14.02.2015.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 18th Sep 2015 to 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “LPC2148 ARM7 interface programming using embedded C” by Blue chip technologies on 29th July 2015 to 01th Aug 2015.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days Workshop on “Advancement in EDP and its application in electronics &VLSI design” organized by Trident techlabs pvt.LTD on 18th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in SCI-TEC project Expo -17 under Title “OBSTACLE sensing and voice alert system for blind” at St. Anne’s CET on 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days hands on training program on “Embedded Systems using ARM Controller” conducted by ENTHU Technologies Pvt Ltd   in St. Anne’s CET on 09/06/2016 & 10/06/2016


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Embedded system and its application using 8051” organised by Googly Power Solutions, Neyveli in St. Anne’s CET on 11/09/2014  to 12/09/2014.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Intellectual property rights 2014(ISTE)” in  V.R.S college of Engineering and Technology on 12/12/2014


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP" ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Spectrum Profitability Based Channel Allocation for Reducing System Overhead in Cognitive Radio”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

”Data Broadcast In Mobile Adhoc Networks Using Secured Key Management Algorithm”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Presented a paper titled “Fault Detection Using AES-Cipher Block Chaining Mode For Secured Wireless Communication Network"  in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) held at St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: B.MARY AMALA JENNI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mrs. B. Mary Amala Jenni, Assistant Professor presented a paper titled, “Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, in “International Journal of contemporary engineering and technology” held on 24th & 25th, march 2017.


Staff Name: S.DURAIRAJ , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Embedded and real time Systems conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ST Joseph Institute of Technology from 15/05/2017 to 22/05/2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two days Faculty Development Programme on ”TMS320C6745 Digital Signal Processor” by Pantech Solutions, Chennai in Pondicherry University from 27.04.2015 to 28.04.2015.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

One day Workshop delivered on “Fuzzy Logic Using Matlab”  in  St.Anne’s CET on 02/05/2017 .


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Two days Workshop delivered on “Digital Image pocessing”  in St.Anne's CET on 06/08/2016 & 07/08/16.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

One day Workshop delivered on “Embedded Systems”  in Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college on 13/12/2015 .


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two days Hands on training on MATLAB under title “Digital Image Processing” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 18th Sep 2015 to 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized a four days National Level Workshop on “LPC2148 ARM 7 Interface Programming using Embedded C” conducted by IWIZ Bluechip Technologies Pvt Ltd., Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 29/07/2015  to 01/08/2015.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in EDP and its Applications in Electronics & VLSI Design” organized by St. Anne’s CET & Trident Techlabs private Ltd., on 18th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two days Faculty Development programme on “Embedded System using ARM Controller” conducted by Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore in St. Anne’s CET on 09th June 2016 to 10th June 2016.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days hands on training cum workshop program on “Embedded System and its  Applications using 8051” conducted by Googly Power Solutions, Neyveli in St. Anne’s CET on 11/09/2014  to 12/09/2014.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “EC2353 - Antenna and Wave Propagation” at IFET college of Engineering, Villupram 12/12/2014 to 18/12/2014.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended  “EC2204-signals and systems"  at Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore on 12/06/2013 to 18/06/2013.



Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in International Conference on ”Communication and Control Engineeing” (ICCCE-16) at University college of Engineering, Villupuram on 29th & 30th December 2016.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“VLSI Design Of High Speed Vedic Multiplier For FPGA Implemention” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Hardware Implementation Of IRIS Recognition System Based On DSP”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

”Digital signal processing in Modern Synthetic Aprerture  Radar”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Design Of Modiied architecture of Adapive viterbi Decoder ” National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: R.RADHAKRISHNAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Mr. R. Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Mr. V. Venkatesan Assistant Professor, published a paper titled “VLSI Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier for FPGA Implementation” International Journal (ADVANCES IN NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE).


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in "SCI-TEC Project Expo -17" under Title “Water Level Indicator using LED” at St. Anne’s CET on 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days hands on Training program on “Embedded Systems using ARM Controller” conducted byENTHU Technologies Pvt Ltd   in St. Anne’s CET on 09/06/2016 & 10/06/2016.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on EC6402-COMMUNICATION THEORY conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MRK Institute of Technology from 29/11/2016 to 5/12/2016.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

VLSI Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier for FPGA Implementation”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2017.


Staff Name: V.VENKATESAN , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

”Implementation of Modified Architecture of Adaptive Viterbi Decoder ”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and delivered Lecture on "8086 simulator with Emulator" for III year ECE St. Anne’s CET college students and staffs on 08.06.2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a seminar on “Big data analytics for health care applications” organized by I.F.E.T College of Engineering and Technology & ICMR sponsored , on 23rd and 24th June 2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a seminar on “Embedded system using ARM controller” organized by St. Anne’s CET & Enthu technology Pvt.Ltd Ltd., on 9th and 10th June 2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an DBT Sponsored seminar on “Diagnostic and analysis of Bio medical Images using open source” organized by Kongu Engineering College , Erode held on 6th & 7th Feb 2015.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an ISTE Sponsored seminar on “Intellectual property rights 2014(IPR14)” organized by V.R.S College of Engineering & Technology on 12th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “LPC 2148 ARM interface programming using Embedded C” organized by Blue Chip Tech private Ltd at St. Anne’s CET & on 29th & 1st Aug 2015.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “Advancements in EDP and its Applications in Electronics & VLSI Design” organized by Trident Tech Labs Private Ltd at St. Anne’s CET &  on 18th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “Intelligent Methodologies in Electrical Engineering Applications” organized by St. Anne’s CET on 19th and  20th Sep 2014.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an IEEE Sponsored workshop on “Embedded System Applications” organized by VRS College of Engineering & Technology on 4th April 2012.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an IEEE Sponsored workshop on “Recent trends in Wireless Communication” organized by V.R.S College of Engineering & Technology on 29th April 2011.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and Delivered lecture on "Embedded Systems" for III year ECE Mahalakshmi Polytechnic college students on 22/12/2016.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person on a one day  workshop on “8051 simulator” using keil software in St. Anne’s CET on 8th July2017.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” in St. Anne’s CET on 6th Aug 2016 to 7th Aug 2016.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an one day hands on Training cum workshop on ”Testing of Electronic Devices” by Raja Electronics Institute, Cuddalore in St. Anne’s CET on 14.02.2015.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days hands on training program on “Embedded Systems using ARM Controller” conducted by ENTHU Technologies Pvt Ltd   in St. Anne’s CET on 09/06/2016 & 10/06/2016.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “LPC2148 ARM7 interface programming using embedded C” by Blue chip Technologies on 29th July 2015 to 01th Aug 2015.



Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and Delivered lecture on "Embedded Systems" for III year ECE Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college students in St. Anne’s CET on 13/12/2015.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 Attended Faculty Development Program on "Detail ideas from Wireless communication and communication network" in University College of Engineering panruti on 12th to 18th June 2012.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in "SCI-TEC Project Expo -17" under Title “PWM LED Dimmer Using NE555” at St. Anne’s CET on 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days hands on Training program on “Embedded Systems using ARM Controller” conducted by ENTHU Technologies Pvt Ltd   in St. Anne’s CET on 09/06/2016 & 10/06/2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Recent trends in wireless communication” Program in V.R.S College of Engineering College,Villupuram on 24thApril 2011.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 18th Sep 2015 to 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended Faculty Development Program on “EC 6402 COMMUNICATION THEORY” in  MRK Institute of Technology on 29th November 2016 to 11th  December 2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Recent trends in wireless communication” Program in SSN College of Engineering and Technology,Chennai on 24th &  25th June 2011.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of portable and economical real-time EEG signal acquisition system based on DSP”, 5 th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, organization of science and innovative engineering and technology in Association with Madha Engineering college  held on  24th & 25th March 2017. 


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-time EEG signal Acquisition System based on DSP” ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

”Error Recognition And Rectification by Using Bloom Filters”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Spectrum profitability based Channel Allocation for Reducing system overhead in Cognitive Radio”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

”Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.DEVIKA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Fault Detection Using AES-Cipher Block Chaining Mode For Secured Wireless Communication Network" , in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) at St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 “Error Recognition and Rectification using Bloom Filters”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Data Broadcast in Mobile AdHoc Networking using Secured Key Management Algorithm”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Adaptive hardware design for computing efficient singular value decomposition in MIMO-OFDM  system”, National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering &  Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Smart Traffic Light Control System urgent Purpose Vehicles”, National Conference on Emerging ends in Communication, Computing and Network (ETCCN’2009) in Thangavelu Engineering college held on 10.03.2012.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended two days Training Programme on “BIG DATA ANALYTICS ON HEALTH CARE APPLICATIONS” from 23.06.2017 to 24.06.2017conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication, at IFET College of EngineeringVillupuram.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“A cost function for joint blind equalization with phase recovery”, National Conference on Recent trends in Electrical ,Electronics ,Instrumentation and Communication Engineering held on 24.04.2009.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person on a one day  workshop on “8051 simulator” using keil software in St. Anne’s CET on 8th july2017.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person on a Two Days Hands-On Training programme on  “ARDUBOTICS" at St. Anne’s CET from 02.02.2017 to 04.02.2017.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) paper titled “Android application for detection of plant syndrome using image processing techniques” in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) paper titled “Automatic Clothing Pattern Recognition Based on SIFT”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: D.UMAMAHESWARI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled on.”Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, in “International Journal of contemporary engineering and technology” held on 24th & 25th, march 2017.



Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled ”Link Adaptation Scheme In MIMO-OFDM Systems Using QRM-MLD Receiver With Assess Technique”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S K.SURIYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

SK Suriya  and VG Sivakumar, published paper titled "Recognition of Plant Syndrome Using Image Processing Techniques" in "Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS)", Volume 7, Issue 3, 2016 (May - June)


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, has award best paper in “International Journal of contemporary Engineering and Technology” held on 24th & 25th March 2017. 


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

C. Adithya, R.M. Joany, Jasmin MargrateMancy J, "QRM-MLD with ASESS in MIMO-OFDM System Employing Link Adaptation", IEEE Xplore Digital Library, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015, ISBN : 978-1-4799-8080-2, pp-1459-1462, 2015.


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled “Android application for detection of plant syndrome using image processing techniques” in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled “Automatic Clothing Pattern Recognition Based On SIFT”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Coordinated Guest Lectures & seminars from SRM UNIVERSITY 


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled ”Link Adaptation Scheme In MIMO-OFDM Systems Using QRM-MLD Receiver With Assess Technique”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Coordinator for External Symposia Technovision’2010 in IFET College of Engineering


Staff Name: C.ADITHYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Jasmin MargrateMancy J, R.M. Joany, C.Adithya, “Speech feature enhancement and recognition using joint HMM and GMM model”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10(20):16166-16169 • January 2015.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two day workshop on “NS3 Simulator for Future Generation Wireless Networks” organized by Ramanujam Computing Centre, Anna University, Chennai on 25th February 2017 & 26th February 2017..


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Hands on MATLAB workshop on “Digital Image Processing” organized by St. Anne’s CET & Scientific Computing Solutions on 18th Sep & 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by Anna University, Chennai on 23rd Jan 2015.



Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “Advancements in EDP and its Applications in Electronics & VLSI Design” organized by St. Anne’s CET & Trident Techlabs private Ltd., on 18th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Implementation of Portable and Economical Real-Time EEG Signal Acquisition System Based on DSP”, has award best paper in “International Journal of Contemporary Engineering and Technology” held on 24th &  25th March 2017. 


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an IEEE Sponsored workshop on “Embedded System Applications” organized by VRS College of Engineering & Technology on 4th April 2012.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a workshop on “Research Methodology and Biostatistics” organized by Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute on 30th Sep to 4th OCT 2011.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an IEEE Sponsored workshop on “Recent trends in Wireless Communication” organized by VRS College of Engineering & Technology on 29th April 2011.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in the One-day workshop on “Laboratory Instrument Service and Handling” organized by the Department of ECE, Pondicherry Engineering CollegePondicherry .


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days hands on training program on “Embedded Systems using ARM Controller” conducted by ENTHU Technologies Pvt Ltd   in St. Anne’s CET on 09/06/2016 & 10/06/2016


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated  in  the one week TEQIP  sponsored Faculty Development Program  titled “Wireless Sensor Networks – Issues and Challenges” organized by the Department of ECE, Pondicherry Engineering CollegePondicherry .


