The Exam Cell of St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology is headed by the coordinator of Examinations along with the supporting staff. The main activity of the Exam cell is to inform the exam dates conduted in the institution. The exam cell coordinates with the Anna University regarding all matters related to the University examinations. The coordinator also coordinates along with the Principal in all the proceedings of the Exam cell. Any information either received or required to be sent to the University are being dealt with in the cell.
The major activities of Exam Cell are:
Any Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received by the College are processed in the cell, reply thereof prepared and after Principal's signature dispatched to the University.
Examination Notices received from the University are duly served to all concerned.
The Notices for University indicating details regarding Fee Collection, the last date of fee Collection, modalities of payments of fine etc.
Preparation of smooth conduct of Examinations, preparation of Time table, Invigilation duty chart, Seat allotment in the Examination halls etc.
During the Examination time, proper staff mobilization, assigning the duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
After completion of examination, distribution of Answer books to the concerned teachers and receiving the answer books and award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to University.
After the results of various examinations received from the University, distribution of marks sheets to Students.
The cell analyzes all examination results and in consultation with the Principal, prepares the report thereof for submission to appropriate authorities for follow up action.
Value-added Course on “IVA026 -FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT”
a workshop on the topic “Evolution Of Wireless Networking And Its Future Job Prospects”
Guest lecture on “CAREER SUCCESS”
Value-added course on "IVA035- Internet of Things (IoT)Application Development"
Graduation Day 2024
Orientation program on “Growth Mindset in Education”
Value-added Course on "IVA011 - Data Science with Python"
Workshop on "Robotics"
Workshop on "Digital image processing using MATLAB"
8.12 CGPA
2021-2025 Batch
8.43 CGPA
2021-2025 Batch
8.6 CGPA
2020-2024 Batch
9.31 CGPA
2020-2024 Batch
9.25 CGPA
2020-2024 Batch
8.02 CGPA
2020-2024 Batch
I have spent 1 years in this college, and with great pride, I can say that the college looks for the betterment of the student. It's all because of the hard work of the college management and the placement officer, that we are going to have a bright future.
Anisha Christy 2014-2018 Batch
The main reason for our placement is due to training program provided in our college... This training gave us a complete knowledge on how to face an interview and how to pass aptitude tests. They also gave grooming tips so that we may be well groomed on the day of the placement.
Jothi Vijila 2012-2016 Batch
The institute has lived up to its motto- "Engineered for excellence in education". The resources and amenities provided are easily on par with impeccable work ethics. The values and knowledge instilled in me by the expert faculty helped me reached the pinnacle of success.