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and Delivered lecture on Embedded Systems for III year ECE Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college students in St. Anne’s CET on 13/12/2015.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organised a one day workshop on "Matlab toolbox" in St.Annes’ College of Engineering College held on 02-05-2017 


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Faculty Development Program on Stress Management” Program in MRK Institute of Engineering and Technology on 21st Dec & 22nd Dec 2016.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

My paper titled “MIMO-OFDM Link Performance Estimation using AMC and QRM-ML Receiver” has been published in International Conference on Advance Research in Engineering and Technology.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

My paper titled “Enhanced Lattice Reduction Algorithm for Detection an Precoding Of MIMO Systems” has been published in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICEECSME)


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Faculty Quality Improvement Program” Program in Shri  Andal Alagar College of Engineering on 3rd Nov to 7th Nov2014.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Experiences in Research Work” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 29th June 2009.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled “Android application for detection of plant syndrome using image processing techniques” in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) paper titled “A SURVEY ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17)  paper titled ”Link Adaptation Scheme In MIMO-OFDM Systems Using QRM-MLD Receiver With Assess Technique”, in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: C.SUGANYA , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

My paper titled “Link Adaptation Technique for MIMO-OFDM system with Low Complexity QRM-MLD Algorithm” has been published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Technology


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Preparation of proposals for Research project” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 27th June 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Effective use of PowerPoint in classrooms” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 15th June 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Quality Circles” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 26th June 2009, 7th& 8th Dec 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Team Building” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd& 23rd June 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended “Fresh faculty Orientation” Program in IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 17th& 18th June 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Design and Analysis of AES-CBC Mode for High Security Applications”, 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICCTET’14, IEEE Conference Number – 33344, July 8, 2014, Coimbatore, India.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Spectrum profitability based Channel Allocation for Reducing system overhead in Cognitive Radio”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Error Recognition and Rectification using Bloom Filters”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Digital Signal Processing in Modern Synthetic Aperture Radar”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.



Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Adaptive hardware design for computing efficient singular value decomposition in MIMO-OFDM system”, National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

 “Optimum Channel equalization for MIMO time varying channels”, Second National Conference on Digital Convergence 2009, (SCDC 2009) in RMK Engineering College held on 5th April 2009.



Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Optimum equalization for time varying channels with non-stationary noises”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Computing and Network (ETCCN’2009) in Rajalakshmi Engineering College held on 2nd and 3rd April 2009.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Efficient Fault Detection Model Design “Hamming SEC-DAED-TAED-TETRA AED” Based AES Encryption and Decryption” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 7 (2016) pp. 4945-4950 © Research India Publications.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Adaptive Hardware Design for Computing Efficient Singular Value Decomposition in MIMO-OFDM System 2nd National conference on Research & Development in Science, Engineering and Technology,26th February 2016, St. Anne’s CET


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Design and Implementation of Enhanced Affine and Inverse Affine Transformation Based Composite S-box for AES Encryption and Decryption”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 12(1): 52-62, 2016 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © 2016 Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp. Submitted: August 21, 2015 Accepted: September 11, 2015 Published: January 05, 2016.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Design of Fast FIR Filter Using SFQ Multiplier”, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X Vol. 99 No 4 April, 2013, pp.507-630.


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Design of High Speed Hardware Efficient 4-Bit SFQ Multiplier”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 2, February 2013


Staff Name: M.VAIDEHI , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

"Enhanced Mix Column Design for AES Encryption”, Indian Journal of Science and technology, Vol 8(35), DOI: 10.17485/IJST/2015/v8i35/82302, December 2015, ISSN (Print): 0974-6846 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Obtained 100% Result in "EC6018-Multimedia Compression and Communication" for IV year ECE 2013 Batch (April / May - 2017 Anna University Examination) in St. Anne’s CET.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Life member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG). Member ID: 122380


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

"Communication Theory" for 4th semester ECE students 2013 Regulation by Charulatha Publications.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Design and Implementation of Water Environment Monitoring System Using Arm7 Microcontroller” in 2016


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Smart Home Automation Control using Raspberry pi” in 2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Mobi Robot Control Using Internet of Things(IoT)” in 2015


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“An Embedded Realtime finger Vein recognition system for ATM”  in 2014


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Weapon Authentication and Control system based on Wireless” in 2014


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person on a Two Days Hands-On Training programme on  “ARDUBOTICS" at St. Anne’s CET from 02.02.2017 to 04.02.2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Acted as resource person on a two Days Hands-On Training programme on “ARDUINO WORKSHOP FOR BEGINNERS“ at St. Anne’s CET from 01.09.2016 to 02.09.2016.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day workshop on ”Testing of Electronic Devices” by Raja Electronics Institute, Cuddalore in St. Anne’s CET on 14.02.2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two day hands on training cum workshop on “National Network Championship” by E-Cell IIT Bombay in St. Anne’s CET from 23.01.2015 to 24.01.2015


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a two days Hands on training on MATLAB under title “Digital Image Processing” organized by Scientific Computing Solutions, Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 18th Sep 2015 to 19th Sep 2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized a four days National Level Workshop on “LPC2148 ARM 7 Interface Programming using Embedded C” conducted by IWIZ Bluechip Technologies Pvt Ltd., Chennai in St. Anne’s CET on 29/07/2015  to 01/08/2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized two days hands on training cum workshop program on “Embedded System and its  Applications using 8051” conducted by Googly Power Solutions, Neyveli in St. Anne’s CET on 11/09/2014  to 12/09/2014.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in SCI-TEC project Expo-17 under Title “Scrolling Text Display on 8x8 LED Matrix using Arduino” at St. Anne’s CET on 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in SCI-TEC project Expo-17 under Title “Design and Implementation of Digital Signal System Using Raspberry Pi for Information Display” at St. Anne’s CET on 28th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and Delivered lecture on “Embedded Systems" for III year ECE students of Mahalakshmi Polytechnic College, Cuddalore students on their college campus on 08/01/2016.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Participated in Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge India Design Contest 2015 under title “A Low Cost Home Automation Assistive Technology for Locomotor Disabled People using Facial Expression and Gesture Recognition” by TI University Program, SRM University.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Organized and Delivered lecture on “Embedded Systems” for III year ECE students of Annai Velankanni Polytechnic college in our campus on 13-12-2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended an online Academic Talent Hunt “E-Fest 2011” conducted by and won A-Grade held between July 2011 to September 2011.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two days Faculty Development programme on “Embedded System using ARM Controller” conducted by Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore in St. Anne’s CET on 09th June 2016 to 10th June 2016.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a Two days Faculty Development Programme on ”TMS320C6745 Digital Signal Processor” by Pantech Solutions, Chennai in Pondicherry University from 27.04.2015 to 28.04.2015.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in EDP and its Applications in Electronics & VLSI Design” organized by St. Anne’s CET & Trident Techlabs private Ltd., on 18th Dec 2014.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Attended a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Matlab Applications in Electrical   Engineering” in Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai on 7th March 2012.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Garbage Management System for Smart City Mission Using Internet of Things”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’17) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 25th February 2017.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Internet of Things Based Smart Vehicle Management System”, National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology, (NCRDSET’16) in St. Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology, Panruti held on 26th February 2016.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Traffic Management System using Wireless Sensor Network”, in National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCAEE-2012) in Bharath University, Chennai from 28th March 2012 to 29th March 2012.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Automotive Lighting System using Microcontroller”, IEEE Sponsored National Conference on Power, Energy and Intelligent Systems (NPEIS’12) in Sudharsan Engineering College held on 28th March 2012.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

“Smart Traffic Light control system urgent purpose vehicles on WSN”, in National Conference on Emerging Trends in communication Engineering & Networks (NCONCAN-2K12) in Thangavelu Engineering College, Chennai held on 10th March 2012.


Staff Name: S.BALABASKER , Assistant Professor
Event Type:

Published a paper titled “An Innovative Approach for Traffic Management System Using Wireless Sensor Network” in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012.


S.No Description of Event
S.No Description of Event
1 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: Others

Mr.R.Santhosh Kumar, Mr.M.Manojkumar, Mr.R.Vishwa of third year ECE has underwent internship at Sintex bright autoplast Ltd., Chennai from 17th February 2022 to19th February 2022

2 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.R.Prasanna &Ms.R.Kogila of third year ECE has attended one day workshop on “Internet of Things” (IOT) on 08th April 2022 organized by Surya Group of Institutions, Vikravandi. 

3 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: Symposium

Mr.S.Srihari of II year ECE has won first place in video editing in symposium held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology

4 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: Symposium

Mr.R.Lingeshwaran of II year ECE has won Second place in Circuit Debugging in symposium held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology

5 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

R.Sineka, has presented a paper titled “Microfluidic Syringe Pump” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

6 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

P. Ravichandiran, M. Abinesh has presented a paper titled “Cascade Attentive Refinenet For Blood Vessels Segmentation Of Diabetic Retinopathy” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

7 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

G. Seetha Lakshmi,V.Ramya has presented a paper titled “Design and Analysis of Multi-Patient Monitoring System Using Cloud Computing” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

8 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

D.Delisiya, K.Kavitha has presented a paper titled “Remote Health Monitoring System For Visually Impaired” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

9 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

G.Parameswari, S.Krishna Dharshini,R.Preethi has presented a paper titled “Saline Level Monitoring System Using Lora Technology” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

10 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

R.Manju,k.vijayalakshmi has presented a paper titled “Design Of Fast Full Adder By Exploring Xor And Xnor Gates” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

11 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

S.Selva praveena, R.Sandhiya has presented a paper titled “Design of Rectangular Patch 4×4 Array for        Satellite Communication” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

12 Year: 2022 - 2023
Event Type: NationalConference

K.Kaveri, P.Sivasakthi has presented a paper titled “Design of GaAs Based Low Noise Amplifier For 5G Frond-End System” in National conference on Research and Development  in Science, Engineering &Technology  organized by St.Anne’s college and Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2022

13 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Symposium

S. Anandh  A. Punniyakodi  presented a paper titled” Design Of Low Power Hybrid Full Adder Using Xor/Xnor Circuit ”  in National Level Technical symposium organized by Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, Idhaya College of Engineering for women, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi district on 13.03.2021.

14 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Symposium

M.Nandhini and S. Abitha presented a paper titled "Reconfigurable H-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna” in National Level Technical symposium organized by Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, Idhaya College of Engineering for women, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi district on 13.03.2021.

15 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Symposium

P. Yuvarani and K. Raja  presented a paper titled "Design of 4:1 Multiplexer Based Adder Using Various Logic Techniques” in National Level Technical symposium organized by Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, Idhaya College of Engineering for women, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi district on 13.03.2021.

16 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

J. Nisha and C. Sugapriya  had actively participated and presented a paper on “Driver Drowsiness Detection And Alert System” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode

17 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

M. Malini and D. Divya  had actively participated and presented a paper on “Intravenous Flow Monitoring System Using Lora Technology” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

18 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

M.Nandhini  and S. Abitha had actively participated and presented a paper on “Reconfigurable H-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

19 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

S. Anandh  and A. Punniyakodi had actively participated and presented a paper on “Design Of Low Power Hybrid Full Adder Using Xor/Xnor Circuit” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

20 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

K. Priyadharshini and K. Nandhini had actively participated and presented a paper on “Design And Analysis Of  RF LNA With Transistor Configurations” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

21 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

M. Stephygrafi and R. Shalini had actively participated and presented a paper on “Deep CNN Based Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Disease Identification System” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

22 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

P. Yuvarani and K. Raja  had actively participated and presented a paper on “Design of 4:1 Multiplexer Based Adder Using Various Logic Techniques” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

23 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: InternationalConference

M. Selva and N. Rajadurai had actively participated and presented a paper on “Design And Implementation Of Internet Controlled Switch Box” at First International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineering and Technology on 5th March 2021 through online mode.

24 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Workshop

Students of II, III, IV Year ECE department has attended a Webinar on “How to get a Placement in Multinational Companies” organized by IIT Mumbai on 28th February 2021

25 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Others

Ms.Sineka and Ms. K.Kavitha of IV year ECE had undergone an Internship Training Programme at ISMO Bio-Photonics Private Ltd,IIT Madras, Chennai, from 6th October to 2nd November 2021

26 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: ProjectContest

Ms. S.Selvapraveena, Ms.K.Kaveri and Ms.P.Sivasakthi  of IV year ECE had attended and won 2nd prize in Project contest on the title "Speech Controlled Elevator System" on 7th December 2021

27 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: Others

Ms.G.Parameswari,Ms.G.Seethalakshmi and Ms. D.Delisiya of IV year ECE had undergone an Internship Training Programme at EATON Power Quality  Pvt. Ltd., Puducherry from 18th to 22nd October 2021
28 Year: 2021 - 2022
Event Type: ProjectContest

Ms. G.Parameswari and M.Abinesh  of IV year ECE had attended and won 1st prize in Project contest on the title "Smart Set-Top Box" on 7th December 2021

29 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: InternationalConference

S. Jasmin Diana, R. Kalaiselvi, P.Chandralekha  and  S. Elakkiya of IV year(2016-2020 Batch) presented a   paper tilled “Design & Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna using Jute material” in International conference on Computing information Electronics & Electrical Engineering  at Idhaya  Engineering College for  Women held on 21 February , 2020

30 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: InternationalConference

M. PinoDeepa, P. Delphina Mary, S. Santhiya, S. Shanthini of IV year(2016-2020 batch) presented paper titled “Smart fluid level monitoring & controlling system” in International conference on Computing information Electronics & Electrical Engineering at Idhaya Engineering College for Women held on 21 February, 2020

31 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Workshop

P. Yuvarani, M.Malani, N. Rajadurai, M.Selva of III year(2017-2021 Batch)participated a workshop titled on  “IOT & Analytics” at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore held from 14th & 15th February, 2020.

32 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Symposium

R. Kousalya ,P. Chandralekha  and  S. Elakkiya of IV year(2016 - 2020 Batch) presented a paper tilled “Smart Garadening Using LORA Technology” in National level Technical Symposium "Electrocom-20"  at MRK Institute of Technology on 07 March , 2020

33 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Symposium

M.Malani and M.StephyGrafi III year(2017-2021 Batch) presented a paper tilled “Smart Gardening Using LORA Technology” in National level Technical Symposium Electrocom’20 g  at MRK Institute of Technology on 07 March , 2020.

34 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Others

M. StephyGrafi of III year(2017-2021 Batch) won 1st prize in Connection at National level Technical Symposium "Electrocom-20"  at MRK Institute of Technology on 07 March , 2020

35 Year: 2019 - 2020
Event Type: Inplant_Training

Mr.S.Anandh, Ms.D.Divya, Ms. M.Malini Ms.Nisha J  Ms.Priyadharshini K, Mr.   A .Punniyakodi,Mr.K.Raja,Mr. N.RajaDurai,Mr.M Selva ,Ms.M Stephygrafi, Ms.Yuvarani P of Third Year ECE have undergone Inplant Training at Bharat Sachar Nigam Ltd.,(BSNL) Cuddalore, from 02.12.2019 to 04.12.2019.

36 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. Mohamed Al Jafran of IV year won 2nd prize in Paper Presentation titled on “Intelligent Automatic Irrigation System” in National Level Technical Symposium held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

37 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. S.Santhini of IV year ECE presented a Paper titled on “Intelligent Automatic Irrigation System” in National Level Technical Symposium held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

38 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. K.Subasri of IV year ECE presented a paper on “Digital Signage system using IOT” in National Level Technical Symposium held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

39 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.K. Subasri of IV year ECE participated “Technical Quiz” in National Level Technical Symposium held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

40 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Ms. S.Santhini of IV year ECE participated “Technical Quiz” in National Level Technical Symposium held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

41 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

Mr.V.Vinoth Kumar of IV year participated in Project Expo contest entitled on “Robotics” held at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 3rd February 2017.

42 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

III year ECE  students (2014 batch) participated in two days hands on training program cum workshop on “ARDU BOTICS” at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd to 25th February, 2017.

43 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: NationalConference

Ms. M. Greeta Mary, Ms. Y.Princy, Ms. A.Pushpa and Ms. C.Prabavathy presented a paper titled “Battery less Patient Temperature Monitoring System based on RF Energy Harvesting” in National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET 17) held on 25th February, 2017 at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology.

44 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: NationalConference

Ms. K.Subasri, Ms. S.Santhini and Ms. V. Heera of IV year ECE presented a paper on “Design and Implementation of Digital Signage system using IOT” National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET 17)  held on 25th February, 2017 at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology.

45 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: NationalConference

Mr.V.Vinoth Kumar and Mr. T. Arun Raja of IV year ECE presented a paper on “Cooperative Relaying Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks” National Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (NCRDSET 17)  held on 25th February, 2017 at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology.    

46 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: ProjectContest

Mr. V. Babu, Mr. A. Ajithkumar and Mr. J. Valantin Raj of IV year won 1st prize in Project Presentation titled on “Extraction of Medical History of a Person on Emergency using Aadhar Card Based IOT” in an Science Expo held on 28th February, 2017 at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology.

47 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: ProjectContest

Mr. N. Gokulakrishnan, Mr. R. Antoniraj, Mr. S. Arun, Mr. P. Vallalperumal S. Vignesh and Mr. S. Guru won 2nd prize in Project Presentation titled on “Anti-Sleep Alarm for Students” in an Science Expo held on 28th February, 2017 at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology.

48 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. Mohamed Al Jafran of IV year won 1st prize in Paper Presentation held as a part of 10th National Level Technical Symposium "SHINE-17" at Annai Terasa College of Engineering held on 4th March, 2017.

49 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: ProjectContest

Mr. R. Balaji, Mr. Syed Abuthokeer and Mr. P. Arun Kumar of III year won 2nd prize in Project Presentation titled on “Android Control Aurdubotics” in one day National Level Technical Symposium "INSTINX-17" held at Annai Terasa College of Engineering, on 11th March 2017.

50 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

R. Ranjith of IV year participated in a Workshop titled "Ethical Hacking" Program held on 16th June, 2017 conducted by Gtek Technos solution Pvt ltd.

51 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: In-Plant_Training

R. Ranjith of IV year participated in an in-plant training titled “Software Development” Program held on 12th June, 2017 conducted by Kaasiv Infotech Company.

52 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

R. Ranjith of IV year participated in a Workshop titled “World Biggest International Hands-on Security Forensics Workshop” Program held on 23rd July, 2017 conducted by Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai, and he was also awarded as World Record Holder

53 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

J. Arunadevi, V. Jayasri and M. Aarthi of IV year ECE presented a paper tilled "Multi level car parking system using IOT” at A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering & Technology held on 22nd March, 2018.

54 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Others

R. Ranjith of IV year participated in an Internship titled “Software Development” Program held from 1st January to 31st January, 2018 conducted by SIIT Technology.

55 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

M.Meera and R.Avila Vinnarasi of III year ECE presented a paper titled on “Latest Trends and Technologies in Communication” at University College of Engineering Villupuram held from 1st & 2nd March, 2018.

56 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Workshop

M. Meera and R.Avila Vinnarasi of III year ECE participated in a workshop titled on "AMI E-tap Simulation and Smart grid" at University College of Engineering Villupuram held from 1st & 2nd March, 2018.

57 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

R. Joyrafalin, N. Gokulakrishnan, G. Ramachandran and S. Vignesh of IV year ECE presented a paper tilled “Movable pick and place Robotic Arm” at A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering & Technology held on 22nd March, 2018.

58 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

P. Praveen Raj, J. Muthukumarasamy and A. Vinayagam of IV year ECE presented a paper tilled “Robust and secure video steganography using Matlab” at A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering & Technology held on 22nd March, 2018.

59 Year: 2017 - 2018
Event Type: Symposium

S. Jenprincy, R. Prema and E. Magila of IV year ECE presented a paper tilled “Design and simulation of Microstrip slot patch antenna for multiband application” at A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering & Technology held on 22nd March, 2018.

60 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. R.Vino and Ms. V.Heera of III year won 1st prize in paper presentation on “IOT based Vehicular pollution monitoring system” in 6th National Technical symposium Agnimithra at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 23rd and 24th March 2016.

61 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr. S. Anbarasan of III year presented a paper in a 6th National Technical symposium Agnimithra at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 23rd and 24th March 2016.

62 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. K. Subasri of III year presented a paper on “Estimate the EMG signal from ECG signal” in 6th National Technical symposium Agnimithra at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 23rd and 24th March 2016.

63 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.K. Subasri, Ms. V. Heera, Ms. R.Vino and Mr.S. Anbarasan of III year participated in one day workshop on “Rasberry Pi” in 6th National Technical symposium Agnimithra at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 23rd and 24th March 2016.

64 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Workshop

Ms.K.Subasri, Ms. V.Heera , Ms. R.Vino and Mr.S.Anbarasan of III year participated in one day workshop on “Recent Trends In Wireless Communication” in 6th National Technical symposium Agnimithra at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 23rd and 24th March 2016.

65 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.P.Ravi Kumar, Mr.V.Vinoth Kumar and Ms. K.Subasri of IV year participated in “Line Follower” contest for SPECTRANZ 2k16 on 17th September 2016, held at Velammal engineering College, Chennai.

66 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.V.Vinoth Kumar of IV year won 1st prize in “Line Follower” contest in Anna University of Panruti Campus.

67 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.T.Arun Raja and Mr.V. Babu of IV year participated in “Circuit Debugging” in Anna University of Ariyalur Campus.

68 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.V. Babu of IV year Participated “Technical Quiz” in Anna University of Ariyalur Campus.

69 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.T.Arun Raja of IV year won 3rd Prize “Technical Quiz” in Anna University of Ariyalur Campus.

70 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.T.Arun Raja and Mr.V. Babu of IV year presented a paper on “Next Generation Wireless Networks using Cognitive Radio” in Anna University of Ariyalur Campus.

71 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.V. Babu of IV year participated in Photography contest of National Level Technical Festival Neithal'16 held at CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 31st August 2016.

72 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Mr.T.Arun Raja of IV year won 2nd prize in Photography contest of National Level Technical Festival Neithal ’16 held at CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 31st August 2016.

73 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Mr.T.Arun Raja and Mr.V. Babu of IV year presented a paper on “Generation of Mobile Communication” in National Level Technical Festival Neithal'16 held at CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 31st August 2016.

74 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Others

Ms.K. Subasri of IV year participated “Technical Quiz” in National Level Technical Festival Neithal'16 held at CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 31st August 2016.

75 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms. K.Subasri of IV year presented a paper on “Wireless Electric Board for Arm Based Embedded Systems” in National Level Technical Festival Neithal'16 held at CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 31st August 2016.

76 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.S.Indhumathi of IV year participated in “Circuit Debugging” contest held as a part of FORZA’16 a National level technical symposium on 26th August 2016.

77 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Symposium

Ms.S.Indhumathi of IV year participated in Photography contest held as a part of FORZA'16- a National level technical symposium on 26th August 2016.

78 Year: 2016 - 2017
Event Type: Symposium

Mr. Mohamed Al Jafran of IV year ECE won 2nd prize in Paper Presentation held as a part of FORZA'16-a National level technical symposium at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology on 26th August 2016.

79 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: Symposium

S. Illakiya final year ECE presented a paper on “Google Glass Technology” in National level technical Symposium at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College on 28/02/2015 and won 2ndPrize.

80 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: International Conference

D. Santhanalakshmi, D. Sarala S. Illakiya, J. Subashini, S. Sudha and D. Arulmozhi IV year ECE has attended International Conference held at SRI College of Engineering and Technology, Vandavasi on 21/03/2015.

81 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

V. Lavanya, B. Vinothini and S. Bharathi attended a National Conference on Innovation in Green Energy Engineering-2015 and presented a paper titled “ Independent Living of Elderly Senior using Power Efficient and Interrupt Driven Algorithm” in Dr. Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering on 20th March 2015 

82 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: National Conference

S. Illakiya final year ECE student presented a paper on “Enhancement of Hidden Objects Due to Shadow of Obstacles in Urban Areas” at NCEASE'15 held at St. Anne's College of Engineering and Technology and got 2nd Prize.

83 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: PaperPresentation

Ms.S.Anitha , Ms.M.Vidhya and Ms. S. Nalina of IV year ECE won 3rd prize in paper presentation at St.Anne’s College of Engineering & Technology on 30th March 2016.

84 Year: 2015 - 2016
Event Type: ProjectContest

Ms. S. Nalina, Ms. M. Vidhya, and Ms. S. Anitha of IV year ECE participated in IFET Xecute’16 National Level Project Expo at IFET College of Engineering and Technology on 28th March 2016.

85 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Workshop

IV YEAR students A.Suganya, V.Deepika, K.Durgadevi,R.Sowmiya, D.Santhanalakshmi, E.Sivamanikandan, K.Harikrishnan, K. Harikrishnan, P. Tamilselvan & III year students S.Anitha, F.Peardaniel, R.Prabu P.T.Balamurugan had participated in the two days workshop on “Object Tracking Robot Using Image Processing” held on 6th and 7th September 2014 at Madras Institute of Technology , Anna university campus.

86 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Seminar

P.Balamurugan, D.Santhanalakshmi, S.Illakiya, B.Vinothini,S.Bharathi, J. Subashini, S. Sutha of final year ECE had participated in the programme on “Science And Technology Capacity Building For Industrial Needs” sponsored by Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology, Chennai and organized by the university college of Engineering, Panruti during 06-08-2014 to 08-08-2014.

87 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Symposium

S. Ilakkiya, K. Durgadevi, D. Santhanalakshmi of final year ECE attended a National Level Technical Symposium Flames'14 Organized by, Dr. Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering, Tholudur in association with IEI & ISTE on 15th Feb 2014.

88 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Symposium

S. Ilakkiya, D. Santhanalakshmi of final year ECE had attended Workshop and Paper presentation conducted in the 4th National Technical Symposium Agnimithra'14 by The Department of ECE, University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 27th & 28th Feb 2014.

89 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Seminar

S. Anbarasan of II Year ECE had attended “State Level Seminar” on 10th  March 2014 conducted in Theivanai Ammal College For Women, Villupuram.

90 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Symposium

S. Ilakkiya, K. Durgadevi, D. Santhanalakshmi, S. Philominal, B. Vinothini, S. Bharathi, P. Balamurugan, S. Sudha of IV year ECE had presented Papers in 2nd National Level Technical Symposium in St. Anne’s College Of Engineering & Technology, Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 15th March 2014.

91 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Workshop

K. Arun Kumar II YEAR ECE had attended One day National Level Workshop organized by Annai Teresa College Of Engineering on 5th Apr 2014.

92 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Technical Event

S.Ilakkiya IV year ECE student has participated in “Srinivasa Ramanujam Mathematics Competitions” conducted by ISTE for the year 2013-2014.

93 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Inplant Training

Mr. R. Ramkumar final year ECE Student has successfully completed the NLC Implant training on Communication from 25th Jun 2014 to 2nd Jul 2014.

94 Year: 2014 - 2015
Event Type: Symposium

S. Ilakkiya, K. Durgadevi, D. Santhanalakshmi, S. Philominal of IV YEAR ECE had attended National Level Technical Symposium Stars'14 conducted by ECE Department of Dr. Paul’s Engineering College on Technical, Aptitude & Rational Studies on 21st Feb 2014.


S.No. Batch Photo Register No Name Placed Company Name Company Type Salary(Per Annum)
1 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106003 LEELA G On-Campus Mitsuba India limited, chennai Core 207000
2 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106004 NIVETHA U On-Campus Mitsuba India limited, chennai Core 207000
3 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106005 RAJASRI S On-Campus Mitsuba India limited, chennai Core 207000
4 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106006 SHANMUGAPRIYA N On-Campus Mitsuba India limited, chennai Core 207000
5 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106007 SHEKINA JEBASTINA Y On-Campus Mitsuba India limited, chennai Core 207000
6 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106010 UMAMAGESHWARAN D On-Campus Rane Madras Private limited, pondicherry Core 144000
7 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106011 VANJINATHAN G On-Campus Rane Madras Private limited, pondicherry Core 144000
8 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106012 VASANTHAN V On-Campus Rane Madras Private limited, pondicherry Core 144000
9 User Pic 2020-2024 422120106013 VASANTHAKUMAR M On-Campus Rane Madras Private limited, pondicherry Core 144000
10 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106001 ANANDHI M On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
11 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106002 CINDRELLA PASCAL S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
12 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106003 KOGILA R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
13 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106005 MANOJ S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
14 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106006 PRADEEPA S On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
15 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106007 RANJITHKUMAR M On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
16 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106008 SANTHOSH KUMAR R On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
17 User Pic 2019-2023 422119106011 VISHVA D On-Campus Tech Mahindra Non-Core 180000
18 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106012 RAMYA V On-Campus Railto Enterprises Non-Core 175500
19 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106302 KAVITHA K On-Campus Railto Enterprises Non-Core 175500
20 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106017 SEETHALAKSHMI G On-Campus Railto Enterprises Core 175500
21 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106009 PREETHI R On-Campus Railto Enterprises Core 175500
22 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106005 MANJU R On-Campus Railto Enterprises Core 175500
23 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106007 PARAMESWARI G On-Campus Railto Enterprises Core 175500
24 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106003 KAVERI K On-Campus Amphenol Omniconnect India Private Limited Core 180000
25 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106018 SELVA PRAVEENA S On-Campus Amphenol Omniconnect India Private Limited Core 180000
26 User Pic 2018-2022 422118106021 SIVASAKTHI P On-Campus Amphenol Omniconnect India Private Limited Core 180000
27 User Pic 2017-2021 422117106003 ANANDH S On-Campus Rishvanthi Technologies Pvt.Ltd Core 150000
28 User Pic 2017-2021 422117106015 RAJADURAI N On-Campus Rishvanthi Technologies Pvt.Ltd Core 150000
29 User Pic 2017-2021 422117106018 SELVA M On-Campus Rishvanthi Technologies Pvt.Ltd Core 150000
30 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106027 PARTHIPAN R On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
31 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106025 MOHAMED SIDICK A On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
32 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106010 DHAMODARAN R On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
33 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106021 KALAISELVAN S On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
34 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106004 AJITHKUMAR A On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Core 132000 P.A
35 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106013 DILIPPANDIYAN N On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
36 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106002 ADHIKESAVAN R On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
37 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106031 RAGUPATHY R On-Campus Newtech Precision Products Private LTD, Chennai Non-Core 132000 P.A
38 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106007 BANUPRIYA E On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000
39 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106008 CHANDIRALEKHA P On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
40 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106009 DELPHINA MARY P On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
41 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106018 JASMINDIANA S On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
42 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106020 JOACHIM DANIEL S On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
43 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106023 KAVISELVI R On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
44 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106024 KOUSALYA R On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
45 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106035 SHALINI S On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
46 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106036 SHANTHINI S On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
47 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106038 VIJAYARAJ M On-Campus Globe Components Pvt Limited Non-Core 156000 P.A
48 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106030 PREETHIBA A On-Campus Mitusba Sical, Chennai Core 153600 P.A
49 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106028 PINO DEEPA M On-Campus Mitusba Sical, Chennai Core 153600 P.A
50 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106032 SANTHIYA S On-Campus Venpa Staffing Services Non-Core 120000 P.A
51 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106019 JAYALAKSHMI J On-Campus Venpa Staffing Services Non-Core 120000 P.A
52 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106014 ELAKKIYA S On-Campus Venpa Staffing Services Non-Core 120000 P.A
53 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106011 DHANAVANTHINI S On-Campus Venpa Staffing Services Non-Core 120000 P.A
54 User Pic 2016-2020 422116106037 SUMITHI MELINDA C On-Campus Venpa Staffing Services Non-Core 120000 P.A
55 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106014 VIGNESH M On-Campus Elcompo Electronics,Chennai Core 140000 P.A
56 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106003 AVILA VINNARASI R On-Campus Elcompo Electronics,Chennai Core 140000 P.A
57 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106007 KANCHANA K On-Campus Elcompo Electronics,Chennai Core 140000 P.A
58 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106006 ILAIYARANI M On-Campus Mitusba Sical, Chennai Core 140000 P.A
59 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106011 STELLA S On-Campus Mitusba Sical, Chennai Core 140000 P.A
60 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106008 MEERA M On-Campus Mitusba Sical, Chennai Core 140000 P.A
61 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106010 SELVAKANNAIYA T On-Campus Lead Pro Technologies,Chennai Non-Core 120000 P.A
62 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106002 AROKIA MICHEAL JOHN D On-Campus Lead Pro Technologies,Chennai Non-Core 120000 P.A
63 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106005 GURU S On-Campus Lead Pro Technologies,Chennai Non-Core 120000 P.A
64 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106501 KARANYA G On-Campus Lead Pro Technologies,Chennai Non-Core 120000 P.A
65 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106004 ELAVARASI T On-Campus Flextronics Technologies Pvt Ltd Non-Core 138000 P.A
66 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106012 SUGANYA E On-Campus Satvat technologies Non-Core 100000 P.A
67 User Pic 2015-2019 422115106013 VARSHA B On-Campus Satvat technologies Non-Core 100000 P.A
68 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106017 MARY D On-Campus Everup Batteries India Pvt Ltd Core 180000
69 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106021 PREMA R On-Campus Everup Batteries India Pvt Ltd Core 180000
70 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106020 PRAVEENRAJ P On-Campus Everup Batteries India Pvt Ltd Core 180000
71 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106301 ARUL KUMAR P On-Campus Everup Batteries India Pvt Ltd Core 180000
72 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106025 RAMACHANDRAN G On-Campus Everup Batteries India Pvt Ltd Core 180000
73 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106004 ARUNADEVI J On-Campus New Tech Auto Components Pvt Ltd Core 210000
74 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106010 JAYASRI V On-Campus New Tech Auto Components Pvt Ltd Core 210000
75 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106013 JULIT XAVIO X On-Campus New Tech Auto Components Pvt Ltd Core 210000
76 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106016 MAGILA E On-Campus New Tech Auto Components Pvt Ltd Core 210000
77 User Pic 2014-2018 422114106305 SYED ABUTHAKEER S On-Campus New Tech Auto Components Pvt Ltd Core 210000


STUDENT TOPPERS (2024 - 2028)

STUDENT TOPPERS (2023 - 2027)

STUDENT TOPPERS (2022 - 2026)

User Pic
Register No: 422122106017
CGPA: 8.05 (Till 3-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2022-2026

STUDENT TOPPERS (2021 - 2025)

User Pic
Register No: 422121106029
CGPA: 8.12 (Till 5-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2021-2025

User Pic
Register No: 422121106030
CGPA: 7.95 (Till 5-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2021-2025

STUDENT TOPPERS (2020 - 2024)

User Pic
Register No: 422120106005
CGPA: 8.6 (Till 5-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2020-2024

User Pic
Register No: 422120106006
CGPA: 8.1 (Till 5-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2020-2024

STUDENT TOPPERS (2019 - 2023)

User Pic
Register No: 422119106009
CGPA: 8.79 (Till 7-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2019-2023

User Pic
Register No: 422119106008
CGPA: 8.5 (Till 7-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2019-2023

User Pic
Register No: 422119106011
CGPA: 8.45 (Till 7-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2019-2023

STUDENT TOPPERS (2018 - 2022)

User Pic
Register No: 422118106020
CGPA: 8.69 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2018-2022

User Pic
Register No: 422118106302
CGPA: 8.35 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2018-2022

User Pic
Register No: 422118106012
CGPA: 8.10 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2018-2022

STUDENT TOPPERS (2017 - 2021)

User Pic
Register No: 422117106007
CGPA: 8.37 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2017-2021

User Pic
Register No: 422117106011
CGPA: 7.92 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2017-2021

User Pic
Register No: 422117106019
CGPA: 7.87 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2017-2021

STUDENT TOPPERS (2016 - 2020)

User Pic
Register No: 422116106028
CGPA: 7.04 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2016-2020

User Pic
Register No: 422116106027
CGPA: 6.88 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2016-2020

User Pic
Register No: 422116106036
CGPA: 6.76 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2016-2020

STUDENT TOPPERS (2015 - 2019)

User Pic
Register No: 422115106007
CGPA: 7.69 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2015-2019

User Pic
Register No: 422115106011
CGPA: 7.22 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2015-2019

User Pic
Register No: 422115106012
CGPA: 7.03 (Till 8-Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2015-2019

STUDENT TOPPERS (2014 - 2018)

User Pic
Register No: 422114106013
CGPA: 7.85 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2014-2018

User Pic
Register No: 422114106008
CGPA: 7.47 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2014-2018

User Pic
Register No: 422114106012
CGPA: 7.36 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2014-2018

STUDENT TOPPERS (2013 - 2017)

User Pic
Name: VINO R
Register No: 422113106029
CGPA: 7.4 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2013-2017

User Pic
Register No: 422113106009
CGPA: 7.04 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2013-2017

User Pic
Register No: 422113106010
CGPA: 6.79 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2013-2017

STUDENT TOPPERS (2012 - 2016)

User Pic
Register No: 422112106009
CGPA: 7.86 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2012-2016

User Pic
Register No: 422112106024
CGPA: 7.79 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2012-2016

User Pic
Register No: 422112106003
CGPA: 7.77 (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2012-2016

STUDENT TOPPERS (2011 - 2015)

User Pic
Register No: 422111106028
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 422111106010
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 422111106024
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2011-2015

User Pic
Register No: 422111106034
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2011-2015

STUDENT TOPPERS (2010 - 2014)

User Pic
Register No: 86010133007
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86010133032
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86010133057
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2010-2014

User Pic
Register No: 86010133042
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2010-2014

STUDENT TOPPERS (2009 - 2013)

User Pic
Register No: 86009133008
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 1
Batch: 2009-2013

User Pic
Register No: 86009133006
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 2
Batch: 2009-2013

User Pic
Register No: 86009133004
CGPA: (Till -Semester)
Rank: 3
Batch: 2009-2013

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